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Everything posted by yaffsimone1

  1. It was more than 2.00 but i got a letter not long after the meter was fitted and was advised the rate would be 2.00 per week, i wasn't going to argue. I could have left the old meter in place but that meant paying by the outstanding debt off by direct debit, something i refused to do. I had been happily paying the debt off every month via a payment card and never missed a payment, but then it seems Powergen got fed up and said it's either a payment meter or court. I think the whole thing stinks, charging poorer households via increased tariffs and standing charges is not helping the situation.
  2. I have this meter as a way of controlling my bills but it has become more of a burden It is also a known fact that prepayment meters have a higher tariff than people that pay quartlery, so add this to the weekely standing charge that makes rather a large sum on money. Ok so maybe the standing charge is accepted given your points that customers should pay for the extra services it take to have one of these meters. So what is the explanation for the increased tariff charges?? Surely not a penalty for being poor!!!
  3. This is what Exquifax have logged on my credit report:- T-Mobile Communications Current £137 Delinquent £102 Start 7/6/2002 Delinquent 06/2007 What does delinquent mean? Is the start date the start of the account opening or the start of this 'alleged debt'? I do know my contract with T-Mobile started way before 2002, but it ended only about 3 years ago with the account being cleared. I dont know what the 2002 date relates to. Well the whole 137 pounds to be precise!
  4. Have you asked them what the 7.00 is for, a final bill means exactly that its final no more money to pay.
  5. Last November i had a key meter installed for my electric. I had an unpaid bill of about 200 pounds and unless i wanted to go to court the only other option was getting a key meter to pay it off. This was fine with me becuase i admitedly am nightmare for putting money aside for quarterly bills etc. However what i didnt know is Powergen charge me 130.00 per year for this meter. I only found because i was checking the charges on the meter. You put in the key in press a few buttons and it tells you how much the meter has been set to to pay off the outstanding debt. and how much is outstanding. Mine was set to 2.00 per week. Yet on checking my charge was 4.50 per week on phoning Powergen i was advised the extra 2.50 was the charge for having the meter. It is just me that thinks this stinks. I dont earn alot of money and neither do many others, thats why we have key meters so why on earth are the suppliers charging us, surely they should be helping us not ripping us off!
  6. This is interesting i have had exactly the same thing happen to me (i have just started a thread) Freddie contacted me on the 15th July saying i owe T-Mobile circa 137 quid. I have not had a T-Mobile contract for about 3 years i cancelled the contract and it was within the T&C's. I have asked Freddie to prove i owe it.
  7. I wondered if you guys/girls could help me with this. I have received a letter from Fredrickson International saying i owe T-Mobile 137.53 and that after repeated requests??? i have failed to pay the amount owed. This is the first time i have heard from FI I used to have a contract with T-Mobile but after having the services of T-Mobile for nearly 10 years i decided to give the phone and contract up once my 12 months was over (this was renewed everytime i upgraded my phone). That was about 3 years ago never heard a peep from them since. Now apparently i owe 137.53. What can i do here, i dont owe this money and surely they cant after 3 years just turn round and say i owe them 137 quid. They didnt say anything at the time and my account was settled and closed I want them to prove it, how do i go about this because i was under the impression you cannot CCA a mobile company?
  8. Littlewoods are a nightmare for everyone. It is a good idea to write that letter and say in the spirit of resolving this dispute amicably providing they never bother you again and remove ALL data from your credit file (hopefully you will get lucky but a satisfied is better than nothing) you are prepared to hold the claim. You want to leave it open though so you can resume the claim if need be. Not pursuing the claim is subject to them playing ball.
  9. I had EXACTLY the same letter from Littlewoods, i thought great they are going to leave me alone...in my case i was wrong, hopefully this wont happen to you. After the letter advising they would no longer pursue me they passed the 'debt' onto 6 DCA's and sold the debt twice and on two different dates! i was getting really peed with this so i phoned (something i NEVER do) the writer of the letter a Ms Pat Madine and advised her that should she not sort this mess out and instruct all DCA's to cease pestering me and advise on why they sold the 'debt' twice after confirming they wouldnt pursue it blah blah, then i would be looking to press charges not only against Littlewoods but against her, as she initiated all of this, for Harrassment. I gave her 7 days 7 days has passed, i had heard nothing from Littlewoods but lots from the DCA's. On the 8th day Ms Madine simply wrote to me saying 'sorry you have had need to complain letter'. I phoned Littlewoods again and was advised Ms Madine was on two weeks annual leave, i explained to her collegue the seriousness of this and that the police would now be involved, i was prepared to carry out my threat. ( i cant believe Ms Madine thought i was bluffing!) I even offered to play back the last telephone recording i had with littlewoods, they said that would not be nessecary. The DCA's were told not to pursue and it would be dealt with on Ms Madines return..not good enough i told LW and fortunately my neighbour is a copper, who had a quiet word with them (this was not my plan but it was good enough for that telephone conversation, i was genuinely going to report her) I was not pesterted any longer and finally recevied a letter to say they are definately not going to pursue the 'debt' plus they have marked the my credit file as satisfied. I was going to try and go for a complete clean but they have exhausted me. Should they rear thier ugley heads again, i will not contact them i WILL go straight to the police, they have had thier chance!
  10. It is good news but knowing what lies Littlewoods tell i wont quite believe it till i see it. Will be checking my credit file next month. It is ionly Satisfied though they wont remove the data completely, but its better than nothing.
  11. I didn't get the chance to send the above letter off to Littlewoods as they got in there first. They have apologised profusley (again!) but this time added an extra bonus....they have marked by account with CRA's as satisfied. I am happy with that, they can keep the interest!
  12. Apparently he has alreday used the calculator and that is where he got his figure to pay her from. The guy is being a Piers Morgan. He phones everynight at exactly 6.50pm (as the child is bathed just before 7) to say goodnight and if the son is not ready to go to bed he goes bonkers! He is definately playing power games, sister is seeing a solicitor it's just nice to hear other peoples experiences or views. Sister also has the problem of the dog, the neighbour does not want it, Ex does not want it. Mum and dads house is too small, its a 2 bed bungalow with 2 dogs already. Anyone want a 11 month black Lab???
  13. The Ex owns the family home and he has no intention of selling it. He advised her that as she has had free use of the facilities she has no claim to the house or its equity, basically not entitled to anything. She only paid a share of the bills, he dealt with the mortgage etc. Also from what i understand this co-habiting business i.e he/she is entitled to half is not quite true as it wasn't actually made law??
  14. This is going to be long winded but i will do the best i can. The Brief:- This is matter concerning my sister, her otherhalf and thier yound 3yr old son. Sister and otherhalf are not married but had been living together in his house for the last couple of years, they have two dogs (one each!) Otherhalf works full time in a reasonably well paid job, sister works part time in an ok paid job. Sister is 25 years old In more detail:- My sister met her otherhalf about 4 years ago, she moved in with him and she fell pregnant. About a year after the birth they decided they needed a bigger house, so he purchased one all in his name. Things were going well, she was not paying anything towards the mortgage but she was contributing towards the household bills. They also got two dogs to complete the family set up. About three years later it all wents tits up. She and her son moved out of the home and are now back with her mum and dad. Which is not practical to say the least. Dad is 71 tommorrow. Sister has applied to get on the Council Housing List Ex agreed to pay her 30.00 per week maintenance and they agreed to have each have the son 3.5 days a week. Ex wanted to get this writing but it was finally agreed verbally and has been working ok. Ex kept one dog the other dog is virtually homeless (it is with a neighbour who does not want it anymore) This is the bit where i go mad, why she couldn't wait a little longer i will never know!!! Sister has met someone else (they do not live together, he lives with his sister), but rather than keeping it quiet until the dust settled has chosen to tell the ex. Ex has gone mad and has now started demanding all sorts, this is what he is demanding:- The son must not have any contact with the new bloke The son must be in bed by a certain time and Ex is going to apply for half of ALL sisters income as she is now in a relationship with a man who is in full time employment and wants funding for the time he has son. There is probably more stuff but the last one is the one that concerns me at the moment. Firstly can he apply for half her money? What rights as a father does he have (his name is on the birth certificate)? She is going to see a solicitor to see if she can get legal aid, she wants to take this to court to get an amicable agreement signed. Has anyone got any advice? Mods - sorry if i have put this in the wrong place but i couldn't find a particular thread.
  15. This is my letter to Littlewoods, problem is it does not quite hit the spot. They will look at it and disregard it like they always done. Anyone got any hard hitting lines i could put in there?? As you are fully aware you have been instructing debt collection agencies to pursue this unenforceable debt. The debt is unenforceable in its entirety due to the fact that the credit agreement does not exist, something which has been admitted by Littlewoods on the 30th July 2007 Littlewoods may dress this up how they wish but the simple fact is there is no credit agreement which means I have not agreed to pay any money to your company neither did I agree for you to charge interest and charges. Furthermore you have had a blatant disregard for the law and contiously pursued this matter, this undoubtedly amounts to harassment. You are already aware that a creditor is not permitted to take any action against an account whilst it remains in dispute or while the company itself remains in default as per the guidelines of the OFT, what makes this situation worse for yourself is the fact that you clearly admit there is no credit agreement You should, in accordance with section 14(1) of the DPA 1998, cease processing all data in my name that is held by yourselves. Furthermore I now require you to erase and destroy all data in respect of myself. Also that in accordance with section 14(3) of the DPA 1998, that you notify all third parties to whom the data has been disclosed to instructing them to rectify, remove and erase any and all data (including adverse credit history markers) regarding me as the data subject. It is my intention to start litigation for harassment under the 1997 Act, furthermore I will be claiming for reimbursement of all interest and charges paid to your company. You are more than welcomed to settle this matter out of court by way of a cheque or you can attend the hearing, the choice is yours. You have 14 days to settle this matter. Failure to respond satisfactorily will result in litigation along with damages and costs, and seek an order for any/all data disclosed and recorded (including records supplied to Credit Reference Agencies) by you to be immediately withdrawn and removed. Your company have acted in a manner which is quite frankly disgusting, not only have you deliberately set out to upset me but have total disregard for the law.
  16. Dave, knowing that you have researched this going down the unenforcable route will be the way to go. I think i have a much better chance given the agreement is a scrap of paper! I have found my Littlewoods thread (yaff v Liitlewoods), will fire a letter off highlighting my intentions and request that the charges they credited to the account be paid in form of a cheque along with the interest, if they dont play ball it will go to court to be decalred unenforcable. Do you have any good lines in could use in the letter? mine just seem to be all exausted and not having the desired effect
  17. Thank you Jester, it will be me taking Littlewoods to court to try and get this matter buried for good, other than getting Littlewoods to bugger off for ever i was hoping to maybe get a little cash back. I claimed for charges but they credited it to the account, i would like to get it in a cheque. I am looking for a thread where someone has taken a creditor to court on the grounds of no agreement and maybe got some of thier money back
  18. I really want to avoid going to court, if i can get the interest out of them that would be a bonus. They have admitted to not having an agreement so i guess its worth a try. Could you point me in the right direction of your thread..thanks Yaff
  19. If you have a valid argument why would you not attempt to take it to court? Do you know of anyone on here that has actually has all monies refunded to due to NO agreement
  20. Back on this again, Littlewoods sent another 'we are looking into your complaint!!!' letter. CRA's, ICO and TS are NOT interested i dont know what else i can send them to prove the agreement does not exist. What do you think my chances of winning are if i take Littlewoods to court and attempt to claim back all the monies i have paid?
  21. Hi Dave, Just reading the thread got to page 20 and saw this...i have a question that i dont seem to be able to get a definative answer on. If the 'agreement' is in its entirety unenforcable can you claim all the monies back that you have ever paid? I have a littlewood and John Lewis 'agreement' which are both blank pieces of paper with just my address on. I have been throwing letters backwards and forwards but not getting anywhere but now i'm thinking oh hell just go for it and claim it all back. What do you think?
  22. Paypal have the buyer protection programme so i would have thought that should this guy not deliver then you can file a dispute through paypal and get them to pursue it.
  23. I have been selling on Ebay for many years but recently (lets say in the last year) it has become nothing but a pain in the backside! You get listings removed for say, spamming, when i list an item i used to put 'nearly new' as this was the case, not new nor old. Ebay removed my listing saying it was in breach of policy!! Dont ever say in your listing that you accept cash on collection for Ebay will remove this too saying its a breach of policy. I did once and got a telling off as i was encouraging people to send cash through the post...apparently! It was quite clear my listing said 'Cash on COLLECTION' Now i have noticed Paypal require that direct debits be set up if you want to use your bank account for funding your Paypal account....that is where the buck stopped. No way on this earth was i giving Paypal access to my bank account via DD.
  24. It still might be worth sending an SAR. If it was passed to a DCA there are possibly unlawfull charges applied by the creditor for late / non payment etc
  25. You can write to them asking for a copy of the credit agreement, but you wont be able to disoute the debt and claim all of your money back as you have effectively admitted the debt by paying it off and in reality you owed them the money anyway. What you could claim back is any PPI, interest, charges etc should the agreement turn out not to be enforcable.
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