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  1. Evening! My warped humour in the way I phrased that. Me owe £20k? Never!!!! It IS however a question that interests me. Quite a few of the persons I serve papers on ask me this. Usually those waiting 3 months to see a CAB. Serious question, is there any difference? My apologies for my failure to post. Been away down South, (Australia), for three weeks. Rather paranoid that my 'customers' would desert me, but hey, one needs a holiday!
  2. I owe a load of money, (10 creditors/debt Collection Companies). Only £20k o/s. About time I started paying them off on a regular basis! Which of the debt Management Companies should I use? Are there any real differences between them? Are the 'free' ones any good? Thanks.
  3. "The DCA's need to learn to reply to correspondence". So do the debtors..... As for, "the fact is that the creditor has committed a criminal offence, pure & simple. Therefore they should be brought to account and no excuses or discrimination should be made" Do you approve of speed cameras? Ever read about those who do 72 on a motorway when it is empty? Unfair to get done? I trust you do not EVER defend ANYONE speeding illegally for ANY reason. "The fact is that the driver has committed a criminal offence, pure & simple. Therefore they should be brought to account and no excuses or discrimination should be made".
  4. Look at it from the TS's side. Come into work on a Monday, 6 letters about rogue builders ripping off old ladies, 3 or 4 about a dodgy restaurant giving locals serious food poisoning, a few about poor quality building work causing major problems, dozen about banks charging high interest and late fees , few more about car salesmen selling cars that break down and refuse to put right, some about fly tippers, few more about rubbish being left outside of a shop and the rats are swarming. Interesting important stuff. Then 50 letters moaning that the creditor is two weeks late sending a copy agreement. See the point? TS's might dislike creditors, but they are not stupid. they know the complaints are simply debtors trying to get creditors into trouble. Is the debtor REALLY that interested in the copy contract arriving within a month? If they were THAT interested in the contents why didn't they ask for a copy years ago? Or keep the original agreement in a safe place? Sadly the pointless complaints are simply preventing those with a genuine and serious grievance to come to the top of the pile and/or be taken seriously. Boy who cried wolf anyone?
  5. The problem for trading standards is they are inundated with debtors battering them with complaints about creditors not supplying copy contracts on time. They are, I understand fed up with it. They are not stupid, they know that most persons complaining are debtors who are simply trying to evade their debts or trying get creditors into trouble. The TS's really do not care if the agreement is sent on time or a few months late. Does it really matter? Rather ironic that the number of complaints they are now receiving has actually had the opposite effect to that intended. It has simply resulted in the TS's siding with creditors!
  6. If you owe this money nobody here will encourage you to, "get them stopped & the debt wiped off". They will encourage you to call your creditor and arrange a reasonable monthly repayment plan. There is no way to "wipe off" a debt that is legally due and payable! Debt avoidance is not encouraged!
  7. Thanks dom 2, I assure you I am chilled!! Ever tried to get process server to 'promptly'? Also, do you think turning up at Court and stating that the stat demand you received and looked at was only posted 2nd class is a good defence? You received it, it was served!
  8. Firstly my thanks to those who defended me. Interesting that certain persons want my threads deleted because they are supposedly inaccurate, (it was not, see below), but rarely whine and moan and request other inaccurate threads be deleted from those supporting/siding with a debtor. Was I inaccurate? No. Sadly too many persons think they are experts because they read a few practise notes and are skilled at cutting and pasting. The legislation says, " Where it is not possible to effect prompt personal service, service may be effected by other means such as first class post or insertion through a letter box". Does it say, "must". No it does not. Does it say, "only by". No it does not. Let us read it again, "such as". As a process server I have access to countless solicitors and their opinions. Not one I have spoken to says the basic stat demand MUST be served by 1st class post. Why? Because that is not what legislation says! I look forward to full apologies from 'Vampyra', 'Toddle' and 'ODC' . Finally, I am a process server and do undertake work for DCA's, Sols (amongst others). I am not a salaried employee of any DCA.
  9. This post is spot on. One of my employers is currently taking legal action against a debtor. He left a VERY threatening message on an answerphone. Something about coming round to 'punch the solicitors lights out' when, 'he least expected it'. They are indeed prosecuting under this act.
  10. Serving a stat d/n by 2nd class post is perfectly acceptable and fully accepted by the Courts. Only certain legal documents need to be personally delivered. (NB I am a process server). Worth mentioning that as you have received it why would the Court NOT accept it as service? You received it! Court rules also allow service of statutory demands at last known address. Something absconders often forget. Best to accept you have been served and a bankrupcy petition may follow. Call the creditor and arrange payment!
  11. "This thread is not a platform for you to spout your moral philosophy". Why not? Whats wrong with good morals? I do hope the families of certain poster's are aware of their stance on debt. "Hi Son/daughter have you got that money I loaned you in good faith when you needed it?" "I demand to see a copy of the contract" "Sorry I can't find it" "That's harrassment then, go away. Besides you have loads of money mom/Dad, just write it off".
  12. Typical debt evasion. Someone comes here to try and pay their debts and we get, "I'd be going down the CCA route and requiring these companies to prove that the debt is enforceable". Dont listen, do the moral thing. You owe it, you pay it. What an appalling attitude from the 'regulars'.
  13. Why not report this Branch of Trading Standards to themselves? Then report them to the OFT as well. Appalling behaviour. Personally I think they should visited the creditors and found the agreement themselves then had it couried to you. Lazy so 'n' so's.
  14. Have you reported this to the police? Trading Standards? etc. If true that is MAJOR fraud. If not, why not? I am most interested as I work for many creditors/DCA's indirectly.
  15. "If you feel harrassed then the offence is committed". Not true. Please read the relevant legislation and case law for an true definition.
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