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  1. I have a solicitor because my car accident was caused by someone in a stolen car who fled the scene and so for my injuries I have to claim against the Motor Insurance Bureau. The advice they gave was to go on long term sick as I can't manage my work and play the long game until my work compromise me. The reason I do not want to do that is because I think it is unethical to lead my employer to believe that I will be returning to work, because I know that I can't do this job anymore. As I said before, it do not want money, I just want for them to say that I can't do this job anymore because of my illness and they can't adjust the role reasonably enough to enable me to continue. I think I need to just be honest with my work and tell them that we have to reach an agreement for me to leave. Thanks for all your advice everyone. I have realized I am over thinking this and I need to just need to bite the bullet and tell work I have to go.
  2. Actually my work have not been reasonable at all. When I went off sick last year I made it clear that I was struggling with my responsibilities and that I needed additional support. I also said that my workload was too much - my tier of management habitually work more than 50 hours a week and none of us have signed out of the working time directive. We did a time and motion study back in January / February 2012 over 4 weeks that identified this but nothing was done to reduce the workload. There was a change in senior management in September and since then I have not had a 121 or supervision and have not had a single meeting about my workload and responsibilities despite asking for help. In my appraisal - which lasted 7 minutes I was asked to fill in what I thought" Despite being off sick for 7 weeks and struggling, when one of my managers left in July 2012, HR did not authorize a replacement recruitment until January 2013, so despite being under pressure with my existing workload I was doing 2 jobs for almost 7 months. When I asked for help and support I was told "there is no budget at the moment to recruit more staff" I was also made - not asked - lead on an important project with a lot of responsibility. When I said I couldn't cope with additional responsibilities I was told that it would ";sort itself out and we are all on a treadmill at the moment";. I have asked for help countless times and been given none. Since January I have had to induct a new member of staff, and 2 of my other managers have been on reduced workload due to stress and bereavement (3 days a week) and the person to pick up the slack is me - as there is no one else. I am contracted to do 35 hours a week so at 4 days that should be 28hrs - but I am consistently doing more like 35 hours plus in 4 days due to traveling and workload. At least 3 times a month I have to work from another office which is a 13 hour round trip to put in a 7 hour working day. I have been given no guidance advice or support to enable me to realistically reduce my workload - and I have not had reduced targets - in fact since going down to 4 days a week my target for my area has been INCREASED with no consultation. When I asked my manager what could be taken from me to enable me to reduce my hours I was told "you shouldn't have such high standards..."; There are loss of earnings as my company have a very limited sick pay policy and that has all been used. Now I have been for an OHA - my HR Director and I quote "needs to really look and see at what we might be able to do because you have had this thing done" I said what adjustments do you think could be made and I was told "well budgets are very tight so I do not think we can recruit anyone else. I think you have to work a bit smarter and use Skype more" I said I needed some real guidance on how I could realistically reduce the amount of responsibility I had and he said "well your region is on target so it all seems like it is going well for now. I can't suggest what you can or can't cope with seeing as it is all going ok can I?" Also - seeing as I have had a period of long term sick almost a year ago, and my workload has steadily increased since then - can it really be argued my work are being reasonable to look at adjustments NOW? ??? SORRY for the awful formatting - my machine won't recognize the paragraphs.
  3. sorry never posted on here before - i have tried to put paragraphs in but they just disappear!
  4. I will try to be brief! I had a car accident 5 years ago and have been left with residual issues both physical and emotional. I have been in my current job for 4 years - my manager knew all about my accident issues - inc PTSD when I was hired. For 2 years everything at work was ok and I was offered a promotion in March 2011 - which I took. Since then - things have slowly gone down hill. The additional work responsibilities, hours and increased driving have culminated in my ill health. . . . . Last spring I was off work with stress, anxiety and depression for 7 weeks. Phased return to work followed and then from September I was back into the normal swing of things working 50 hours plus a week which was making me very unwell. I went to my GP and was put on reduced hours - 4 days a week since mid November. However I have not had a reduction in my duties, in fact there has been an increase in my tasks and responsibilities so I am no better off than I was. Work asked me to go to an OHA last week and the report said I should work no more than 28 hours a week - I was a bit shell shocked in the meeting and didn't deport myself very well. I should have said a reduction to 3 days a week as I am not coping with 4 days but I wasn't really in control of the meeting and was overwhelmed. Result is the report is quite soft and urges a "reduction in responsibilities and workload to make 28 hours a week achievable;" . . . Long and short of it is my work have asked me to suggest what reasonable adjustments they can make. I didn't think it was supposed to be that way around, but none the less! So I have made some suggestions hoping that they deem them unreasonable because really I want to leave the job. I have come to terms with the fact that my on-going issues mean it is not good for me to be in a position of responsibility it causes me too much stress and anxiety. However - I am trapped because my solicitor says that I can't resign and that I have to be medically retired or go on long term sick. I want to move on now and don't feel ethically right in dragging things out with work so I want to try and force a compromise. It is not necessarily for financial restitution - although I have been really neglectfully dealt with considering I am very much covered by the Equality Act - but more because I need for my court case to consider future loss of earnings not to have resigned. Before my accident I would definitely have had no problems dealing with the responsibility and workload but now I just can't cope anymore. . . . Can anyone advise me as to how I go about this? I have been honest with my manager and my HR director that I am really struggling with my current situation and do not think this role is right for me anymore but no one is listening to me. I think to be heard and the situation to be taken seriously I will have to raise it but seeing as I can't just resign how do I get myself out of this situation? I just want to be rid of this job because it is really making me ill - I work within child protection for a charity and the responsibility of my job is just too much - I feel on the verge of a breakdown everyday because I just can't cope with making decisions and being in charge of something so potentially serious. Thank you!
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