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  1. Thankyou so much for your replies. Have sent letter off today recorded delivery requesting breakdown, and sent copy to council. Spoke to someone at Newlyns today, they said they've put a hold on the account for 10 days so i hope they reply quickly. Will post again when they do.
  2. Hi everyone, i am new to this. Never posted anywhere before. Been reading some posts and impreesed with site. You seem like a friendly bunch who can offer some real help. So here goes.......In a nutshell, i owed £880 council tax. Foolishly allowed situation to go as far as bailiff knocking on door (did not answer). He put through door a removal of goods notice - which stated that i owed £1,072 and he had called that day with intention to remove possessions and that he would be re-attending on 26 March and may remove goods even in my absence. I am not sure if he has ever called before when i may have genuinly been out. I called my local coucil and paid them the £880 by card (i borrowed the money off my parents). They say the remaining £192 is the bailiffs charges and Newlyns will still hound me for that. I said i dont think the charges are correct and they said i need to take that up with Newlyns. (during the conversation the man i spoke to mentioned he had records on his screen saying that bailiffs had called 13 feb. Again 26 feb and left a levy notice on our car..quoted registration number.....which was incorrect. On this date they were chasing £967. ...£87 charges. Then they called on 22 march..this is the only one i am aware of...and left the removal of goods notice aforementioned above and are now chasing £1,072 ...£105 more added charges. Phew...sorry this is hard to put into words. Hope it is making sense. 4th April i have received a letter from Newlyns informing me of a balance adjustment and that i still owe their client £192. Where to go from here? All i think of is writing to Newlyns and requesting a full breakdown of these charges. Which i have told them i am going to do...they have put a hold on the account for 10 days. But because of what the man at the council said i am obviously concerned that they are going to charge me for things that havent actually occured...ie the levy on the unknown car. I dont think i'll be able to sort all this out in 10 days. When the 10 days is up what if they come round and again and get the correct number plate of our car? I suppose what i am concerned about is what more they can do while i try and sort this out....more visits, more charges, taking stuff from my easily accessible garden....or taking my car?? I have no problem paying them what i owe as long as it is fair. I am so stressed out by this situation. I am a worrier by nature and suffer with anxiety under normal circumstances. I am keeping curtains shut, afraid to answer the door, afraid to leave the kids at home in case they call when im out (aged 13-14) and they take advantage of them... Anyway the great thing about this site is that i dont feel alone....so many people are suffering at the hands of these awful people! Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated and i thank you in advance for your support. Oh and i notice that several times i have read in other posts that there are templates available for writing letters...i could really use one of those as you can probably tell by now i am not very good at wording things well!!!
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