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  1. Indeed I did. But I do remember one occasion when an advisor helping me with a loan application, conveniently, for my benefit of course, interpreted my sub contracted work as being in full time employment. I never questioned it because I thought she was doing me a favour. I was young and stupid .
  2. Hello all. I've got T & C from HFC (2001) which states that self employment is covered as long as you're working 16 hours or more. The most I can work is 10 and a half (thats a 7 day week. I'm an enteratainer dontcha know:cool:. But a days work is contracted at 2 x 45 minute spots). So do I have grounds to claim?
  3. Hello all. First off a big thank you to all at CAG for helping me reclaim around £2600 in bank charges back from Lloyds TSB:) . Now on to my next crusade, hopefully. I'm self employed and have possibly been miss-sold PPI on a number of loans and credit cards. So far I've discovered around £900 in PPI on a Lloyds TSB mastercard and around £2400 on an HFC Direct personal loan. Still have some digging to do on a Black Horse Loan. Now I've also uncovered a policy on a PC I bought in June 2001 that cost me around £100 in PPI. Not much I know but it was the only personal loan agreement that I kept along with the T & C. Now according to the T & C (2001) they do include people who are self employed but their definition of self employment is someone who works at least 16 hours or more a week. Now as an entertainer, the most I could work is 9 hours (typical contract is 2 x 45 minute spots on any given night), so my question is this. Firstly do T & C's vary in wording depending on the type of loan? (My personal loan was from HFC Direct and my PC purchase from HFC Bank) and secondly does their definition of self employment apply to my situation? Please help!!!!
  4. GEERRRUUUPPP!!! SC&M have written to me to confirm that their client will be settling the claim within 5 working days. Lloyds will be depositing the amount of £2677.35 (inclusive of interest and fees) into my account. I can't thank you guys enough. Without your help, insight and guidance, this would never have come about. Through your hard work you've made the process of claiming straight forward and understandable. A massive thank you again and keep fighting the good fight!!
  5. Thanks GuidoT. Thats what threw me intially. Here's how the notice was worded. THE PROPER OFFICER has considered the statements of the case and allocation questionaires files and allocated the claim to the small claims track. The hearing of the claim will take place at 10:00 on the 12 July 2007 at _________ County court, Blah, blah blah address and should take no longer than 10 minutes. The court must be informed immediately if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. Then, there's this one which is a "Notice that a Defence has been filed" which came along with the " Notice fo Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing)":-| . Itreads as follows: The defendant has filed a defence, a copy of which is enclosed with this notice. An allocation questionaire is enclosed which contains notes for guidance on how to complete it. You must complete the allocation questionaire on or before 16 July 2007 and return it to the court office at blah blah address. A fee of £100.00 is payable by the claimant on the filing of their allocation questionaire. It seems that the noticeof Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing) is a bit premature. What do you think I should do?
  6. Thanks a lot Benny. That clears that up. Nice one.
  7. Hello everyone. Just a quick update. Everything has been straight forward up to now thanks to the meticulous help and support from the forum. Thank you. Have recieved a Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing) along with the allocation questionare. The hearing is this week and apparantly just takes 10 minutes. Questionaire needs to be in soon, will sort that out tomorrow along with the rest of my bundle. This may seem like a dum question but is this hearing actually the main event? It's just that the hearing date is before the completion date of the questionaire. Please help.
  8. Has anyone else recieved the standard "we're sorry and here's a refund of peanuts!" letter?? Just wondering if this is a new stall tactic or one Lloyds TSB have employed for quite some time. It really is an insult to anyone's intelligence if they think they can fob people off with this kind of feeble measure. Anyway. I'm now in the process of writing the "7 days or else:evil: " letter and thank you so far for the help and advice (monopoly23 and nicsussex).
  9. Has anyone else recieved the standard "we're sorry and here's a refund of peanuts!" letter?? Just wondering if this is a new stall tactic or one Lloyds TSB have employed for quite some time. It really is an insult to anyone's intelligence if they think they can fob people off with this kind of feeble measure. Anyway. I'm now in the process of writing the "7 days or else:mad: " letter and thank you so far for the help and advice (monopoly23 and nicsussex).
  10. Thanks for that Monopoly23. Will do. By they way. UPDATE!! Lloyds TSB have sent what appears to be a standard letter apologizing and refunding me the sum of £137.57 after reviewing the details of my account. Can you believe they hadn't set up an interest free zone within my overdraft (What are they like??!! those forgetfull little tinkers) and subsequently acted quickly to rectify the situation to avoid causing me any further strife (God Bless 'em!). So as a result I'm now happy and confident in my bank knowing that they have my best interests at heart (Sniff) and I will know longer be seeking any future charges as I trust their calculations 100%. Hang on...I forgot something....oh yeah, HA!!! In a pigs eye!!! Read 1 or 2 of these standard letters already on the site and laughed when I recieved mine. Thankfully I've got you lot on my side. Anyone else got one of these?
  11. No. Sorry nicsussex. Was replying to monopoly23. Thanks for the input though matey.
  12. That's what I did. Stating that they had the remainder of the original 40 days to comply. I even gave them a little leeway considering the 40 day deadline expired around the bank holiday. Do you mean I should send a further letter stating my intent to report them unless they comply within 7 days? Thanks by the way for your input. It's totally appreciated.
  13. Hello there:D . The Standard 6 years. Sent the template SAR letter and a week before the 40 day deadline I got my list of charges but 6mths were missing. Read the above post to see what they sent me. Cheeky buggers:evil:
  14. What do you think peeps? Should I allow them the luxury of another 40 days seeing as they have only provided me with 5 yrs 6 mths charges? That's what they've angled for if I want the remainding charges.
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