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  1. Dear All, I have now recieved my second letter from RLP. It states that the matter is now ready for proceedings being issued. "without Prejudice Save as to Costs, Offer to Settle Claim Pursuant to Part 36 Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR)". They have now revised the sum of fine to £545. I now have 14 days to respond. What do you guys think I should do? Any advice would be of great help and much appreciated.
  2. Prior to dismissal, boots did give me an interview to defend my case (as mentioned in post #6) and to which I have a printed and signed transcript. In this interview boots alleged that arriving late and leaving early was like stealing from the company, hence the reason for dismissing me. During the course of this interview, as I did not want to lose the job (since it was part-time) I offered to pay back the money to boots which I allegedly "stole" (£150) to which they replied "this is a matter which can be dealt with at a later date". - I guess giving the case to RLP was the way they supposedly dealt with it. I have no problem paying back the £150 as I can somehow manage to scrounge that amount, but £700 is ridiculous. Being unemployed and having a student loan to yet pay off makes it hurt that much more!
  3. As mentioned earlier, the letter states that they are requesting money for the time which I was paid to but did not work; due to arriving late and leaving early. Boots equated this cost to be £150. To be honest, I don't see any reason reason that RLP can put me on their database of dishonesty. Please let me know if you need anything else. Regards.
  4. I having been working the night shift there for about 4 years whilst a student (hence the reason I was late sometimes - when comnig to work from uni).. As mentioned earlier, I had an interview prior to dismissal but no warnings before that and no final pay.
  5. im not sure for certain, but I hear that he was. If you don't mind me asking, how do I check if RLP have added me to their fraud database?
  6. many thanks for your reply guys. Believe it or not, in the interview prior to sacking, the interviewer said "if the team leader told you to start nicking money from the tills or stock from the shelves, would you begin to do so?" On the topic of RLP, I think that i'll take your advice(s) and ignore RLP. However, what do I do if they continue to send letters with added interest? Regards.
  7. Thanks for your reply mate. Thing is... I am currently a student and once graduated will hopefully be looking to apply for jobs. If I ignore the letters which RLP send, firstly can they not take me to court and secondly, will this not affect me in trying to obtain a job in future. Furthermore, if I were to write a letter to RLP to explain my situation, how would you suggest I structure it? Looking forward to your reply.
  8. Hello Ladies and Gents, I'm in a bit of a predicament with RLP. I am 23 years old and was previously an employee at Boots T5 and have been fired (among other employees) due to arriving late (5-10 mins) and leaving early (under the authority of the supervisor/ team leader). A couple of months later, I recieved a letter from RLP requesting over £700 in charges! The cost breakbown of charges was as follows: - £150 in recovery of time - about £500 in recovery of staff time wasted, and - about £100 in admin charges. I am currently unemployed and in no way can I afford to pay for this. I am suffering from depression and am stumped at what my next course of action will be. After seeing this forum, I thought there may be a ray of hope. Can someone please help.
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