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Everything posted by Tygermoth

  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Anyone please? I would like to take the matter further but not sure if i am tied down with the 6 days and that there rest is discretionary... and they have decided not to pay it. Or does the 'medical suspension' over-rides the matter. Any help would be gratefully received.
  4. well i have had a response to my very mild and non confrontational email to HR about being on SSP. They have advised 'your contract states only 6 days of full sick pay will be paid any working year' you have had your six days and we will not consider the matter any further. To note the contract then goes on to state the payment is discretionary and they can extend it at will. thoughts?
  5. becky2585 Thank you for your reply. I was worried that my strong feelings in this matter clouded the facts and that my business had all the cards and i have none. Discussing with my OH i will look to fight this, i was originally going to let it slide then thought that this needed to be fought. If i get no where heyho but at least i will feel better about it.. also apparently my name is mud anyway so i may as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb!
  6. Hi Guys, Its been a long time since I have posted here but i am hoping you would be kind enough to give me your thoughts on a matter.. Its a bit long but i wanted to get the ins and outs of the whole thing... I managed to tear my calf muscle. badly. So was signed off awaiting a surgical referral. Have worked with my current huge multinational employer for just shy of two years. Never a day sick and gained several distinctions during my performance reviews. I am a team of one, role is fully email based. After three days of sick leave, of the two weeks signed off by the Dr, they called me to advise that sick pay is discretionary and as surgery was not required (intensive physio was agreed as being the way forward) they have decided its classed a 'minor injury' and i was being moved on to SSP. I totally understand that company sick pay is discretionary so sucked it up. After the sick note ran out the GP wanted to write another two weeks but i cannot afford a month of SSP (we have just moved house and our savings took a hammering) so against advice i went back to work. My manager saw the state i was in after climbing seven floors on crutches and dealing with massive fire and security doors. you should see me try and get through the turnstiles in to the building. its hilarious. After a day of watching me struggle and my leg swell to a size that the hulk would be proud of he allowed me to work from home. This was awesome, I looked after my leg was super productive (they can see my stats) and was getting paid... win/win for everyone. He then went on leave. My managers manager realised at this point that i was working from home and demanded i come in. She doesn't like home working, at all. After two days of hell in the office i was back at the GP, she quite smugly told me she knew i would be back and stated she would write me a fit note to say i was fit for work but from home. Managers manager has refused this request as she 'doesn't want to set a precedent' I have been called by Occi health, HR, the physio team and the employee Sat team and all agree that i should be allowed to work from home. But do not have the power to override the decision. No one is covering my role while I am gone they are just sending out acknowledgements as we have a statutory 6 week response time once we have 'made contact'. so my work is backing up to insane levels. What is upsetting me is i am now careening into financial hardship and a massive stressful return to work because of one managers stance on working from home. I could be productive and get paid but no She is the big boss and unless i want to take it to the MD i have hit a brick wall. I should explain the set up of my company we are a very small company however were bought out buy a huge multinational. As we make a shed load of cash the multinational basically leaves us alone as they don't want to alter the dynamic. So its very much a small business mentality even though we have a huge companies resources and backing. its rather unique. Anyone come across something like this before? I know our MD would be horrified and i have drafted a letter to send to him but as soon as i do that i will have killed any chance of staying in this job as my Manager Manger will hold grudges. What would you do?
  7. I have only a PC in the house with no TV card, no TV what so ever. The TV man visited and advised that the licence is for 'broadcasting and/or receiving equipment' not just for Tv (radio for example) i was given a warning and then had to purchase licence. Note: As i download and watch programmes via the internet - he stated as such i needed a licence - as i was 'receiving' (If this is not the case can you let me know as it will save £10 odd pounds a month as i do not own or watch terrestrial TV and may ask for my monies back!!)
  8. to add balance...I last made a payment about 1 year ago. I was paying £15 per month at the time (because my financial situation was really quite bad i basically just rang everyone that was chasing me and set payments up) It wasn't until years later I realised that some of the items i was paying just didn't add up... that's when i started investigating. In total i have paid about 2 yrs at £15 per month (the balance in the letter is £1995). I stopped paying after Lloyds confirmed they had no agreement. Thanks for the replies everyone, much appreciated. Tyger
  9. Oppps sorry, after a hasty check on experian and my records it was a default not a CCJ - sorry for the confusion. I had put this to bed and Lloyds said they were not going to take the matter further so i am a but rusty with the details. Hope that helps... (I am really sorry was getting all worked up yesterday when i posted so was not thinking clearly... its amazing how a DCA can wind you up and stress you out and get you all turned around) In relation to the debt... i DID have a short period that i banked with Lloyds in 1999 but it was only a few months, they could not sort out my DD 's and kept messing me about. I never took out a loan with them as far as i am aware however they keep changing what the amount owing is for... one letter states overdraft and fees... another says loan.... this is why i asked for DPA because i wanted to know what the hell i was being chased for. At this point i got a letter stating 'we have no agreement, records or account details that relate to this account - but we are not obliged to keep them and we are happy you owe us so pay up...' This was the point i called them and they stated that as they had no details they would not pursue the matter - Abby (the lady in question) stated that lloyds was being utterly ridiculous chasing a debt to which they could not prove/show/provide any details for. Hope that clarifies and again....sorry
  10. Thank you for the person that PM'ed me and stated this debt should also have been statute barred. if payments were made on this account does that invalidate the statute barring? (if that is even a word lol) i was approached about two years after the loan was allegedly taken out and CCJ filed..... i was pressurised into making payment, being young and foolish I did. The CCJ that was lodged against me many years ago for this alleged loan has dropped off my credit file and i now have an excellent credit history ...... can they lodge more defaults etc??
  11. Better? (I will be sending this via email and from an little used account I usually provide when the site is likely to spam me) Dear Robinson, Way & Company Ltd, Ref *** Account *** Thank you for your recent missive and your invitation for one of your local agents to call. Please note for your records I will not be setting a repayment plan or requesting a visit, this is because: ·I do not acknowledge this debt For your records Lloyds have confirmed they have no records/agreement relating to any monies in their letter dated 25 July 2006 from Ms *** ref ***. I am also familiar with the Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidance which states that it is unfair to send demands for payment to an individual when it is uncertain that they are the debtor in question. I would also point out that the Office of Fair Trading say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable. In not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods. Furthermore ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to harassment. As such I invite you to take the matter up with them as I will not be entering in to any further correspondence with you regarding this matter. May I remind you, there is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission. Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, Police attendance. Yours sincerely
  12. When you state after a legal action threat i would have them by the gonads i will assume you mean because there is no agreement, so they cant take me to court??
  13. Well I spent years fighting with Lloyds TSB over a debt allegedly taken out in 1999. After a Data Protection Act they send me a letter stating they have no copy of the loan agreement. I call up (unrecorded call unfortunately) and they stated they would not take the matter any further.... Today a letter from RW&C demanding payment with added fees and threats of a visit. What do you lovely people think of my reply.. does it do the job? would you add or change anything? Dear Robinson, Way & Company Ltd, Ref *** Account *** Thank you for your recent missive and your invitation for one of your local agents to call. Please note for your records I will not be setting a repayment plan or requesting a visit. This is for two reasons: ·I do not acknowledge this debt ·There is no enforceable agreement relating to this debt. Please feel free to liaise with Lloyds TSB who will confirm this debt is unenforceable and that they agreed not to take the matter further. For your records Lloyds have confirmed they have no records/agreement relating to this loan in their letter dated 25th July 2006 from Ms **** ref ******. As such I invite you to take the matter up with them as I will not be entering in to any further correspondence with you regarding this matter. Yours sincerely tygermoth
  14. SSE do not actually put defaults on your credit file, they just say they MAY. Not sure about outside agents however. Have you checked experian? (its free to register)
  15. Hi im fed up, 1. Utility companies are only obligated to read your meter every two years by law. However most try to do it six monthy. 2. Most agree not to back bill beyond a year. see energywatch and they will assist. 3. It is not unusual for flats to be reading the wrong meters, and it it is not up to the supplier to explain your usage. they are responsible up to the meter only. 4. If you are in contact with the current tenants and their bills are normal then the likelihood its usage. 5. if the current tenants have big bill issues then they will need to ask for a meter load test (free) and you can ask SSE to hold your account pending the outcome. tygermoth
  16. Hello Poppy nurse, As the case is deadlocked this means EW and your supplier have not reached a resolution and have officially noted this by sending you the deadlocked letter. You need now to complain to the ombudsman directly. Tygermoth
  17. Once again thank you for your responses, to which some have helpful suggestions. !. I never implied the lads that came from McDonalds were in the right or knew more that the 'special constable' it was to illustrate the fact that the area is not locally known to be pedestrianised 2.I have never implied that the cyclists should be allowed on pavements 3. And i have put the 'special constable' in inverted commas because he did himself during the conversation, i think during the whole affair he mentioned it several times, possibly more. i cannot think of the gentlemen in question without those inverted commas popping up in my head. 4. I have not laughed the matter off, nor disregarded the severity of the issue, however i do feel the placement of the signs an local knowledge gives sway to the fact that the area in question is not pedestrianised. As advised on this forum I am in the process of researching the matter and taking advice, early indications seem to show in my favour. 5. I respect the law and in all my years have never once had to deal with a policeman, fine or caution. i would not even consider refuting the case if i felt that i deserved the FPN. I never said that they should be out catching 'real criminals'. 6. I feel that i should outline the offence mentioned was 'riding on a footpath' but in fact i was on a road. the 'special constable' advised me that the road was within an pedestrianised area. to which the sign noting this had been vandalised. (photographs of the three vandalised signs have been taken and the 'special constable' also noted that they were illegible) 7. 3 years ago i was hit by a car while cycling home from work. On busy Saturday afternoon, sunny day and wearing all my protective & reflective gear. Due to the way i impacted with both the car and the floor i broke all my front teeth, my jaw, hand , wrist and elbow. The gentleman in question stated that he 'just didn't see me', scraped me and my teeth off his car then fled the scene. as such i can understand (not necessarily agree) why some people chose to take the pavement rather than the road. I am lucky in the fact the local area is fairly rural and we have quite a few cycle paths so i do not have to make the choice! I suppose i am unhappy that the 'special constable' chose to take the matter that far, asking me to dismount and advising me that the area was not for the use of cycles would have been sufficient and dare i say expected? however the hardcore posters on this thread may feel for this transgression in law that he had every right... that may be the case but somehow i feel this was all a bit unnecessary. I will be happy to return to this thread and update you with any fine that is given or advice from my experience. Kind regards Tygermoth
  18. Once again thank you for your replies. i have considered the matter and have decided i will go to court. The justice system was created to give you the opportunity to go to court to have them arbitrate and if the 'special constable' wants to issue fines to me he best do his job fully and explain the reasoning to both me and his peers. I feel a day lost leave and the risks you have named well worth exercising my rights. Have a good weekend all. tygermoth
  19. Oh and while i was 'under caution' a total of 6, yes 6 people cycled by....... have a good day peeps!
  20. Thanks for all your replies, im glad someone got a laugh out of it!! (though now i am begining to see the funny side myself, when last night i was so upset/frustrated/angry i was in tears) As stated to the 'officer' I will be disputing the matter.However regarding this reference to a 'larger fine' why would i be liable for a larger fine when i am disputing the matter for the purposes of clarification? is it not my right to ask how am i expected to know that the cycling is prohibited in the area when there are no signs (the only sign the 'officer' could show me was vandalised so you could not see the no cycling sign, also it was two streets away!) I mean even while i was being cautioned 3 lads came out of McDonalds and were trying to explain to the 'officer' that you can cycle in this bit of town centre square!! (this just seemed to make the officer even more Sh*itty) Well, ill be writing my letter today regarding the whole matter. Thanks again, Tygermoth
  21. Hi all, While on my way home today i was stopped cautioned and given a fixed penalty notice. My offence? Cycling on the footpath. This is so obviously a masive social menace, middle age women slowly peddaling home up a huge hill in the rain on their decrepid, ancent rusty bikes at eight at night in the empty town centre square. I gently pointed out to the 'special constable' that there were no signs stating cycling is not allowed. however signage 'is the councils responsibility' apparently. At this point he seemed to get really angry that i was questioning him and got really sh*tty so decided to caution me! (please note here i was calm, polite and amenable during the whole episode, as was he, while still managing to be officious, obnoxious and utterly pedantic), did a background check and took the details of my bike and its serial number (all in the pouring rain btw) this took 45 mins When i stated i would dispute the matter, it got even worse! he then wrote tonnes of crud in his note book and asked me to sign bits relating to my statement that i would 'dispute the matter' We both during the affair were both cuttingly polite to each other but given half the opportunity .......GGGrrrrr So if this fixed fine enforceable??? It better not be because i think i would rather rip my own arm off and eat it that give the satisfaction of putting my hard earned money towards this poxy fine. (suffering with the rage) Tygermoth
  22. Oh as someone asked when the default was lodged i have had a look at the file. defaulted on 2002 updated for a period to 5/8/2007 what does the 'updated to' bit mean?
  23. That is an awesome thread.....!! (does a little dance and gets her typing hat on)
  24. Hello ! Many thanks for the replies. this forum has got so big it is getting really hard to find stuff! You are all brill. Tyger
  25. Hi guys, I have trawled the forum but could not find the answer to this one (but i bet it was here somewhere) Two years ago i challenged a debt with a DCA and demanded that they produce the signed agreement. i got a letter from the original debt company (Lloyds) stating though they believed the debt was mine they no longer had any copies of the paperwork and were not obliged to because: 1 - The loan was taken out in 1999 2 - I had made payments towards the debt (after the stat of limitations) I challenged this debt because i believed that i was being fleeced as the original debt was £500 but despite regular payments over and above this amount for a number of years it seemed to never go down! When i queried the amount owing i was adv £2900! I asked and asked how this amount was reached, but was fobbed off. i had great joy in telling the DCA they could not collect on this debt and left it at that. However i got my credit report yesterday (all green) except Lloyd's has defaulted that loan! Can they do that? can they place a default marker on a loan that i have a letter showing that they have no record of my agreement?? Thanks once again, Tygermoth
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