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Posts posted by borisbeaver

  1. I do like the Monarchy, well most of them - spare us!!!


    I would like to watch the Coronation live as it is a historic event but I am busy during the morning, so I will watch it on catch up.


    As to the oath, I don't think that's necessary and is a personal choice.


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  2. They were tested every 6 months.  They were electroinic devices using weight loading cells, so no moving parts.   The set up comprised of two large pads - still heavy, and the display unit.  The vehicles would be weighed by each axle and the display unit would then calculate the overall gross.  Some police forces use a similar setup where weigh bridges are not an option.

  3. I used to work for Network Rail, and one of my duties was to weigh the vans before going out using portable weighing equipment.  People forget that the weight limit is gross, so it includes the vehicle itself, the weight of the fuel, the load plus all of the passengers, so a 3.5t Transit van's total weight must not exceed 3.5t when on the road.

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  4. The yellow zigzag line marks the area of the road where parking is prohibited, as it is reserved for another purpose. Therefore, we often see these markings at bus stops or loading and unloading areas. In other words, it is forbidden to park with any vehicle.
    White zigzags are commonly found either side of pedestrian crossings. They are designed to indicate that parking and overtaking in these zones is strictly prohibited.
  5. On 08/10/2022 at 18:54, unclebulgaria67 said:

    There is emergency powers legislation which enables ministers to make decisions without votes in parliament. 


    I can just see that it would be an easier option to cut off via smart meters, rather than cutting off power to whole areas of the country.  When power is cut off to whole areas, then this would include care homes, sheltered housing units and other housing for vulnerable people. Whereas cuts via smart meters, if this were possible on any scale, might reduce usage enough, for supplies to be maintained to priority users including Hospitals.

    Thank fudge I don't have a smart meter

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  6. Agree with UB about the overhead damage.  This is normally where the driver drives into a fixed overhead hazard. 


    The tractor driver has a duty of care when driving a vehicle like this with the hazardout protrusions.  They probably didn't even think about coming across a luton van.

  7. You have an colleague that is on sick leave.  This is something between the employee and the employer. 


    If it's found that the employee has a long term condition that will affect their return to work, then this is the employers issue.  As previous mentioned, someone can be dismissed for capability if they are no longer to do their job, but this is something that has to go through due process and is usually mutual.


    If you are finding it difficult to do your job, due to the lack of a resource, then this is something your employer has to deal with.  Yes, they can hire a temp in to cover the absence, but it not down to other employees who are not in the affected employees management structure to get involved with.  Sure, you can raise the issue of not enough staff to do a task due to this absence, but that's about it.


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