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  1. I WON! **SETTLEMENT IN FULL** £1508! which includes charges, 8% interest and court fee. After submitting my MCOL the co-operative bank acknowledged my claim (giving them an additional 28 days to enter a defence) 1 week later I got a letter from them explaining that they have refunded me the full amount and that they are very sorry I am disapointed with there service blah, blah, blah. So I checked my account online and true to their word it was all there! Only problem is - between submitting my MCOL and getting their settlement letter they've charged my account a further 4 times! at £35 a pop, I going to call them and see if i can have those charges back too, or go through the process again for this £140. Ps. could a moderator please put this thread in the claims won folder, thanks. Thanks for your help guys, now to make a donation and update the cases won survey. Good luck to all of you!
  2. Just a quick update on my situation (seems similar to a few other people in this forum at the moment). After sending my 'LBA' to the Co-op on 13th April I didn't get a response in the 14 day time period they had. So I filed a claim with MCOL on 30th April - the claim was acknowledged by the co-op on 4th May so they have a further 28 days to put in a defence for the case, all other threads on this site lead me to believe it won't get that far and they'll hopefully settle in full before the court date of 1st June. Question for Bolton1 - you seem to have had a few telephone conversations with the co-op, do you think i should put a call in to them to find out if they will be defending the case? It might then bring my case to thier attention and be resolved sooner? or should I just leave it and prepare for court?
  3. Sallysas any update with the Barclaycard battle since 24th March? I;'d be interested to hear. I'm considering taking them on too Although I've only ever been charged £12 for exceeding my credit limit (this would probably equate to two or three hundred pounds in total though).
  4. Thanks for the advise Sallysas, it's been very helpful - I'll begin claiming back charges applied to my credit card once I've resloved the issues with my current account. My mistake with the 7 days thing - i've just sent the co-op a letter extending the time they have to respond before I take court action to 14 days form the date of my first letter (the one sent on 13/04/2007). Thanks again for your advice and good luck with your own bank battles!
  5. So it's the 13th and all I've had from the Co-op is the standard letter "we're very sorry to hear of your dissapointment of our service etc. etc. blagh, blagh blagh, we'll be in touch in the next 7 days" So today I fire the final warning shot, I'm issuing them my third and final letter - explaining that I'll be taking this to the small claims court unless they refund me in 7 days! I'm nervous already, I hope they resopnd, I would rather not have to go to court - But am 100% prepared to if it comes to it.
  6. Hi everyone, I've been a customer with the ethical Bank for 3 years now and have recently decided that the excessive charging I'd been subjected to over this time was a disgrace. Having requested a DPA back on 12/01/07 (Letter No. 1) I recieved the computer print outs as requested 40 days later - with no fee to pay. Over the 3 years I'd been charged £1,250! so now I've requested they refund this money and remove all default notices against my credit rating/score (letter No. 2) I should get a reply on 13/04/07 if they respond in the given time of 14 days. Hopefully I'll be £1200 better off in the next few weeks! Or be in the process of taking this to the car park (courts i mean). My question is has anyone requested monies to be refunded for charges on a CO-OP Travel card Visa? if I make a late payment or go over my credit limit by even £1.00 - I get charged £11 for an overlimt fee? is this considered an acceptable charge? I read somewhere online that £10 is a suitable fee for credit card companies? :?
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