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  1. Any entries made by nursing staff in patients notes/records are considered legal documents.All entries must include date and time entry was made,note must be signed twice ie signature of nurse and also name printed,and notes must be legible.Any barrister would pull nursing staff apart for shoddy documentation.Also the NMC take a very dim view of poor record keeping.Your Father should have been assessed by a consultant specialising in psychiatry of old age (geriatrician) for specialist nursing intervention/care/treatment while he was an in patient in the medical ward.I am really susprised and indeed shocked that this was'nt done. Whizzy
  2. Bigdess


    In those days this was the norm,some of the things I have seen down through the yrs dosn't bear thinking about.In those days it was turn the other cheek or else.Certain sections of management behaved in a really disgraceful manner.If that nurse was working in the wards today he wouldn't last one week.I am now working in a dementia assessment unit, and very happy,I prefer to work with female staff because I get on much better with them,they make you feel part of a team and the crac is pretty good.I love to see my patients smile and laugh and enjoy making them laugh Hunter Patch Adams style (Clown Nursing) Bigdess
  3. Bigdess


    It concerns a individual who was physically aggressive towards a patient,this incident happened long before the UKKC (NMC) came into being.This person was protected by certain senior nurse managers because they felt he was one of the boys.This person has become CSM and used his bullying tactics to climb to the top,the post was never advertised.The patient concerned had to receive three sutures above his (L) eye following a punch he received from this person,at the time the person was ward manager.Many more spring to mind Bullying those nurses who worked on his ward (verbal aggression) Encouraging stds when leaving his ward to buy alcohol. F-----g consultants off during ward rds and while they were on his ward. Being involved in a ward manager click so that one would protect the other. Consuming alcohol while on duty,ie xmas parties I could go on forever,I just happened to be speaking with my colleagues over coffee at change of shift.We were talking about some of the patients we nursed in the past and the colourful personalities we encountered along the way.And in the course of the conversation this particular individual sprung to mind.Hence the question. Bigdess
  4. Bigdess


    Has any nurse ever witnessed management protecting another nurse following an aggressive incident on a patient.Applies to psychiatry. Bigdess
  5. From experience its unusal for the financial assessment to be completed in the residential setting.The financial assessment is normally completed prior to discharge,or during the assessment process.Be sure that the nursing care plan/nursing notes are included in your Fathers health care records.Was your Father sectioned/detained under the Mental Health act while in the secure unit,you need to find this out. Bigdess
  6. What was the length of your Fathers assessment period when in hospital.Assessment meaning physical needs/mental health.What treatment was your Father receiving for his viscular dementia.Do the panel base their decision on your Fathers needs,do they refer to the nusing assessment. Whizzy
  7. What was the length of your Fathers assessment period when first admitted to hospital.Your father should have a primary nurse who should be able to explain treatment,nursing care and future management/nursing care.The assessment period is normally six weeks and is an ongoing process the primary nurse should be able to keep you informed and should be able to discuss/answer some of your questions/concerns.Your best approach is to demand a family meeting with all those individuals who are involved with your Fathers care.Also I note that your Father was in a secure unit,was he detained under the Mental Act.If so how often was he seen by the consultant.I am unsure about the Mental Health act in England,I am from N Ireland so would be more up to speed with The Mental Health Order (NI) 1986.One more question,has the care manager asked you to complete a financel assessment,this is done in order to determine if your Father is self funding. Whizzy
  8. Game set and match,money lodged into my account this morning £1,505.Happy days,Capital one here I come. Bigdess
  9. Already done this several times no reply,finished up ringing my local branch who contacted me yesterday stating they would refund the £14 the girl explained to me that if it happened again she would not refund and this should be considered a one off.She also said she would change the account to First Plus.Checked this account out,if you remain in credit no charges,the catch is no £100 overdraft.I think I will stick with the account I have because that £100 comes in handy towards the end of the month. Bigdess
  10. Just checked my account this morning and have noted that good old FT have taken a referral charge for £14.00 for going just £4.73 into the red.B------s.:mad::mad: Bigdess
  11. Came across this article in the Daily Mail this morning.Thought it might be of interest. Banks using 112 'sneaky' charges to recoup lost fees | the Daily Mail Bigdess
  12. Just received a phone call from First Trust this afternoon,due to the high number of complaints/claims that the bank are dealing with they cannot guarantee that the £1,505 will be in are account for at least a further 6wks at the latest.The department that deals with this is only working 3pm-4pm Monday to Friday.Also received an e mail from FOS "It is endeavouring to process these payments within the four weeks, however in some cases it will be after the four weeks but within the six weeks that we had indicated to customers that it may take." I think I have exhausted all avenues and to be honest I am fed up with the whole thing.Just have to sit this one out. :mad::mad: Bigdess
  13. I am going to continue to send her e mails, sent one of this morning so she has had one e mail each day from the 15.08.07.I am enjoying every minute of this.Explained to the guy I spoke to the morning that an automated transfer isn't rocket sicence.Also told him it didn't take 6-8wks for the charges to be deducted from are account in the first place.To be honest I am bored after returning from hoildays and just looking to annoy someone,what better people than FT LOL :D:D:D:D Bigdess
  14. Received letter from Lorraine Whitsitt this morning she is not a happy camper.She informed me that FT received my acceptance from the FOS on 15.08.07,then proceeds to tell me that they have six weeks to make the payment.I have explained that the payment to be made is a simple automated transfere and shouldn't take six weeks since we have an account with FT.Contacted them this morning and was informed that their office is only open from 3pm-4pm.They don't appear to be customer friendly. Bigdess
  15. E mailed Lorraine Whitsitt yesterday with no result Bigdess
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