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  1. Hello thanks for the replies, it doesn't seem to bother the bailiff that i am about due i have said things like 'i dont need the stress, i could go into labour any time' and he just shrugged his shoulders. I have tried to contact the council this aft but they would not deal with me as they need to speak to OH and he has been at work and unable to call but he will call first thing on monday, and hopefully we will be able get this sorted. Many thanks for the help it is much appreciated! Shell
  2. Thanks for the reply Herbie. He has been at the door again today asking what we were going to do. i told him would not sign a walking possesion, but he did offer to put it on the car! that was good of him but unfortunalty the car is also mine! I am going to get other half to contact Council to see if we can arrange to pay directly through them and offer 100.00 a month as this is the best we can do without missing payments for other things. The bailiff said the only way that Rossendales would be able to come to an arrangement is if we sign the walking agreement, i told him i wasn't going to dothat and i am going to write to the main office to see what can be done directly but he said by that time the van bailiff will be here to take goods. I'll see what the council can do and then take it from there. If the council refuse to arrange a payment plan directly with them can Rossendales demand that we set up the walking arrangement? I really want to get this sorted as i can't do with the stress with only 3 weeks left before baby. Thanks for the help and advice. Shell
  3. Hello I'm new on here and was wondering if you could offer some advice. I live with my fiance and he has just had a visit from Rossendales Bailiffs to collect goods/money for council tax debt. He has three outstanding bills all quite high 660.80, 865.65, 904.80. The bailiff has said that we can pay by installments but he would have to come in make a list of items to take before he can arrange an installment plan. Does anyone know if this is correct procedure or if there is anything else they can do. he soon backed off when i said i wanted to check that that was correct and said we can contact him tomorrow to let him know what we wanted to do. We want to clear this but we only have my other half's income coming in at the moment as i am 36 weeks pregnant and got made redundant at the end of feb so i dont have any income to help. Any advice/info would be gratefully recieved. Many Thanks Michelle
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