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  1. Hi Directions hearing which was set for 20th August has been "vacated" According to District Judge Rogers at Telford County Court It is ordered that 1. this claim is stayed until further order with a view to awaiting the final decision in the test case( which shall be interpreted as the outcome of any appeal or the expiry of time for permission to appeal the first instance decision) 2. the defendant shall within 28 days of the final decision in the test case file at court and serve on the claimant; a) a case summary of not more than 500 words setting out the effect of that decision b) their proposed directions in this claim 3. Upon receipt of the documents set out at paragraph 2 of this order the file be refered to a resident District Judge to consider further directions Is this a standard stay? Telford Court seems to have stayed all pending cases Back to the waiting now then ,,
  2. Just an update have written to paul q again today as he said he will reply in approx 3 weeks, so sent a short note just to remind him I'm still here and waiting really. My direction hearing is 3 weeks away and from what ive been reading on here looks like more and more people are having to go to this hearing, is this simply to see who will back down or are they so snowed under this hearing gives them a bit extra time do you think!! Cant say Im looking forward to going to court (dreading it actually) but reading what happens and reading others experiences really helps. Thanks guys
  3. Hi I emailed that letter to Paul Quinn yesterday and got this reply this morning Thank you for you reply. I am awaiting information from our accounts dept. There is a large backlog in this process due to the large volumes of claims we are experiencing. Once I have this information I may decide to make you an offer. If I decided to I estimate that I shall be able to do so in approximately 3 weeks time. It shall be in the form of a letter which will be posted to the address you have specified on your claim form. Not a lot of new info but a reply within 24 hours from Paul cant be bad
  4. I was on a court date high yesterday and had an immediate reply from Dino I decided to go for broke and email Paul Quinn, I sent Dar£n3's post 24 on the good or evil thread. Paul replied this morning "Thank you for you reply. I am awaiting information from our accounts dept. There is a large backlog in this process due to the large volumes of claims we are experiencing. Once I have this information I may decide to make you an offer. If I decided to I estimate that I shall be able to do so in approximately 3 weeks time. It shall be in the form of a letter which will be posted to the address you have specified on your claim form." Admittedly it isnt an offer and is definetely a go away and wait letter, BUT I still got a reply and within 24 hours. Little things ............ :) :)
  5. What exactly happens at a directions hearing?
  6. Dino replied within minutes, am very impressed. Unfortunately he told me that Paul Quinn is dealing with my claim which I gather from reading these posts is not such good news. Back to the waiting game
  7. Quick update, I got a letter from the court today with a date for a direction hearing, its 20th August. I know its ages away but ive emailed Dino just to find out who is dealing with my claim. So postie gets a rest for a while now, its Dino's turn lol
  8. lol Would much rather spend the time planning where to go with my money!
  9. Rang the court today, the claim has gone to the district judge for direction and they have quite a back log. So back to the waiting
  10. a cheque would be great but right now even a court date would mean that something is happening, wonder how many people get fed up of waiting and just give up?
  11. Thanks, thats what keeps me checking the mail everyday,
  12. Just an update as seems to have been ages since anything actually happened. Have spoken to the court they have received my letter with the small claims direction and have noted it and added it to my file. Thats it!...... Dont think they have done anything else at all and Im still waiting for my court date.its no fun not calling the shots on the time scale anymore,
  13. Thanks very much for thread dar£n, i am still waiting for my court date and was actually dreading it coming and having to ring the litigation team, feel much happier about it now,
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