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  1. Look at the dictionary definition of deprived which i posted, I'm depriving them of nothing I don't think they are, but i'm more likely to trust them, if after a dew phone calls, each individual says the same.. Basically what i've recied from must here is a moral debate and i'm not interested in a moral debate on the matter The pheonix posted some food for thought, which i'm going to look into, so your comment about me not taking anything on board, must surely be yet another argumentum ad homien from you. Buy hey, what ever
  2. Well i held you in high regard, but with that post, you have tumbled from your pedestal. The average age of gamers is mid 20's
  3. Ok if that's law, then i will accept it, but like i said, it's wrong Read read all the thread, yet said i was trying to use the unsolicited goods act? Where you simply lying to try to get a rise out of me? If so, shame on you Yes, i care about "my rights", but frankly Argos' rights are "their problem", not mine
  4. de·prive (dĭ-prīv') Pronunciation Key tr.v. de·prived, de·priv·ing, de·prives To take something away from: The court ruling deprived us of any share in the inheritance. To keep from possessing or enjoying; deny: They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war. To remove from office. I have taken nothing away from Argos, i'm not keeping them from possessing anything and i certainly haven't removed them from office :o I'm not sure what you mean by "had the thing on approval", could you elaborate please. Ok but as it satnds, to me, the only one depriving anything from Argos, is Argos themselves. They sent it out free of charge and as far as i'm concerned if they contact me, they can have it back According to consumer direct, i'm not legally obliged to tell them of their mistake. Granted i'm well aware the person on the phone maybe mistaken and that's why i intend phoning a few more times, even if the next call i make says the same. The product will not be opened, until i firmly believe i'm within my rights to keep it free of charge or i'm prepared to pay Argos.
  5. Ok a couple of questions before i look into this, if you don't mind. Who will the EULA be set by, Sony, Argos or both? How is the hardware unlicensed? On a side note, I'm not depriving Argos of anything, all they have to do is ask for it back
  6. You could at least excuse yourself from not reading the whole thread before you post, if you don't I've never said i'm using unsolicited goods and services as an argument. In fact, i've never even heard of the term until today. I have stated in this thread that's not my intention and waht consumer direct said what they did, suggests they don't think it's considered unsolicited goods either As for informing Argos, according to CD, i have no legal obligation to do so, but i will phone them a few more times, to make sure And that money thing you posted makes no sense to me, if somebody gives me something in good faith, they have no rights to claim it back as far as i'm concerned. There's a couple of terms that spring to mind for people that think they do, but i won't post them here
  7. There's no fantasy about it. My reason include your's. I'm well aware that i did, at some point enter an agreement, but they agreed to cancel it. It's beyond me why you keep forgetting that point Nope they ain't right to lecture me on morals, like i said horse for courses. In terms of preference, there is NO ARGUMENT
  8. That's what i plan on doing over the next few days, i plan to make more calls to consumer direct, just in case they were mistaken. Then i'll decide
  9. Probably the most insightful post in this thread.... Touche /thumbs up
  10. Yes they did give it me! They turned up at "my" house, handed me a ps3, without taking any money or entering into a contractual agreement. "They" AGREED to CANCEL our agreement, but sent it anyway. If it's not a "gift", it's a mistake and one they would learn more from, if they lost out
  11. The bank didn't charge me since i have more than enough in my savings account to cover it I would have tried to claim the charges back from argos if i suffered any, but it would have been "my" duty to take "my" case to them, as it's "their" duty to bring "their" case to me EDIT: :DHell yeah i'm looking in ways to see if it's justifiable me keeping it and using it for free. I'm not gonna base that justification on morals though
  12. They are picking on the little guy, because they "gave it to me", with out a legal contract saying they want payment. Yes i have made many mistakes, but the ones i suffered no consequences from only taught me, "well i can get away with that". I think the best thing to happen would be for them to lose out, as that is more likely to make them put something in place, to prevent this from happening again. I'd be doing them a huge favor
  13. Fine i accept that, now i think i have enough information to weigh up the possible pros and cons. But if what you say is true, as usual it's a case of the law picking on the little guy, which is wrong The law under no circumstance, should punish me for somebody else's mistakes and if you think they should, i'm just glad you don't set the laws
  14. Because, other peoples mistakes that benefit myself, are of little consequence to me :) EDIT: And like i said, when they made a mistake that benefited "them", they never pointed it out to me, i'm only returning the favor
  15. My legal contract with argos was a you said "canceled" and therefore non existent. I've haven't once claimed it was unsolicited goods, but if the law says, if i use it and they realize their mistake, i have to pay, then i'll accept that, even though i think the law is wrong Oh and as for all you people lecturing me on morals, PLEASE DON'T. When morals are set in stone, then i'd like lecturing in them. I mean come on, i'm not asking to behead someone here, i'd just simply like to keep what i see is a gift. It's "their" mistake and i shouldn't be held accountable for "other peoples" mistakes. My guess is not many of you do gooders have never seen a pirate film
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