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  1. Thankyou so much Kind Regards Loulou11
  2. Hi All Hoping you can help I Need to email Gordon Brown, has anyone out there got his email address?
  3. Rimmel are owned by Coty You can contact them at coty.com Good Luck
  4. Hi I did exactly the same over the Xmas period. They cancelled the other booking at no cost. Try calling them with both reference numbers, I am sure they will be ok about it. Also call your credit card company and advise them of what has happened, just to keep them in the loop. You can look for some assistance of them should the company refuse a full refund on one of the bookings. Its not like you are cancelling both, so they will still be getting business from you anyway. Good Luck
  5. This happened to my daughter in January this year. It came to light because she was going off to train as an air hostess and the security checks were being done. Again her previous employer had actually ticked a box telling the IR she had died. It caused horrendous problems and although my daughter initially thought it was hilarious, she soon realised it was going to be a huge problem. I on the other hand didn't see the funny side at the time. It took my daughter and I weeks to get it sorted. We had to go to her employer and get them to rectify it, but that still wasn't good enough. In the end after hours of telephone calls to the IR and myself offering to take her to our GP to obtain proof she was in fact alive, it got sorted and she received a letter of apology from the employer. On a more serious note, they have managed to bring my daughter back form the 'dead' so I cannot see how they can use the computer system as an excuse. I would try further up in the IR and also phone them repeatedly every day, several times a day. I also mentioned that I would go to the press if this was not rectified immediately. Maybe thats what finally pushed them into sorting it. I know we shouldn't have to go tho those lengths to rectify things and certainly not threaten to use the press however the first few people we spoke to at the IR couldn't contain themselves from laughing, almost hysterically. Of course that may have had something to do with the way my daughter apporached it. You can imagine a 19 year old explaining she is not dead Good luck with this. I can't offer any real advice but If they can bring my daughter back then can certainly bring your wife back too.
  6. Hi Megellen I replied to you privately because you have to be careful what you write on the site because there has been cases where people have gone to court & the companies solicitors/barristers have provided transcripts from this site. As you have already paid a sum of money towards utilities i am not sure how you stand. The best bet would be to make an appointment with a specailist employment advisor / legal person at your local CAB. Don't jst go along to see anyone. They usually have at least one day a week when they close for general enquiries & bring employment specialists in. Good Luck & be careful what you post because I wouldn't imagine their are too many people in your position & with dates & everything your employer may well find out. Loulou11
  7. Hi I am not sure about the laws regarding this however when you travel again it may be worth insuring your valuable items individually each time you travel with them. Have you got home insurance? If so you might find something in that which would enable you to make a claim. I appreciate you feel that you shouldn't have to claim & that the airline should sort it but if you cannot get anything resolved with them, its another option. Good luck & I am sure someone on here will come along with the answers you are looking for.
  8. Hi Ell-enn & Advisee Just a quick update to let you know my daughter emailed a copy of the link you gave & received an email confirming that the company will pay her all her holiday due. Thanks for all your help Regards loulou11
  9. Hi Just to let you know my hubby's employer was found guilty of not producing the records to comply with the minimum wage regulations. The only thing was they did not produce anything, so all they were ordered to pay was 80 times the minimum wage. Saved themselves a fortune as no proof they had or had not paid the correct amount. No timesheets etc. Just punished for not keeping records, not actually punished for not paying the minimum wage! Good Luck
  10. Hi Ell-enn I will let you know the exact details of her holiday entitlement later today as she has been working nights & is asleep at the moment. Thankyou for your help, I will post later when I have her contract in front of me. take care Loulou11
  11. Thankyou Ellenn Her contract states holiday will only be accrued for each full calendar month worked however looking at the link this appears to be wrong. I believe the link states that you accrue holiday from the 1st day of work. Do you think its best that she copies this to her HR manager ? Thanks for your time in advance
  12. Hi All I was hoping that someone might be able to help me. I will try & explain it simply. My daughter is leaving her job next week to change careers. Having given her notice in she has been informed that she is only entitled to holiday pay outstanding that was accrued using whole calendar months. For example she began her employment with this company a while ago on the 5th of the month, so has been informed there is no entitlement for that month. She is leaving around the 7th of the month so loses that entitlement to. She has spoken to her HR manager who informs her this is how this company allocates holiday entitlement. I have searched the net & am nearly certain but not 100% sure, that this is wrong. If anyone could advise & knows of a link to a site which clarifes this I would be really grateful. My daughter could then copy & paste the info & email it to her HR manager. Thanks for any help in advance it is appreciated.
  13. Hi This is a direct contact email addy for Neil from AOL. Not sure he's still there but worth a try Uknhodgers good luck
  14. sorry that link was regarding part time, here one for full time http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/e_holidays_and_holiday_pay.pdf
  15. hi Your hubby should be paid at the same rate heres a link good luck your rights: Am I entitled to holiday pay at my part time job? - from workSMART.org.uk
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