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  1. Can anyone advise me on what i shall do inreahrds to a tumble dryer i bought from Comet. I have had the condensor tumble dryer for about 3 monthes and it recently came to my attention that it has caused bad damp and condensation on my walls behinds the cupboards in my kitchen , also the condensation has even gone into my bedroom and sons bedroom causing damp on the walls and mould. Just for the records i know for a fact the tumble dryer has caused this as i know i do not have damp problems in my flat. Anyway i calledout for a engineer to which he came round and in his defence the report he gave wasnt bad and basically admited on the report that the dryer causes bad condensation. He then said someone will ring me the next day and let me know the outcome of whaty will happen wo which no one did so i rang them to get some very confused customer service people with no idea what was going on , i then askedto speak manager who wouldnt come to phone , so some call centre girl said that a 2nd opinion is needed from a different engineer and a new appoinment was made. Anyway the following thursday knock at the door and surprise surprise it was the same engineer as last time! to which he even apoligised and said this was going to be a wasted call but he was told to come round and check some seal on the door was again was fine, he then wrote another report saying due to small flat the flat is sweating and he even put i would be willing to pay aloittle extra for an exchange as afterall that is all i want. He said he would call me next day and let me know ouitcome and guess what thats today and no one has rang. The problem is its awkward because there doesnt appear to be nothing wrong with dryer and it does work however there is no way it should this much condensation and the most important thing is i have a 5 month old son and damp and mould is very bad for young infants as it can cause respiraty illnesses so this is my main concern as well as the fact i have to remove all kitchen cupboards to clean walls and maybe replcace kitchen cupboards and damaged by damp. Im at the stage where im thinking fine if they dont want to ring me , im not gonna chase them but maybe send a letter threatening to contact trading standards and claim for any damages which i beleive are due to the dryer. I wouldnt mind but why so much fuss!! all i wanted was an exchange for a vented model. Thanks for reading! a but long winded i know.
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