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Everything posted by brightestsparkler

  1. I used the address that my account is held at Good luck with your claim!
  2. Thanks dpick I have a current balance of approx £2500 on card with a limit of £2000. I am currently paying this via a debt help agency who have managed to get them to freeze interest and all that garbage. My claim would be for £1056.30. My aim would ideally be to not owe them anything. Forgive me for being dull is CCI the same as CI which I believe is 34.9% for cap! SO, should I now just send them the prelim letter? Anyone?
  3. Hi Is there anyone out there who is able to advise me on my next steps here? Would like to get the ball well and truly rolling on this one now. To date the only letter I have sent to Cap 1 is CCA request, surprise suprise they replied with the T&C's, they are now well beyond their time limit for compliance and have now commited a criminal offence (i think) Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  4. Hi Anni Seems like you having as much luck getting help in here as I was. Not much help really here Anni as I never got this far but if my memory serves me right I have read on plenty of other posts that peopel accept offers as part payment. I'll have a look through some threads to see if I can find one for you. Maybe someone will come along who is better informed than me to help you - I hope so! Good luck
  5. Well guess i'm destined to stay in this thread and sink to the bottom eventually - hey ho! If by any chance you are a mod reading this could this thread please be moved to the WON thread - Thank you!
  6. Hi I would like to meet you all however, due to my circumtances I am unable to give a definate yes (or no for that matter) until prob the day before so.... as I live nearby anyway i'll just turn up if I am able to. Is this ok?
  7. Hi annie With regards to your aunties claim - out of interest what is the start date for page 41? Did you request ALL statements or last 5 years? That may be the issue (not sure). If the ones that are missing are (for want of a better word) relevant for her claim perhaps you could phone them to ask where the 1-40 are or even why they have been omitted? With regards to your claim, unless you are in an immediate hurry why not go about collating all your material (or thinking about it) prior to compleetion of N1/MCOL maybe you will hear something during this time. If you look on my thread you'll see that I should have sent off N1/MCOL but got the jitters but then a couple of weeks later was ready to get going again and luckily for me I got the letter of offer through to door prior to completing forms - Just a thought but ultimately it's your choice. I must add I am by no means an expert on this and had very little help getting my claim sorted, and i'm sure someone will say different to what I have just said. Good luck though!
  8. Hi Is there any MODS about these pages these days??? Does anyone know? Perhaps I should give you the donation littlesally?
  9. Rory32 you have confused me here, which is not difficult to do I admit or were you replying to what glav wrote? I just want to get my money in the quickest way possible (as does everyone I know) Getting my money back would write off my debt which is the ultimte goal - debt free!!
  10. CONGRATULATIONS TWOSUE ON YOUR WIN!!! I'm really please that you got a result
  11. That's great news Twosue - Well done! Littlesally little surprise i've been overlooked yet again!!! MODS - Please move me to the WINNERS board - Tank you!
  12. It is as simple as that just follow the instructions & copy the template letter adding what you need to where. Make sure you keep a record of your timelines/timescales when next stage is due etc makes life a little easier I've done it - so can you Good luck - not that you'll need it
  13. My thoughts would be to phone them for clarification, would surely be quicker.
  14. Time was up on 19th ish of May (so just over 2 weeks I guess) and to be honest I was just didn't know what to do and was a tad scared which is the main reason I didn't complete the N1/MCOL straight away as was my original plan. I would have had the form filled in at the beginning of the week but my post for help was overlooked (just as well really). Take a look at my thread if you like, I wrote another letter after the LBA like a last chance letter that littlesally had used with sucess and passed on to me, you could always use that if you haven't already done one. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland/81053-brightestsparkler-rbos.html You can do it Anni have faith Best wishes BS
  15. Hi Annifridsl04 I was just about to complete my forms this week after putting it off for a while then hey presto as if by magic I had full settlement through the post yesterday, so, maybe it may be worth hanging on for a while, but ultimately it's up to you of course - Good luck!!
  16. OMG!!! I've WON!!!! Mods please can you move this thread to the sucess threads I've come home today and there is a letter offering me my full amount yipppeeeee obviously with the we do not agree the basis of your complaint blah blah we believe our charges are fair, reasonable and transparent? ahem! Goodwill gesture dame 'old Big thanks to littlesally who has been extremely kind as has everyone who has replied on my thread. Cheers everybody and good luck to all, donation to follow soon OMG!!! i'm still in shock he he
  17. Hi Not sure I can be much help but here goes.... I had that reply from my prelim letter, not sure which letters you've sent but the general consensus around the site is to carry on with your timescales as you laid out in pre-lim and any subsequent letters. You certaily can get the extra charges back not certain on the details of that though, hopefully someone with more experience will come along and help you Good luck Some people gett the default all done as one package but I think i've seen a few people recommend that you deal with them seperately.
  18. Hi all My nearest Magistrates court deals with the following... Criminal Youth Court Family Work Civil Can anyone confirm that claiming back falls into one of these categories or do I need to find an alternative place? If so what type of work does caliming back fall under? Want to get cracking on this but also don't want to mess up! Thanks
  19. Good luck Jazzy Don't forget to send them recorded delivery
  20. The more threads I read the more I think i'm in too deep and should just back out. I really don't know what i'm doing here!!!
  21. OK i've been to the link for N1 and the template but dont understand the following...Can I delete that in orange as i've not mentioned this in any letters and not sure i was charged interest on o/d or not (never went there)? Charges £xxx.xx Overdraft Interest £xxx.xx Interest under s.69 County Courts Act 1984 £xxx.xx (Is this the 8%?) Court Fee £xx.xx TOTAL £ xx.xx Plus interest pursuant to S.69 County Courts Act 1984 from date of issue to date of judgement/settlement at £xx.xx per day (What's this bit about, does it mean I can charge them more interest on top of the 8% i've already mentioned in all my letters?) [(enter daily rate here - (CHARGES+OD interest)x 0.00022 = pence per day)] OR at such rate and for such periods as the court deems just. I hope someone can help a legal dullard like me
  22. Hi Twosue Take a look on my thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland/81053-brightestsparkler-rbos.html Post #43 by Chloejane who kindly detailed what I need to do next, looks like we're at a similar stage although i've not done the N1 yet coz i'm too confused Good luck!
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