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  1. Hear Hear!!! An inspiration indeed. I too have started my battle, and when I'm feeling a bit defeated, a visit to this site soon gets me back fighting!! p.s. I live not too far from you Lewhay33!!
  2. Thanks for replying Do you think I should just sit and wait then? It hasn't stopped them chasing me for payments & issuing a default notice though hoc
  3. Thanks for your reply That's a great idea about changing my signature slightly - I was thinking that maybe they could be thinking of scanning it onto an agreement or something dodgy like that, so that would solve that problem Now to decide whether or not to reply, if the request doesn't HAVE to be signed??? hoc
  4. I sent out several CCA requests to my card companies a couple of weeks ago - one has complied with the CCA request, the rest haven't, but I have received letters from 2 of my creditors stating that they cannot comply with my request as I haven't actually signed the letter. Is this a genuine reason or is it a cop-out? They have stated that if I re-send the letter signed by me they will comply, but that doesn't stop them still sending statements & letters out to my address does it? Any advice on what to do would be appreciated as always. hoc
  5. Sorry to but in on this thread, but can I have a question for Laiste/anyone?! Have there yet been any cases of a debt going to court, and getting it thrown out because no CCA can be produced? I'd love to think that it will all work out ok, but it would be devastating if I let all of my debts go to court and I lost, rather than paying them a token amount of x amount per month. Thanks as always for everyone's advice HouseOfCards
  6. Yes, all of the letters are requesting CCA's - will re-print them this morning Cheers m'dears
  7. Thanks Ladybird - so shall I put "this account is in dispute" on ALL of the letters (to original creditors who have not yet defaulted me/DCA's)?
  8. Oh they won't be phoning me, don't worry about that - I changed my number a few months ago - best move I ever made Do you think it's only worth adding the 'don't acknowledge any debt with your company' bit only when it's a DCA sending you letters? i.e. not the original creditor? I'm also CCA'ing Next, and don't know whether or not to re-do that letter
  9. Thank you for your replies I will re-do the letter! Would the debt be in dispute once I have sent the CCA letter (and therefore they can't chase me/default me for it?)
  10. I'm about to send a CCA request to RBS re a credit card that I have not yet defaulted on, but I am behind with payments on it. Should I still add the bit on my letter about not acknowleging the debt to their company? I'm concerned that if I do add that bit, and they CAN provide the CCA, then they will be pretty peed off, and won't be happy to play ball when I offer to pay them a token payment each month! Would be great to hear what you think, as I have the letter ready to send, but it's been bugging me all weekend! Thanks as always
  11. Ah-ha!! It's worked Thank you ever so much - that's something useful I've learned today
  12. I'm just filling out Vamp's compounded contractual spreadsheet for my Halifax card claim, but it is refusing to work out interest for one of my dates for some reason??? Can anyone help - it was a £25 charge on 26th April 2006 @ 26.75%pa?? Many thanks if you can help!
  13. Sorry to be a pain, but can someone please confirm that I've got the CCA letter right and that it states everything that I need to say. Then I can start printing!
  14. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that it was ok to send a £1 stamp instead of a postal order - would this be ok? I CCA'd First Direct (credit card debt) a couple of months ago, and received a copy of an application form I had filled in for their BANK ACCOUNT (which I closed ages ago), with a box ticked stating that I was interested in receiving info on their credit card
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