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Everything posted by aki

  1. Sorry double post. One thing I did notice last night was the road markings for the bust stand do not appear to be complete. They've tried to erase the old marking and replace them with new ones but they old markings are still highly visible and the new markings appear to be broken in some areas. Will this be of any benefit to me?
  2. Hi, I drove down to the bus stop yesterday and there are signs on the metal railings that say 'no stopping between 8am to 6pm' it was a bit dark so I didn't take any pics. I will go back there after work and take some pics.
  3. Hi, I drove down to the bus stop yesterday and there are signs on the metal railings that say 'no stopping between 8am to 6pm' it was a bit dark so I didn't take any pics. I will go back there after work and take some pics.
  4. Hi all, Never posted in this section of the forum before but hoping you guys can give me some advise and help me make a desicsion on whether or not I should fight this case? I recently received a PCN from the council stating that I had contravened section 47 and stopped on a restricted bus stop or stand. The alleged offence took place on the 16/06/11 and the PCN was issues on the 24/06/11. In the PCN they have attached 2 pics of a car taken 4 secs apart from each other (not sure if the timing will have any relevance to the case). Just a little back ground; the bus stop in question is no longer active and has not been active for around 3-4 years. Only the school bus used the stop previously. As all the parents know the school bus is no longer active they use this stop as a drop off/pic up point for their kids and have been doing so for years. Is there anything I can do in order for the council to cancel the PCN or should I just suck it up and pay the money?
  5. First of all with regards to the threat you should report that to the police if you haven’t done so already. As for the clutch, this is a little bit more complicated? I’m not sure where you stand from a legal point of view but from an engineering point of view clutch is service part that will definitely wear out and need replacing during the life of the car. Depending on the type of failure sometimes it can be very difficult to predict when a clutch will fail? If the pressure plate is worn then it is usually easy to pick up as the engine will rev freely but the car will not be accelerating at the same rate i.e. slipping clutch, common issue. However if there is a fault with the pressure plate or the diaphragm spring then it can be more difficult to spot as these parts can fail with little or know warning. One of the tells of a worn diaphragm spring is that it will be difficult to put the car into the lower gears or reverse. When you test drove the car did you notice any of these issues? How did the clutch fail? Was the clutch slipping or were you not able to put it into the lower gears? In my opinion I think it will be very difficult to try and pursue the garage for this issue as you had driven the car for 5 weeks prior to failure. I would still suggest reporting them to the trading standards (or whatever it is called these days) and to the good garage scheme and try to get them removed from the list.
  6. Thanks for the advice guys, I will contact the water company and explain the situation to them. Unfortunately I don’t know where either of the last 2 tenants now reside? I was just worried the water company would try and lumber me with the bill seeing as I own the property? Will tenancy agreements be enough as way of proof or will I need to contact the council and ask if they can provide some kind of schedule detailing the persons whom were responsible for the council tax during the period of the bills?
  7. Hi, Hoping I can get some advice on here about a water bill that is not in my name but is for a property that I rent out. Recently the tenant who was living at the property moved out. I’m currently in the process of redecorating the place and noticed there were some open letters by the window sill. I was just going to throw them in the bin when I noticed that one of the letters (from Northumbrian water) was still in the name of previous tenant. Not the tenant who just left but the tenant before him. Now the gas and electric are prepayment meters so there is no problems with those. The tenant had told me that he was going to contact the water company to get the bill transferred into his name. Obviously he hasn’t done this and has left it in the name of the previous tenant and allowed the bill to mount. It has now become a rather large bill. What is best course of action I can take, should I contact the water company to explain the situation? My concern here is that they will try and make me liable for the water bill some how? Contact them when the next tenant moves in and ask them to start a new account in that persons name? Thanks Ak
  8. Hi, Hoping I can get some advice on here about a water bill that is not in my name but is for a property that I rent out. Recently the tenant who was living at the property moved out. I’m currently in the process of redecorating the place and noticed there were some open letters by the window sill. I was just going to throw them in the bin when I noticed that one of the letters (from Northumbrian water) was still in the name of previous tenant. Not the tenant who just left but the tenant before him. Now the gas and electric are prepayment meters so there is no problems with those. The tenant had told me that he was going to contact the water company to get the bill transferred into his name. Obviously he hasn’t done this and has left it in the name of the previous tenant and allowed the bill to mount. It has now become a rather large bill. What is best course of action I can take, should I contact the water company to explain the situation? My concern here is that they will try and make me liable for the water bill some how? Contact them when the next tenant moves in and ask them to start a new account in that persons name? Thanks Ak
  9. Hi, I don’t have a claim in at the moment due to the hold on all bank charge cases in the courts. Do I need to put a claim in against Barclays to dispute the case with the Red Debt? I have read on here that a lot of people send some kind of letter requesting proof of the debt, is it too late for me to send a similar letter? Thanks Aki
  10. Hi, I’m constantly receiving letters from the red debt agency demanding money for bank charges which they say I owe Barclays. I have written to them before stating that I disputed their claim as Barclays had levied unfair bank charges on me but they continue to send letters demanding payment? What is the best way to deal with this situation? Thanks Aki
  11. Hi 42man, Thanks for the quick reply. I help him draft a letter this afternoon. Should he say he disputes the debt because they're excessice bank charges or becuase they're illigal bank charges? Is there a template letter for this on here? The only reason he hasn't tried to make a claim against Barclays was because he hasn't actually paid them any money for the overdraft charges. Can he still try and claim this money back though? I will start a new thread as you've suggested. Thanks Aki
  12. Hi, I’m hoping you guys can help. I’m posting this on behalf of my brother who has just received a letter from a DCA (Red debt collection services) demanding money for a dept given to them by Barclays. Just to give a little back ground info. My brother had an account with Barclay’s a few years ago, he didn’t use the account very much but he became overdrawn after not honoring a DD. At this point the bank started to charge him penalty fee’s for being overdrawn and continued to do this for approx 18 months after which they finally closed the account. Barclays dept management started sending letter and then telephone calls demanding the money be paid back. He told them he would not pay them any money as the debt was a result of illegal bank charges. The bank has now passed this debt on to a DCA (red debt collection service) What is the best way to respond to the letter from the DCA? Should he write a letter and if so is there a template on here that he can use? Should he call them or just ignore it? Thanks Aki
  13. Hi, Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I couldn’t find a relevant section relating to my query so I posted it in this section? I have been the subject of a random Inland Revenue tax investigation recently where they have discovered that I made a sizable cash deposit into my personal account approximately 4 years ago. At that time I was in the process of purchasing a house. As it would have been my first house I didn’t have enough money to pay for the deposit. Therefore I borrowed money from friends & family and combined it with my own personal savings, which I then deposited into my account. Unfortunately the house deal fell through. As I no longer needed the money I simply withdrew it from my account and gave it back to the people I borrowed it from. The Inland Revenue asked that I provide information as to how I acquired this money? I gave details of the people who I borrowed the money from to the Inland Revenue, but they do not seem to accept this as I can’t show a paper trail (because it was a cash deposit). Now in this type of investigation is it a case of 'guilty until proven innocent', whereby I have to prove to the Inland Revenue where the money came from? Or is the onus on the Inland Revenue to prove me wrong with evidence to the contrary? I’m just looking for a little advice as to where I stand legally on this matter and what my rights are? Thanks Aki
  14. aki

    Aki Vs Natwest

    Thanks for that, iI will update the letter and get it sent off tomorrow. fingers crossed they may even pay out without me having to start court proceedings.
  15. aki

    Aki Vs Natwest

    Thanks for the advice Steve. One more thing who should I send the letter to? I sent the previous letter to a Gorden Pell, should I do the same with this letter or is there a more up to date address? This is the add as i have it at the mo: Gordon Pell Chairman and Chief Executive, Retail Banking The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc PO Box 1000 Edinburgh EH12 1HQ
  16. Congrats mate. After reading this it makes me feel like I should continue my claim regardless of the test case thats currently ongoing.
  17. aki

    Aki Vs Natwest

    Well its been over 14 days now since I sent my first letter out to natwest and as yet i still haven't heard anything back from them at all:mad: Now should I proceed and send the Letter before action or wait till the test case is concluded before atking it any further? Thanks Aki
  18. aki

    Aki Vs Natwest

    Hi Steve, Thanks for the quick reaponse. One thing I forgot to mention before was that I didn't send the letter by recorded/special delivery. Will this cause any problem with Natwest trying to deny they received the letter in the 1st place? BTW is there a link on here to monitor how the test case is progressing? Thanks AKi
  19. Hi all, Just sent my prem letter last Friday Natwest asking for the bank charges to be paid back to me. I’ve also requested they pay back interest they charged me because my account was overdrawn at the time. Am I correct in thinking I can claim this back? I know I should give them 14 days to respond but does that include the weekends or is it 14 working days? Thanks Aki
  20. Thanks guys, i'm busy creating a schedule of charges at the moment but once i complete it i will start a thread on the forum to let others know how i'm progressing.
  21. Hi all, Newbie just saying hello. This site was recommended by a friend who said the information on here was very useful during his claim. I'm busy reading through the FAQ's and step by step guide at the moment and will hopefully be in a position very soon to reclaim my own bank charges. Thanks Aktar
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