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Everything posted by westable

  1. i have just wanted to bring this thread to the attention of people who are claiming now, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I won, it was a great feeling and you will all be feeling that soon aswell. I am just about to start a case with my brother in laws bank for him as i know what to do, this website and moneysavingexpert.com have been excellent. Don't give yup and DON'T back down, its your money. Good luck.
  3. i have recently won with RBS, just a little ray of hope http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs.html just waiying for mod to change my thread to West KO's RBS.
  4. :Dyep just in time, university have said i can pay next week. I'm so happy, just waiting for mod's to change the title of my thread.:D:D:D:D
  5. I have just won with RBS there is light at the end of the tunnel http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs-5.html#post214985
  6. I have just won with RBS there is light at the end of the tunnel http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs-5.html#post214985
  7. I have just won with RBS there is light at the end of the tunnel http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs-5.html#post214985
  8. I have just won with RBS, check it out on http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs-5.html#post214985
  9. I just got a phone call from my housemate, who i asked to contact me if i got any post. He said i'd had a letter from cobbetts, dreading it i asked him to open it. Inside was a cheque for my full claim amount. Thank you everyone on this forum for help with my claim. Love you all. XXXXXXXXXX
  10. will do, little later, thank you.
  11. Ok so now i'm waiting. The allocation questionnaire was supposed to be in by next Monday. Is this when the solictors have to have theirs back aswell? Does anyone know how much longer you have to wait for final settlement. Hoping it will be soon. Very draining experience. Suggestions??
  12. good luck, it's probably going to scare you the amount but it'll be nice when you eventually get it back.
  13. i received my statements within two weeks http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/12075-west-rbs.html this should give you idea.
  14. Today i have received an email from my local newspaper who appear to be interested in covering my story. At the moment i am giving them only a few details as i do not want to jeopordise my claim. My allocation questionnaire had to be in by the 4th September. Does anyone know if this is when i should hear something from Cobbetts???????
  15. yeah loads of us. wonder if we can get shares in cobblers?
  16. say something about the change in amounts due to new spreadsheet
  17. cool, thank you. Just worried they are going to say something about
  18. does anyone know if it makes a difference if you completely reject cobbetts offer? instead of as an interim payment and not full and final settlement. thanks
  19. what date did it say it had to be back? you should also try the chat room CAG have, its helpful.
  20. i'm not entirely sure. Have you received allocation questionnaire?
  21. please go to the faq's first. this will help you to start with. also look at MoneySavingExpert.com ad-free, free to use, Consumer Revenge!
  22. is it just a letter from cobblers? or is it from court. sounds rather threatening, may be worth speaking with the court.
  23. I have yet to receive anything from Cobblers. Heres hoping that they can pull their finger out. Although when i did call them they did say that they had to be in contact with their client with regards to the claim. I'm just wondering who at RBS's head office they are talking with?
  24. they were supposed to be paid by september last year. Dont think God himself could sweet talk them that much.
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