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  1. Shumba great news!! my husband has just rang me to say the Bank had sent a letter offering £900.00 instead of £1692.36, I took my courage in my hands and rang the bank manager and refused the offer, after quite a debate, he capitulated and has agreed to settle in full! I can't believe it! I will tell everyone out there to persevere , thanks for replying
  2. Northern Bank have written to me asking for a meeting with my husband and I in order to resolve the issue, I refused the meeting and told them I wanted my money back by the date I gave them on my 2nd letter, 30/04/07 , does anyone think I did anything wrong? I didn't feel up to dealing with the stress of a meeting with a senior Bank Manager, have I compromised my claim?
  3. has anyone out there taken on the Northern Bank in NI? I have just sent them my preliminary letter and i'm quite anxious
  4. thanks happyolddog, i am looking for the link button at the bottom to start a new thread (whatever that is!) I need to find out how others are getting on with Northern Bank, sorry, i know this is probably a stupid question but i have never used a chat room before!
  5. my 15 year old daughter is showing me how to chat because i dont know how to!! haha
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