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  1. Thanks Dar£n i've read that info. one thing that is says in the article is that there should be a reason at the top of the letter giving a reason for the directions hearing. i don't have any reason on my letter. any thoughts???:-|
  2. if you look at the banking code which you can view online. you will see that at section 13 or 14 it states that they can't pass your debt on to credit ref agencies if the account is in dispute. and your account IS IN DISPUTE i would write to both parties and finacial obudsman. Sounds like retaliation to me.
  3. Hi ther guys I Have a query but before i get to the query i will give you a quick update. ( i am at work so these figures are approx as i don't have figures with me ) Claiming: Woolwich £2300 Claiming: Barclays £4700 i had a court date of 18th July sent to me 7 days ago for my woolwich. i rang krysta and she told me to phone back on tuesday. She did say that she would discuss settlement then. so that sounds good. Then i got this letter yesterday from plymouth county court ( my local ) yesterday re the barclays account: TAKE NOTICE that this case has been listed for a DIRECTIONS HEARING which will take place on the 2nd July 2007 at 10:30am at Plymouth County court..blah blah when you should attend. 15 minutes has been allowed for the directions hearing Please note: this case may be released to another judge possibly at a different court. WHAT IS A DIRECTIONS HEARING??????? :confused: WHAT IS HAPPENING?
  4. Hi there Laiste, No worries! I actually wasnt anxious about the situation as I know I just have to wait until the time is up for Cl, & I was just making sure that I had advised correctly of the timescales. One of the other reasons I made contact with you was because you had said last week that you were going to do/needed to do, a letter that I had to send to GE. If that's not neccessary now thats ok - I am led by you. I know only too well what its like to feel that there are never enough hours in the day(!), & to be honest I often wonder just how you do it here on CAG, spreading yourself out as you do! I will of course contact the court as you have suggested. Many thanks for your ongoing support - sorry if I contributed to any hair-raising moments! Best, Electric:D
  5. Hi there everyone i've got a couple of questions tonight if anyone could help. i'm claiming £4293.41 via the moneyclaim online from Barclays. i don't use this account anymore. 1st one is this: The Barclays account i'm claiming for is currently -£1990 od my overdraft limit is -£1250 about 4-5 weeks ago the bank were calling everyday ( i never once answered the phone) asking me to make arrangements to pay blah blah blah. then they wanted me to cut up card and cheque book and send them back. i obliged! They were really p***ing me off so after seeking advice on this site i wrote to them saying that they couldn't pass my details to credit reference etc quoting banking code because 'i was in dispute' they then wrote back saying we have made a note of your comments and that barclays would be writing to you to make an offer which i should strongly consider! and they would not contact me for 4 weeks whilst i consider the offer. Well the offer came ......... £2200 i just said no thanks a went ahead with the mcol. The 4 weeks is up and the phone is going like the clappers. and one letter also saying that if i don't make arrangements they may pass my details on to credit ref agencies. the mcol has reached the stage where they have defended the claim and i am awaiting a court date. What do i do should i just send a similar letter to the one i sent before but this time quote my claim number so they know that as soon as it is sorted the overdraft will be paid off or not?? my other question is this how long do i wait for a court date, and will this date be soon i.e 1-2 months or a bit further away??
  6. thanks Mo3b i appreciate this advise anyone else with any experience please let me know Thanks Buzz:)
  7. Hi Everyone it's been a while. i was wondering if anyone could help me. i put in a claim for £2443.33 with the woolwich on moneyclaim. here are my sequence of events so you are up to speed. 26th March - Claim isued 31st March - Served 14th April - THE 14TH DAY!! - Ackowledged giving them a further 14 days well that 14 day period is up ( at midnight ) by my calculation and nothing has happened it still shows as being acknowledged on moneyclaim. does this mean i can enter judgment??
  8. I've been on moneyclaim site for a woolwich account i'm claiming for. i filled out all the details including the particulars of the claim section ( where i stated i am claiming interest of 8% blah blah blah ) my query is on the final boxes on this page. it has a box where you put the amount claimed, below this is a box stating the fee for the claim i.e £120.00. in the 1st box do i put the figure as £1995 as this is the amount i am claiming or do i put the amount as £2445 as this is the amount plus the interest which i calculated???
  9. By the way, we only went over our overdraught by £18.00, the rest is all charges (& a little interest)since Jan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. Thanks masses Delboy & Bookworm, That letter was so useful as was the advice. Adapted the letter & sent it today. I also looked up the banking code to reassure myself. Im getting ready for them! Some little worm called again last night - grrrrrrrrrr. I offered to pay 50% this week & 50 % of amount 4 weeks after that (basically next 2 paydays), so all of it would be paid within 5 weeks. Horrid little man said NO!!!!!!! He said that he wanted me to pay more than that, & then said ....actually there's going to be even more charges to the account, another £120 in charges going on in the next 10 days & he wanted that paying too!! I said I absoloutely wasnt going to pay for something that hadnt been added to my account yet & that I would deal with it accordingly once it was there. I told him that I had made a more than reasonable offer & that would be all he was having. He then said...oh well it will just be passed to debt collectors then. I nearly had a blue screaming fit:mad: I asked him if he would like the shirt off my back & the food from my toddlers mouths????????????? I asked to speak to a manager -he said that there were none there - amazing! I then told him that I wanted to make a complaint about him & he then had a fit, & agreed to have a manager call ME within 48 hours. I told him that I would be wanting a transcript of our conversation as proof that I had made a more than agreeable offer, & that he could go sing for anything else as I was in the middle of claiming charges & that they couldnt now touch me with a bargepole as the account was classed as in dispute. He told me that I wouldnt be successful or get any money back, & that lots of people had lost!!!! I was almost peuce with rage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My god, I was exhausted by it all. Its well taken its toll on me this week & I feel very, very tired with all this already. My husband reckons that the worm of a man knew I am claiming which is why he gave me such a hard time. He said all the info was likely to have been on the screen in front of him & that they were probably trying to do their best to intimidate me?? I shall enlighten when I get a reply to the letter sent today!!! Thanks again guys - it feels so good to know that you are close by to help. Best, Electric Lemon:( ( a little subdued lemon)
  11. thanks! yeah i'll do that. what would your advice be if the bank call? ( other than to not answer the phone! )
  12. thanks guys for your replys. I Got my list of charges and wrote to Barclays on the 20th February asking for £3625 ( i used the templates on moneysavingexper.com) i gave them 14 days they then wrote back saying they were looking into it and that i should expect to hear from them by the 20th March, and i am still waiting. Do you think i should just go for it now and give them the old 7 days or court routine???
  13. hi i'm new here. i'm in the process of claiming £3625 from barclays. When we started the process my wife and i decided to open a new current account with smile. we now use this for our salary, bills etc. the barclays account has become obsolete. i wrote to barclays requesting our charges back 2 weeks ago and i had a letter back saying that we would get a response by the 20th March. So far so good. Here is the problem - As many of you can probably sympathise we've always had charges month in and month out. We have an agreed o/d limit of -£1250 on our barclays account but it is currently -£1850 which is over our agreed limit ( mainly due to charges!!! ). as i already mentioned we are not using the account at all now. (We just had to switch so our money wasn't taken away from us every bloomin' month! ) So i just thought to myself when barclays cough up that will cover the overdraft and everything will be ok. anyway today i get a phonecall off Barclays saying when are you going to pay the unathorised o/d. so i said - oh can i set up a payment plan? they said no you have already had 5 failed plans in the last 12 months.:o They then said when are you going to pay? well of course i made some excuse about it being a difficult time to talk as i was going out so they said they will call back. Where do i stand? i've got no chance of a loan/credit card etc. etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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