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Everything posted by junebug

  1. I wrote her a letter saying the she can't have a lodger as she doesn't live there, and as the agreement refers to me as a tenant and not a lodger, she can pretty much leave me alone, not let herself in and not harass my guests and I'll be leaving as soon as I can. And if that's not OK with her, I'll take matters further. Considering dropping a copy of that and the agreement into the letting agents too.
  2. I haven't contacted the landlord yet as I didn't want to be kicked out. Notice says that her circumstances have changed so she's giving me 2 months notice as per the agreement. No idea about council tax bit...
  3. I guess none of this really matters now as she very kindly gave me my notice while I was away for a couple of days. Didn't contact me directly, just left a note at the bottom of the stairs. I have noticed, however, that the lodgers agreement refers to the 'tenant', but she likes to remind me that I'm 'just a lodger ' quite frequently, so I'm taking that as the 'tenant' actually being her. She seems to want it both ways depending on what kind of mood she's in. I think she will try and get out of giving me my deposit back if she can and that is rather worrying. Going to go to the CAB next week about it anyway.
  4. What is K7b? I'm going to get my agreement scanned and get in touch with shelter. She came back after being at the pub all night last night and left lights on all through the house, do you think I'm within my rights to ask for money towards the electricity? I don't get paid until tomorrow, and was already on the emergency credit and quite frankly I think that her doing that every time she stays is taking the pi**. I'd tools jet the spate Ron was made up, but she chose to use the sofa, throwing a pile of washing on the floor and using a towel as a cover and rending my living room unusable for me to have breakfast until she left!
  5. I get housing benefit and of course, because I say I have a 2 bed property, I get money knocked off. I feel so stupid. Hopefully I'll be able to get out of here very soon. I was living in a touring caravan before I got this flat. I'm half tempted to go back.
  6. As agencies very rarely allow subletting, I doubt she has permission. A number of things just don't add up now. I think she thought she was being clever.
  7. I'm registered to vote there, and they have sent me letters regarding council tax, however I don't know if she has told them directly.
  8. I'm sorry, what is an sst?!! And what would that mean for me!? I'm hoping to be able to leave within the next couple of months, but I fear that I'll have to put up with her behaviour over Christmas. I work a lot and I really don't appreciate her waking me up at 3am when she comes back drunk and contributes nothing to the electricity she uses whilst she's here (she always leaves the lights on all night), and I don't want her harassing visitors. It pretty much comes down to jealousy that I have other friends, unfortunately. I just want a peaceful life and could do without being made to feel uncomfortable in (what I thought was) my own home.
  9. She rents from a local agency. I'm pretty sure she is telling them she either lives here or she's using it for storage for the business below. I wasn't aware of this when I moved in, I was given the impression that she owned it. Basically I want to know of she has the right to say to visitors that they can't be here without her permission.
  10. "Automatic renewal on a yearly basis" I just want to be able to enjoy a place I pay a lot of money for and that was meant to be *my* place. They're was none of this mentioned when I moved in and I wouldn't have taken the place if I'd known she would be so disrespectful.
  11. The agreement refers to a 'flat share', although she does not live here. It makes no reference to a particular room, in fact I was told that it was *my* flat at the start of the tenancy. She pays nothing towards gas, electric, TV license, phone, broadmand etc, but she does pay water & council tax - this is stated in the agreement, although another thing she has aid to someone else is that she pays the majority of the bills. Gas, electric & broadband are all in my name. She also runs a business in t he primises under the flat. It has a section titled 'property permissions' whic says no smoking, pets at landlords consent and no home business. Nothing about overnight guests. It's a very basic agreement, and much simpler than anything else I have ever had.
  12. Back in August I moved into a 2 bedroom flat that was sold to me as a 2 bedroom self contained flat. The landlady is now beginning to cause me some issues. She keeps referring to me as a lodger, and the 'Lodgers Agreement'. True, I do have a lodgers agreement, but she does not live in the property. The landlady is getting shirty with me having people round, namely, I have begun dating someone, and she has an issue with him staying. She was quite vile to him the other day, and made reference to the fact that he is 'moving in'. This is not true, he occasionally stays over as we haven't known each other for very long, and he lives 2 hours away from me. She also went on to ask what I was doing for Christmas ('I assume she'll be spending Christmas with you') and told him details of my rent payments. My agreement does not saying anything about overnight guests, and this was first an issue at the end of October - the first time I had anyone other than my parents stay over (a couple of friends that had been to thee Halloween party my landlady hosted - she had known for weeks that they were staying). She will often text me to say she is staying on the sofa, as she likes to go out and get drunk in the town I am in. She has demanded to have access to the property at all times. My issue is this; I found out yesterday that it is not actually legal to have a lodger if you do not live in the property, and that would in fact, make me a tenant (thus me having more rights). I believe she is actually subletting. I'm planning on leaving as soon as I can, but in the mean time I would like to enjoy my home without fear of her pretty much harassing me. Any advice???
  13. The best part of that is the fact that I don't have to deal with b&s!!! Whoo hoo! I'll have a look for the forms tomorrow and get them ready to be sent off. Thank you for posting, extremely helpful and easy for me to get my head around I'll see what these forms are like and may have to ask advice again, but at least now I know what direction to go in. I'll make sure I keep you up to date as hopefully it will come in useful for anyone finding themselves in the same situation
  14. Ahhh I see. I don't plan on speaking to b&s on the phone at all. As I say, I have had the pleasure of dealing with them before...! So far they have been replying to emails within a few hours though.
  15. Do I write to Bristow & Sutor to ask for a new notice of enforcement or the council? I have had dealings with B&S in the past and am fully aware of how underhand they can be so would like to get them off my back as soon as I can.
  16. My mail was redirected for the first month after I moved. V5 and license updated within a month to my current address. Other occupant no relation, and not sure landlord has my current address. Havent asked for details of visit as I didn't know what the charge was for, hence my asking here for advice.
  17. Yes, both the V5 and my drivers licence were updated within a month of me moving.
  18. Phew!! I thought something crazy was going on!! Thanks for your help guys
  19. Not to where I live now, no, well, at least not that I'm aware of anyway. I haven't had any communication whatsoever before this email. They may well have been to my previos address, but I' moved from there in April, and I'd had nothing before that point.
  20. I searched one of the compare sites at the beginning of Decembe to renew, but these are right through the year. And there are 2 or 3 searches by the same company on the same day sometimes. If it's something that other searchers can't see, that's no problem, but still a bit annoying that I'm getting a dozen extra pages come off my printer because of it!!!
  21. It's a council one. As I said, I've received nothing until this email out of the blue as I moved house not long after getting the charge (I'd managed to get another parking fine, paid that one and forgot about this one in the kerfuffle of moving). I have no issue with paying the fine (apparently £112 was the opening balance), but these charges are insane. They mean absolutely nothing to me, unless they charge £310 for sending an email?! And like I said, they refuse to accept my offer of £10 per week, saying the minimum they will accept is £15 and sending me an email with 'confirmation of the arrangement', that I have clearly stated I cannot afford.
  22. Hello, I'm taking the bull by the horns and trying to sort my finances,so today I got my credit report from Noddle. It's showing multiple searches on the same day by various insurance companies. We're talking 7 searches in one day for a number of months on the trot. I only have car insurance, and that's only renewed once per year so I'm a little baffled by these searches that have appeared. Anyone know what's going on and how I can stop these searches? Many thanks!
  23. Just had a reply with 'statement'; No date for opening balance £112 07/09/15 £75 compliance stage fee 05/10/15 £235 enforcement stage fee Anyone have any idea what these are for? BS clearly have my email address, but they have waited until now to contact me...
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