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  1. Thank u v much for this lamma - I spoke to TEC - they mailed me the forms - I filled them out but I have to get them witnessed at my local county court (good job I hid the car!), going there now - they then fax them to TEC - who then contact TFL - who then suspend the bailiffs action ... and then I've no idea what happens, they have to re-send all forms again I assume? You mentioned ANPR, does this mean I could get pulled over by the police or something if i get unlucky and they flag me up? Thanks for all your help, very useful.
  2. Ok sorry to keep posting but I just phoned the TEC (worked it out) and listened to the automated message I have to file an 'out of time' statutory declaration within 36 hours, so I will do this now & keep this thread posted anyone that knows about the above qs then let me know, thanks
  3. Oh, one last question If they do seize the car, ie if they find it how will the 'debt' be affected? Would this cancel it out or would they then try and sell it & keep chasing me for payment of the rest of the money? I hope it doesnt get to that, but it's good to know these things. Thank you.
  4. Thank you, will do. TEC = ? My main concern is I genuinely do not have ANY money to pay for this either (even getting the £80 would be a struggle at the moment). I've googled it but there are loads of sites it seems can you point to where I can find a stat dec? Sorry to be thick about this! Thank you
  5. Morning all, thx in advance for any help!... I received a Notice of Seizure thru my door this morning from 'Task Enforcement' at 11.20am. There was also a notice stuck to the windscreen of my car saying it will be removed at 12pm today! This is following on from a Transport For London fine for being in a box junction in London, which I wanted to dispute anyway (my son was driving the car at the time). So far: 1. The original 'offence' occurred in around Nov last yr. The 1st 'notice to owner' or whatever it is, was not received, so I phoned TFL on receipt of the '2nd' one, saying I had not received the 1st, and also because there is no provision on the form for amending the drivers' name & we wanted to dispte it (my son was driving). 2. TFL apologise and say a new form will be sent out which will also contain a section where you can say who was driving and note down if you want to dispute this claim. They said 'you do not need to do anything until this arrives'. They cite the postal strikes as the reason for 'thousands' of people not receiving their notices. 3. NOTHING received since. It was assumed that they've just written it off / not dealt with it yet so obv it hasn't been chased. 4. Notice thru door this morning & warning note stuck on to windscreen of car saying it is an offence to remove clamp etc (there was no clamp on there - good job eh). On the top, someone has written 'police aware'. 5. I phone task enforcement asking wtf is going on. They say they have been instructed by TFL who should have sent 'three or four' letters by now advising of this action. Tell me to phone TFL. 6. I phone TFL who say there is 'nothing they can do' & pretty much give the usual I-am-not-helping-you crap... they say Task Enf. have been instructed now, it's too late, the only way to dispute it is to pay the £400 and dispute the claim after that LOL. Basically the usual baloney that leaves the poor sod lumbered with the fine with no way out. 7. My son has now scraped the notice off the windscreen & moved the car (I am picking up my son & his 3 yr old from Heathrow airport tonight). Fk letting them take the car today. I figured that unless they drive around for an hour looking for the car, they aren't taking it today causeit's now been moved & that this can now be disputed in the meantime. So: Has anyone had one of these & what was outcome/did you dispute it? Would trading standards / anyone else ombudsman-like be able to assist with this? Does anyone know of any specific letters that need to be sent to them about this to ensure the wording is correct? Will they just keep coming back at all hours to get the car? Or will they apply for a different notice to seize something else (no way will I let them in my house anyway)? And - this is a genuine dispute, we are not trying to get out of a fine. The original amount was for £80. We wanted to dispute this anyway although would have paid £80 if we really had to & was prepared to do so in writing etc. The next correspondence received lists several added charges which amount to over £400! (Which we can't afford to pay). You see and hear so many stories like this, that there must be people that know how to dispute this with them properly. I'm aware as part of a dispute process that I have the right to receive copies of all tel.conversations & proof that letters were 'sent', but I fear that this will take too long, I need something to go on asap before they start coming back trying to seize the car! Thx in advance !
  6. Hi, I have just joined and would like to say what a find this site is. I was wondering about the opening of another bank account and how easy/ difficult it was for some people to do, just in case my bank closes mine when I reclaim my charges. I had a bad credit record when my current bank opened my current account and have spent the last few years paying off debts, which I am still doing. Problem is that the bank over the years has charged me around 2k in charges and has exacerbated my problem, so if I reclaim my charges and they close my account, how the hell will I open another? presumably any application for a new account will be accompanied by a request for varios references and also an approach to my current bank for details. Am I in a hopeless situation? I need a bank account, so am I stuck? Any advice would be much appreciated, and would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation. thank you.
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