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  1. Hi, In June, I noticed that the sky connect package was only £5 a month as the exchange in my area was due to be unbundled. I was moving into my new property soon so I thought great I will sign up with sky. however, by the time I moved in the connect had gone back up to £17. I thought I would go with them anyway in the hope that it wouldn't be long before the sky mid package would be available. Last week I decided to have a check on the sky broadband checker and it now says that connect is available in my area for £5 again. But when I phoned customer support they said that I will have to pay £17 until my exchange is unbundled while all the new customers in my area get to pay £5 I have wrote a letter of complaint, but where do I stand on this.... Surely this is not fair.
  2. Sent a letter complaining about their extortionate ppi and that to cancel I would have to go through the whole application process again. Get a phone call today from their complaints department. They managed to go through a new application with out me giving them the details and they have honoured the APR (How good of them) In other words it was just to try and fob me off and the threat of the fso get their arses into action. God I feel good.
  3. Hi, I've noticed you have some experience with regards to northern rock and cancelling ppi. I took out a loan a couple of weeks ago for 13000 and took out their bronze cover. I foolishly ticked the box, but after realising how much it's going to cost in the long run I want to cancel it. Now I've sent a letter off (below) because both times I have phoned, they have said that I have to re-apply for the loan as it's changing the terms and conditions of the loan. this can't be right, surely? I don't want to make another footprint on my credit file and they would probably decline me anyway. Do you know what I should expect from their reply and where to go from there? Any advice appreciated. cheers ******************************************************* 26/03/2007 Account 1111111111111111111 COMPLAINT Dear Sir or Madam, I took out the above loan for £13000 on 07/03/07. When I took it out, I signed up for Payment Protection Insurance. I phoned up on 14/03/07 to ask to cancel it and was told that the only way to do this was to RE-APPLY for the loan. I am writing to complain as nowhere in your terms and conditions does it state that the PPI has to be taken out as a condition of acceptance for the loan nor for the amount of interest that is payable for the term of the loan. When I took out the loan, I said I did not need the PPI as my employer provides generous illness and redundancy benefits and that I will have sufficient Life cover in the event of my death, but the agent that I spoke to was insistent that I should still take out this expensive insurance. That is why I decided to take out the bronze cover. However, after considerable thought, I wish to use my right as stated in your terms and conditions, to cancel the PPI within the 30 days cooling off period because I have sufficient alternative insurance cover from my employer and other sources and I consider the policy to be extremely expensive and will leave me £23 worse off a month for something that I will not need. It states in the K.F.I sheet that I should be able to cancel the PPI contract at any time and if applicable receive a partial refund of the premium that I have paid. I would like to do this. I would appreciate a reply to this letter within fourteen days. If you reject this complaint, I would be grateful if you could explain whether you provide an internal appeals process. If you do not, please supply me with a final response letter, so that I can take up the matter with the Financial Ombudsman Service. Yours faithfully, ****** ********
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