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  1. Had same problem with loss of drive (external). I bought a new drive case and power supply . Plugged in drive and usb to PC working fine. no loss of data . really the same info as second post but if you do not have a spare space on your PC worth a try. Best of luck Nigel
  2. Hi Not 100% sure but most wheels use bolts not nuts . they should treat it like manifold bolts. weld a new head on the broken nut and remove or drill and use a bolt extractor . It should have been odvious within a short time two hours effort seems a lot of time .
  3. Bought a Sony laptop from local sony centre just before Christmas (£1500 wide screen with blue ray), I work abroad and use the laptop for work and leisure. 2 weeks ago the laptop decided not to work on battery only but was fine on mains power. On the 12th Feb on my return to the UK I took laptop back to supplier who tried another battery but still the same problem. ( so not the battery at fault). They suggested that they should return Laptop to Sony Service (in Ireland) and it would be away for two weeks. I explained that I was only at home on leave for a week and then returning overseas to work ( currently typing this in France ). As I need the laptop for work (I am using it on mains power ) and 2 weeks is to long to be without it what are my options? Reject the machine and ask for a replacement. Reject the machine and transfer the 2 hard drives to new machine if possible. Accept the repair option. or any others Your thoughts would be appreciated. thanks Nigel
  4. Hi Check your bill is it in metric or imperial. Check your meter does it measure in cubic metres or ft . If the meter is imperial you may be charged in metric that almost 4 times to much. just a thought. Nigel
  5. Wow what a surprise , What the judge has has said is if you want an account you have to abide by these onerous terms and we will(the bank) take every opportunity to rip you off . A charter for thieving Banks . as a taxpayer I think the government on my behalf has just lent £50,000,000,000 to these banks ( might have got my 0's mixed up but 50billion is a big number). just an added thought who pays the judge !!!!!!!!!! the taxpayer a double shafting.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Cabot have failed to send me the CCA details (no suprise). They have now passed collection to EOS solutions . need letter template to send to EOS to inform them that CABOT are in default and should not have passed my details on . thanks summitnear
  7. Its even worse if you have a lloyds loan . if DD returned they then try every week so you end up with 4 illegal charges plus the £90 per month . my advice is to cancel DD and a pay some other way .
  8. Same here £1 postal order for CCA . nothing further heard from them since mid March 2007. Chin up send letter.. best of luck
  9. Thanks can I appoint my father to deal with I am concerned that I will not be in the country if it goes all to way to court. thanks
  10. Hi just received letter this morning re my overdraft . History had quite a few excess charges over the past few years . late December had a period of 3onths with no money in Lloyds increased OD by approx £2000 to help me out!!!! . now back in employment ,they immeadiately reduce OD and have taken 2 months pay straight away in repaying OD and charges (approx£200 month) . in effect leaving me with nothing not one penny to live on. whats the best course of action . I am now ready to do battle Any advice would be helpful. would like to attach jpeg letter how is this done? thanks Summitnear
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