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  1. just to update you .. I spent part of Sunday evening filling in the N244 Application to have my stay overturned, was just about to post it on Monday morning and then the postman delivered a letter from Natwest's solicitors. Natwest have caved in and paid claim in full - fees, interest and the £120 court fees i was claiming back.. just under £1300. Im very pleased - persistance does pay off - but actually really surprised, as i thought the bank would take advantage of the stay that was put on my claim at Swindon County Court, and await some future test case. Now to move on to the other banks and credit card companies that have charged me extortionate penalty fees .. good luck everyone, and keep fighting for your money back.. Al
  2. Dear Michael, Many thanks for the advice and links to the relevant info - im going to send in an N244 form, including Part C based upon your template, and £35 fee to Swindon Court and see if i can get the stay lifted. I'll post on here the results, whether successful or not. I'll also look to put my claim experience on here soon. Thanks Al
  3. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on how to proceed with my claim against NatWest. Im claiming back around £1300 in penalty fees, and Natwest's solicitors eventually offered me £850 out of court if i accepted within 7 days. I declined their offer, stating that i required the full amount (plus interest and small claims court fee return) to settle. Ive since received a letter from Swindon county court dated 31 October 2006, advising me that my case is now stayed to 31st March 2007. Ive read Mcuth's excellent letter in respect of his Lloyds claim for getting stays overturned, and would like to follow its wording if thats ok - but does anyone have the relevant information on Natwest test cases that i could insert into it? Thanks in advance for your help. Am away for two days now so excuse any delay in replying - but im really hoping someone here can give me some advice how to proceed now. Al
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