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  1. Originally Posted by yoda1312 Over the last couple of weeks I have been taking in as much information as possible regarding CCA requests etc as I have the letters ready for despatch to various credit card cos on Monday. A Big Thank you to all for your fantastic knowledge and support into this area. I am not legally qualified but would it be reasonable to suppose that, whether this stay has or has not a national implication, putting in requests now will only add to the woes of the lenders? The 12+2 rule will still apply one would presume? Many thanks ccmug you are one of caggers that's inspired me to proceed!
  2. Over the last couple of weeks I have been taking in as much information as possible regarding CCA requests etc as I have the letters ready for despatch to various credit card cos on Monday. A Big Thank you to all for your fantastic knowledge and support into this area. I am not legally qualified but would it be reasonable to suppose that, whether this stay has or has not a national implication, putting in requests now will only add to the woes of the lenders? The 12+2 rule will still apply one would presume? Not trying to break into this thread just mainly wanted to say thank you to all above.
  3. Hi, read through quite a lot and found them helpful but really new to this and not even sure how to start my own thread, please help
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