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  1. Thanks Lori1, I gave them a call and it seems they now have a 'separate department' dealing with these issues in Swindon. Their DP office doesn't have a complete log of all the cases received as SAR's are sent to this office in Swindon. Anyway, they've arranged for me to pick up 4 years of statements (I cancelled the account 2 years ago) at the local branch at the end of the week. As for the credit card statements, they will take longer but if there's evidence there were several charges around the 6 years cut off, I'll for the extra month statement and claim the charges on that too on the basis they delayed providing the SAR data! Finally, I've managed to cancel the latest cheque for free as it seems Lloyds TSB will do if something has been lost in post (how do they know it wasn't anyway!?!) Thanks again folks and watch this space.
  2. Good morning folks, When I started this whole exciting process (getting back what is lawfully mine!), I wasn't using this site but switched shortly into the process. As a result, I sent all of my SAR's by regular post I have received replies, within the 40 day deadline, to all but one of my SAR's - the one from Nationwide with whom I have incurred most of my charges. I rang them once the 40 days was up and they denied ever receiving my request. They told me to take another £10 cheque to my local branch and hand it in with a copy of my original request which I did last Wednesday. Last Friday, they cashed my original cheque for £10 (as I didn't cancel this - it costs £10 to cancel it!) So, they have my £10, I have no SAR materials and it's now 52 days since I sent my original SAR, and they might potentially take another £10 if they cash the second cheque! I assume I now have some rights over them? What should I do next please?
  3. Hi folks, last week I issued a prelim request for refund of £125 from Citi for 5 x £25 late payment and overlimit fees relating to 2003/2004 (account closed in 2004). Today, I received a response along the following lines: 'Thank you for taking the time to write ..... (condescending nonsense) On Wedensday 5th April 2006 the OFT issued a statement regarding the default charges levied on customers by credit card issuers for breaches of contract such as making a late payment or going over their credit limit. Within this statement the OFT has stated blah blah maximum £12 blah blah. In order to remain competitive .... we have lowered our rate to £12. This charge is not retrospective in its effect. In over a dozen recent court cases involving Citi, we have successfully argued the fairness of the above policy and the fairness of the £12 charges. The cases have all resulted in the claims being dismissed and the courts have implicitly held that the policy is fair and the charges reasonable, being in line with both the OFT guidance and common law principles of damage and breach of contract. I understand that this was not the outcome you would have hoped for and if you would like an independent review of this, you may refer to the Finance & Leasing Association etc etc. I have to say I am seriously cheesed off. It seems they have refunded some people, refunded the difference to some and now they're saying they've successfully defended cases and telling people to get lost - anyone aware of their successful defence of cases? Mindful of the fact I only wanted £125 out of them, what would you do next? (for info - for me, this is a matter of principles, not just cash!)
  4. Hi westwell and thank you .... I will be sure to check out that site. As it happens, I also spoke with my solicitor this morning and he was only too happy to go through my old files and drag out the copy mortgage settlement statements .... free of charge! He also reminded me about a cheque he was ready to send me for £60 which was an amount retained over 2 years ago in case of any comebacks on a ground rent query. I'd forgotten all about it! To answer your question, the lenders were Yorkshire BS, Skipton, NatWest and RBoS. I will keep you posted but meantime, thanks again.
  5. Hello folks, I am considering reclaiming our mortgage exit fees. We have had four mortgages redeemed over the past six years (due to house moves/moving in together), none of which incurred early redemption penalties as I was careful not to get tied in to any such agreement. However all, from memory, have incurred MEAF's. My concern is that I no longer have the settlement statements from any of the four banks concerned so do not really feel that I can approach them for repayment without actual figures. What I'd like to know is, should I simply send each an S.A.R. in exactly the same way as when reclaiming charges? Or would my solicitor be duty bound to keep the conveyancing files, in which case I could request the info from him? Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks to you in advance!
  6. Hello all, I'm a new member here so please bear with me as I'm new to all this .... I've recently fired off 6 S.A.R's and received responses so far on 3, the others being due no later than 6th April. The charges I'm chasing relate to a number of accounts which are no longer in existence (most were closed just over 2 years ago) and were at a different address. I've sent off proof of my new address and copy of passport and obviously given them the old address they would have on thier records. However, whilst I've successfully received summaries of charges from Monument and Halifax and subsequently have sent them my initial request for repayment, Barclaycard have written saying they have no record of my account with them. They also state that, if the account has been clsoed, then it is possible that their records have been deleted. I thought that it was a legal requirement for them to keep financial data for a given period of time (6 years?). I find this particularly irritating as Barclaycard were one of the worst offenders for unlawful charges to my account as far as I remember. Can anyone offer any info on their obligations to keep the info or suggest what I might do next? Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Alex
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