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  1. Hi, i'm looking at applying for an IVA but as i plan to include my oversrafts in the IVA am i right to assume that my banks will close my bank accounts straight away? Not sure how i'm supposed to manage without a bank aco****, how do i pay my direct debits and other bills? any advice please? I have 3 bank accounts at the mo, 2 student accounts - one with natwest £2000 overdaraft maxed) and one with barclays (£1700 overdraft maxed) and a normal barclays active additions with no overdraft. If there any way barlcays will let me keep the active addtitions open?? Also have credits cards with both that will go on iva Thanks
  2. Hi, sorry, i think you missunderstood, or maybe i didnt explain properly, was trying to get all the info out there. I dont actually have £17000 in savings, my parents have put money aside for me since i was young, its not in my name, my dad has it at present. It is supposed to be for when i meet someone to go towards a wedding and a house deposit. Parent will not let me have the money i one go as its only for house deposit or wedding and cannot tell them about the debt but as i've recently met someone there is a chance i might be able to get access to some of it over the next 12 months, maybe £5 tops Thanks
  3. Hi, i need some advice, any would be much appreciated. I owe approx £17,500 accross 4 credits cards totals are as follows Halifax £9000 Lloyds TSB £4500 Egg £3000 Virgin/MBNA £800 I'm a sinlge parent and live in rented accommodation. I started on a DMP with CCCS about 6 months ago paying £150 a month but seem to be going nowhere quickly, not that I expect to go anywhere quickly but at the moment it will take approx 18 years on the DMP as halifax, the main lender are still charging me £40 interest a month out of the £71 i pay them through the CCCS. I am now considering an IVA but am petrified about how this is going to affect me, i.e no bank account, mobile phone contract, legally binding etc etc but obviously it has the massive pro that i'll be clear in 5 years and wont have to pay back all the debt. I'm scared that it will still take years to get credit after finishing the iva as will hvae to gradually build credit score back up. I have money in savings (£17000) that is held for me by my parents which is supposed to be for a house deposit/wedding. I may be able to get my hands on a small proportion of it at some point over the next 12 months so am thiking I might hold off on the IVA, stick with the DMP and see if i can maybe clear one or two debts through offering a full and final settlement figure if i can get a few thousand out of my savings. I though maybe if i could do this with Egg and Lloyds (and try and clear the virgin credit card myself) this would leave me with just the halifax card to deal with. I dont know wheather I should judt bite the bullet and apply for the IVA or bide my time and see if i can get my hands on some of the moeny my parents are holding for me. I cannot tell my parents about the debt as they would genuinely never speak to me again and they would not let me have the money to clear debts. Does anyone know anything about full and final settlement offers? such as what % of the actual balance is a reasonable offer and acceptance rates? also will it effect my credit score (i know this is all ready awful) for as long as an IVA? any advice would be really appreciated, i've been petrified of dealing with this but have to try and face up to it. Many thanks
  4. Hi, i need some advice, any would be much appreciated. I owe approx £17,500 accross 4 credits cards totals are as follows Halifax £9000 Lloyds TSB £4500 Egg £3000 Virgin/MBNA £800 I'm a sinlge parent and live in rented accommodation. I started on a DMP with CCCS about 6 months ago paying £150 a month but seem to be going nowhere quickly, not that I expect to go anywhere quickly but at the moment it will take approx 18 years on the DMP as halifax, the main lender are still charging me £40 interest a month out of the £71 i pay them through the CCCS. I am now considering an IVA but am petrified about how this is going to affect me, i.e no bank account, mobile phone contract, legally binding etc etc but obviously it has the massive pro that i'll be clear in 5 years and wont have to pay back all the debt. I'm scared that it will still take years to get credit after finishing the iva as will hvae to gradually build credit score back up. I have money in savings (£17000) that is held for me by my parents which is supposed to be for a house deposit/wedding. I may be able to get my hands on a small proportion of it at some point over the next 12 months so am thiking I might hold off on the IVA, stick with the DMP and see if i can maybe clear one or two debts through offering a full and final settlement figure if i can get a few thousand out of my savings. I though maybe if i could do this with Egg and Lloyds (and try and clear the virgin credit card myself) this would leave me with just the halifax card to deal with. I dont know wheather I should judt bite the bullet and apply for the IVA or bide my time and see if i can get my hands on some of the moeny my parents are holding for me. I cannot tell my parents about the debt as they would genuinely never speak to me again and they would not let me have the money to clear debts. Does anyone know anything about full and final settlement offers? such as what % of the actual balance is a reasonable offer and acceptance rates? also will it effect my credit score (i know this is all ready awful) for as long as an IVA? any advice would be really appreciated, i've been petrified of dealing with this but have to try and face up to it. Many thanks
  5. Hi, I'm 27 with one child and live in rented property at the mo. I've just started a dmp with the cccsa who have been really helpful. Don't seem to be getting too much hassel from creditors at the moment so hopefully they are going to go along with it. I'm paying 147 for the next 9 and a half years (ouch), I didn't miss any payment before I started my dmp, I was just using all my money to pay the credit card bills and then running up the debt even more for shopping and bills as all my cash had Bern spend paying the bills. Realised I coudnt continue to went to ccsa for advice. I did miss one or two payments when ccsa told me to stop haying the creditors and whilst waiting for dmp to start but write to all creditors to let them know what was happening. I'm just wondering how this dmp will affect my credit score, I know this might seem a silly question to someone in so much debt but I'm really worried about not being able to get a mortgage in the future. I have money put away by my parents for a deposit (brfore anyone asks I def can't use the money to pay off any of the debts) but will the dmp stop me from getting a mortgage if I keep up to date with the monthly payments? I've received really conflicting advice on the impact a dmp has, someone told me it will stay in my file for 6 years after I clear the debt which will mean the next 15/16 years!!!! Any advice/info would be appreciated thanks
  6. Hi, after having a partial refund of £236 (full claim was £749) i wrote to barclaycard to tell them that i would not accept this as full settlement and requested that the refunded me the full amount in 7 days or i would file court proceedings. Got a letter through from barclaycard today saying they are not prepared to consider my request for any futher refund. All the charges on my barclaycard were only £12 a charge, never more than £12, i just wanted to check if i am actually entittled to reclaim this money as its not like they were charging me £30 a time like other banks? just wanted to check as i think i'm going to have to file court proceedings now
  7. ok, thanks fendy. Its just that its a student account with an overdraft of £1600. You can only have one student account, spoken to barclays who will open a student account for me with over draft but only if i close natwest and provide proof that its closed. Don't want to close the account if i can help it though as all my direct debits and tax credits etc are paid in to it? thanks
  8. hello all, quick update, sent off letter to barclaycard on 2nd april and got refund of £234 two days later, however i'm trying to reclaim £745 (including 8% interest). After reading another thread i'm a bit concerned, should I have claimed more interest as this is a credit card not a bank account? Anyway i have written back to barclaycard and told them that I want the rest within 7 days, then i read on money saving expert that becuase the charges on a credit card are only £12 i should probably settle for what they have offered me???????? i am now a little confused, any advice welcome x
  9. hello all, thought i'd give a quick update, case transfered to my local court, called them up to ask a few questions and was told it would take a few weeks to decide if case was going to be small claims. Have not recieved AQ as yet?? sent template letters off to cobetts and local county court judge as advised by the lovely Mr Browne. Now i'm just waiting but not too sure what i'm waiting for?? Does anyone know if natwest usually close accounts once they've settled? could really do without them closing my account
  10. Hi fendy, i was just wondering what was happening with you're claim at the mo as you sent off your first letter a day after mine? i got their defence through so sent template letters off and waiting to hear reply now, havn't had AQ or anything from courts yet though, though case has just been transfered to my local county court x
  11. hi, can someone please help me. Michael Brown has advosed me to send a letter (see 2 posts above) to the court. Do i send it to the court i have been allocated or to mcol? sorry if thats a stupid questions Thanks
  12. ok thanks, i filed through moneycalim online so will just have to wait and see what happens next i guess? x
  13. yeah ,definately! i'm claiming my natwest one, then this barclaycard one, then £120 from GE money for an old store card, and then i need to request copy statements from my lloyds credit card. That'll be the last one, need to get going with that one now really, seems the banks are being flooded with claims at the mo!! Well, glood luck, keep me updated if you hear anything x
  14. i've received natwests defence and requrest for CRP18 today so will be sending copy statements and another schedule of the charges and a letter to court telling of the unnecessary request for CPR 18 due to fact thats this is a small claim. I was wondering if anybody knows what happens after that? I've seen alot about AQ's, will i receive one now a defence had been submitted? If not what comes next? Thanks
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