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Everything posted by handyteeth

  1. I am about to take the step of going to court with my (very small) claim, and I wondered if someone could confirm that I have done everything right so far and that I am doing the right thing. Action so far: First letter asking for money back: letter sent back declining. Second letter threatening court: exact same letter sent again. Third letter giving final chance: no reply after 14 days. I am now about to claim for £60 plus interest through Moneyclaim. I know its not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things but I am a student and I figure what's mine is mine, and they must be more likely to settle for a smaller amount. Should I go ahead? Another question: in my first two letters, I was claiming for £40 for two charges, but because of a strange delay on there part since then another charge has been applied to my account. I updated my third letter to take this into account, upping the claim to £60 (this letter had no response). Is it OK to claim the full £60, even though I have technically only asked for the third charge to be refunded once? Many thanks for your great help, Andy
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