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Everything posted by bubbly

  1. hi there. i have been reading all the problems you've with land of leather and was wondering if anyone can help me. i ordered a suite on boxing day and was told it would be delivered on 06/01/07 as it was there grand opening and had ordered bulk stock. i was very impressed. delivery date came and went with no suite. i phoned lol and was told i should have received it on the 6th,afterwards i found out that it wasn't coming into the country until the 6th and still had to go through customs? every time i phoned to find out when i would get my sofa, the receptionist would always said it i should already have it and then changing her story. i eventually got my suite begining of febuary, both were faulty. two seater had a foot missing and was showing metal (which we had just had a new floor laid) and the three seaters frame was bent that much it didn't even touch the floor in the middle. lol offered to repair them. i told them we had bought new and expected new, not a repaired one so they exchanged it the following week. after a few days i noticed you sunk into the corner on the two seater so i phoned them back. after i had not heard anything for approx two weeks i phoned then back. request had been cancelled? eventually someone came out on 26/03/07 and said the sofa was not faulty it was just the way the seat sat, he could put a piece of chipboard under it to lift it up. i thought he was joking, he wasn't and i declined his offer. on 28/03/07 the manager phoned me and said it was not lol policy to replace more than one and because i had declined offer of repair, they were cancelling the contract, they said if they did not pick it up within seven days they would start to charge us for usage, they picked it up the next day. it did not bother them leaving us with nothing to sit on until we could have another delivered and they said we could choose something else from their collection, ha ha ha! is there anything we can do as we feel we have been treated appallingly.
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