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Everything posted by polly67

  1. have settled with curry's now. external hard drive and new copy of microsoft office. have not and will not buy anything else from the store though. polly67
  2. disc was full of little squares. I didn't ahve it stored anywhere cos I transferred it from my old laptop to the new one and deleted all the files. Old laptop then went back into the 'pool' /reformatted and given to someone else. New laptop sent off by Curry's to a super machine in Birmingham......couldn't get it back....... have recovered some data by copying files from colleagues but lots and lots of stuff gone. My stupid fault for not backin up at xmas and believing the guy in Curry's. Have learnt my lesson that's for sure!
  3. No. All the info that had been saved to the cd was corrupted. I have no data at all. Completely wiped out by the expert tech guy in curry's who promised me it wouldn't happen.
  4. The corrupted data on CD was recovered from the laptop once it had been rewritten.
  5. Thanks for that. The 'tech guy' assured me that he would not lose my information and said there was no need for me to buy the pen to back stuff up on. He rang us at home about an hour later to say he would need to reformat (?) it but once again reassured me that he would back up my stuff to CD. I am now in process of writing very 'cross' letter to head office!
  6. Can anybody offer any advice on how I can proceed? I'm at my wit's end.
  7. Hello, Just looking for some advice really. The laptop my husbandbought for me at xmas stopped connecting to the internet at beg of march. I tried to back up all my stuff to CD but the drive didn't work, I checked the cD in another computer ...no info on it. When I took it to Curry's one of the tech guys stopped me buying a gigabyte pen to back up my stuff saying he wouldn't need to reformat it anyway so the stuff would be ok! ( yep isn't hindsight a wonderful thing) Anyway he rang up later in the afternoon to say he would need to wipe everything off and start again but he would back up my stuff to CD. I got the laptop back the next day....still didn't connect to internet and CD drive still not working so I took it back. The next night I went to use the CD for some stuff I was doing at work and it was completely empty! 7 years of info/lesson plans/schemes of work etc gone! I was and am absolutely devastated. My hubby took the CD into Curry's to speak to tech guy, he said he would try to recover data. Phoned the next day to say he had recovered it and put it on a pen. Unfortunately when i got it home it was all gobbeldegook so off I wnet back to Curry's again!! Computer has been in Birmingham somewhere on some expensive machine but they can't recover any of my stuff. He has apologised profuesly and admitted it was his fault. He said he can't believe he has made such a school boy error. Curry's have offered me Office 2007 as I can't use my copy anymore as i'd loaded it too many times ( twice on new laptop) as compensation. In my eyes all they have done is give me back what I had already minus all my work. i am npw faced with re typing all my school stuff and doing my lesson plans again. What should I do now? What are my rights? CAn anyone help me? Thanks Polly
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