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  1. Hi all. I see that cssmobiles has closed their shop and now the website is down... i beleive they are packing it just like mobileconnections
  2. Hello taz. Nice that you won your case. CssMobiles have done another [problem]. After I posted my next invoice Special Delivery they recieved it and then said sorry we dont know who you are. In fact they were lying and blamed the computer which lost the details. It was in the local telegraph about heres the link Phone Deal Left My Cash On Hold (from Bradford Telegraph and Argus) How can they carry on business like this. I have informed all the network providers and orange know me very well with them recieving a call everyday if they have ny feedbback from cssmobiles. Its been since Feb when ornge said they will get feedback on cssmobiles. Now its September 2marrow and still no feedback.
  3. Hi I know its been ages (3 months) I thought this thread was dead but has been resurrected. Points to be noted from my side. 1. Address on nvelope given to me does not match the address of the shop. 2. Redirected to a po box number 3. Css Mobiles seem to be unaware of a po box number. I have contacted Taz. The post that goes to the Po Box number is supposed to stay there for cause it is rented for 6/12 months. As I was saying this particular company was rejecting mail for 2 weeks and accepting 2 weeks mail. Even when I went down to Royal Mail where the po box is (Bradford-Forester Square) I placed it there and after a full 7 days the post is still there. The Question is possibly Am I lying or not Or Can you reject 2 weeks of mail out of every 4? I have actually recieved 2 cheques for £32 and I still have the letters with me. Now that was my first CashBack. Unfortunatly I did not recieve a penny no matter what I did. Now coming to the second cashbck. I went down to the shop and spoke to the owner, his name is Irfan Raja. I asked him exactly what documents you want and told him that I will post it to 1366 leeds rd and not 1240. He agreed. Now I posted it in Special DELIVERY. cSS recievd it but still rejected it. Whats the excuse now they tell me (Over the phone)I HAVE NOT SENT IN THE RELEVENT DOCUMENTS I sent in what they asked. I sent the invoice page which lists my name/address/tariff/bill all they info they required I checked the summary page and all that has is the 3 phone numbers and not the tariff etc info. I went down to the shop and said to Ifran Raja that whats going on, you asked for ths page and your refusing to still pay, he claims wait for this I have to send in ALL that pages included the numbers dialled etc pages so thats about 20 pages, when on the phone they said I should only send in the main invoice page and summary, and 1 day before Irfan Raja told me to send in the first page only. This comapny simly do not want to pay back any cashback no matter what I do I have noted some changes since I took out the contract. 1. They first accepted delivery only to 1240 leeds rd, but now accepted to 1366 leeds rd . 2. When i first took out a contract they only requred the first page of the invoice this was clarified becuase I was told i would recuieve the bill in 2 days adn then post after 21 days and should only post the first page. this was clear However after 5 months I was first told to post the first page on the invoice before I posted my invoice, After posting they said on the phone that I should have sent out the first page and the summary page. And when I visited the shop I was told the WHOLE bill 20 odd pages. They do not want to pay the cashback in any manner. 3 I have not been told where the invoice department is since jan. the people on the phone do not recieve or see the paperwork cause there a diffrent department. 4 Orange since Jan have not been able to contct Cssmobile for feedback since Jan despite giving orange the website and the freephone number, why do i give the number surely they must know since cssmobiles are their agent. I really am stuck, this monday i went to the shop at 10 and stayed there till 5 and told every custmer about them in front of cssmobiles staff. Some customers did not believe me but when i asked some quesitons like where does the post go and where is your inovoice/account department they said sorry we cant pass that info to you. Around 15/20 customers left not single person joined them. I am palnnig so more protest like this until i get my money, i ve this before and the guy ifan raja said why are you making my customers turn away i said its becuse youre not paying me and you wont even tell my where the post goes and where the account deparment is. Anyone need anymore info can contact me at lister_storm@hotmail.co.uk
  4. Hi "the post office telling you mail is being redirected and sent to a PO Box that is only operational 2 weeks out of 4" They told me that it is operatiional but 2 weeks of mail is rejected and 2 weeks accepted, the guy showed me a huge pile of mail which was rejected and I was told that it may be sent to belfast or disposed of.
  5. I was sitting down watching TV. Hear the sound of post. Get up check it and it’s a flyer advertising great deals for mobiles contract phones. Seems great I'll pay a visit. Father sees the same offer. My father comes and says 'hey there’s a great offer here I’m going down to check it out' At the shop my father asks how the cash back works and is informed that you are paid in advance for 3 months after your first bill. Sounds great. I go down with all the relevant documents and select 3 deals (3 contracts). All are 18 months long. 2 are 16 months free and you pay the last 2 months the third contract is 15 months free and you pay last 3 months. Sounds great. The Salas assistant gives me a few envelopes and says just post your first invoice/bill via recorded delivery after 21 days and then you have 28 days to post and claim your cash back. Sounds simple. I received my bill after 2 days and waited for 21 days to pass and then recorded delivery using the envelope provided. After 2 days I phone up cssmobiles to ask if they have received my bill and they say no. I rang up royalmail and gave them my reference number and was informed please allow 15 days! After 15 days I rang up royalmail and they inform me that the post is lost. So I rang up orange and informed then of my problem and they said no problem we can send you another copy but will charge £3. I agree. This bill arrived in 2 days and again I did the same recorded delivery and waited 2 days rang up royal mail and they inform me it’s lost. I did not understand why it kept getting lost. On investigation I found the address on the envelope provided did not match the same as the shop but was an EMPTY building on the same street just a few shops away. I could not believe it. I ordered another bill from orange which again cost me £3. I went down to Royal Mail and asked about post being delivered to the address on the envelope and they informed me that it is being redirected to a PO BOX number which belonged to Cssmobiles and all post coming here is disposed of because Wait for it… The PO Box active for 2 weeks in a month, so 2 weeks of post in one month is disposed of. I went on a Friday and the next Monday was its starting date I went down to Cssmobiles and informed them of my situation and of how they gave me the wrong address and presented them my bill. They rejected it and said that it is only through post cashback. On the terms and Conditions this is not mentioned, it simply states that the relevant documents reach us on time. So I said that the address provided is not even in use and then they said no it is in use. I asked them does the post reach the address on the envelope provided or is it directed, they answered it reaches the address, when I said I found out it does not then they replied it is redirected when I asked where to I was again not given an answer then after sometime was told of a PO BOX number, I was told to go post it in the po box number and then the accounts departed will deal with it. Then I asked where I the accounts departed cssmobiles refused to answer despite asking over 5 times, till this date I don’t now if there is one or not I went down to royal mail and I gave the post master the bill in the envelope he marked/stamped it and said that this will not be removed from the po box number until someone from cssmobiles comes to pick it up. So I asked if the PO Box mail is delivered to cssmobiles or do they pick it up. The answer was cssmobiles pick it up. After a few days I rang up CSSMOBILES and they said they have not received my bill, so I went back after a full 7 days (posted on Friday and went back following Friday) and it was still there gathering dust. Furious I rang up cssmobiles and told them this and they said it will be dealt with over the weekend and I should receive my cash back in 10 days. Then after the weekend I rang up and they said that it’s probably lost in the post, in fact they never bothered to pick up the post from the PO Box. I said that it was in PO BOX and you are responsible for the post and the guy was saying no and I will not get any cash back unless they receive my bill. I require advice and help on what to do next and how I can recover the Cash Back which is £1880 Thank for reading.
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