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  1. The money has now hit the bank, so how do i stop the money claim case..? Do i just let it sit there and do nothing, or do i have to cancel it?
  2. A nice suprise this morning!! On the doormat was a letter from our pals at the Halifax, telling me that it would be too expensive to contest my claim, so they had taken a commercial descision to pay it!. In all over £3350..inc court fees. The letter said it would be in my account within 5 working days from the date of the letter which was the 9th.. Now i have to start again for the charges before this claim, and during the last month.. Also going to do the same for my son, who has been hammered by the Abbey.. Thanks to everyone for the help, couldnt have done it without you all, and good luck with your cases!! Keith.
  3. Must have been lots of other folk in this position, where the 28 days to file a defence has expired, and I could file a default judjement claim.. What did you do, and what happened?
  4. Thats very helpful..thank you Chloe.. So you advise doing nothing just yet.. can i ask.. how long should i wait for them to possibly file a defence until i ask for judgement?
  5. If you could please let me know where the 28 days grace for a defence starts from... it would really be appreciated, and the 28 days from the day i filed the court papers online... are up today.. should i now file for a decision or wait a bit? anyone please?
  6. Hi, still nothing from the Halifax. The claim date was the 12th march, but on the court site it says 28 days from date of notification?.. does that mean 28 days from the 12th march or 28 days from the date the Halifax was notified of the claim? Time is just about up either way.. In fact I have just realised that 28 days from the 12th is today!! If there is no defence submitted now, can i now apply for a default judgement? or should i leave it for a day or two? Would really appreciate a reply on this, as i don't want to muck anything up at this late stage, and I really don't want to give the halifax any more time that i absolutely need to to post a defence!! Thank you..
  7. Hi, Nothing as yet.. no communication from them at all. Got another week or so to sort it or it will end up in court.. any word on yours yet?
  8. Hi, Sorry..no good news yet. nothing in the bank, and nothing from anyone at the Halifax either.. still they have until the 12th to submit a defence i believe.. 28 days from claim.. so we'll see eh.. Any word on yours yet?
  9. Thanks... good luck with yours as well.... I think there is a hell of a long queue.. and we are somewhere in the middle of it... Lots before us, showing us the way forward, and loads following on behind... Thats the beauty of forums like this, the combined knowledge makes us hard to beat...
  10. Thank you Sea-Sidelady.. you are a star, very helpful.. thanks Will let you know what happens now..
  11. Hi, received notification this morning that the Halifax have replied to the court ststing that they intend to dispute all the amount claimed.. and saying that they have 28 days from the date of initial case submission to put that defense in to the court. Any one know what is likely to happen now? Thanks..
  12. Hi, i used the simple one.. was ok for my needs..
  13. Just looked on the Claim Online site.. and the halifax have acknowledged the claim. What does that mean? I understand that they now have 28 days to defend it.. is that right?
  14. Thanks for that.. its appreciated.. Still a long way to go then it seems? What sort of percentage of cases actually end up being defended by the banks in court? and conversly ..what sort of % of cases do the banks pay out on before judgement can be obtained?
  15. Well thats one weeks gone and no response to my court action yet.. am i correct in thinking that if they don't reply in 14 days then I can file for judgement against them?
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