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  1. Hi I was TUPE'd over to the NHS in October from a private company, my question is that our holidays ran from January to December with the original job and the NHS are wanting to change us over to April to March to go in line with the rest of the hospital staff. Can they do this as it is technically changing our terms and conditions? I wonder this as at the moment I get paid less than I should do and also have less holiday entitlement than I should do if I was a new employee to the NHS. I want to basically know that if they change the dates and not the amount is this a tool I can use to say that they are harmonising me and changing my terms and conditions so can they change the rest and then I would be eligiable for the agenda for change. Thanks
  2. I work for a private health company which is TUPE us over to the NHS but my wages will be below that of the NHS along with my holiday entitlement. I have asked both the HR from my company and the NHS and the NHS HR has said NO WAY where as my companies HR has said they will look into Harmonisation! As the NHS HR have said no way my contract will stay the same I have been wondering if it is possible to go down the equal pay route! Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks
  3. Yes but it just says description! I have put the account cover (ppi) and the interest plus the late payment charges is that correct?
  4. Thanks ims21 finally it is working! Just because I was using a . instead of a /! Can I ask what do I put on the sheet under description? Do I put firstly the total brought forward from the previous statement (that I don't have)? and then all the charges? and payments? Sorry but I am getting a headache trying to get it right!
  5. Excel 2003 What I don't understand is that last week it opened and worked ok!
  6. Just had a thought! all be it a random one! If I should be filling in the second form should I put the date and carried over balance into the spent box as I only have statements from 2002 and not 1994 when the card was taken out? Should I be adding that to the amount spent?
  7. I am trying to open the 4th one on the list. I am not sure if I should be doing that one or the second one! They both seem to be called the same thing. CISheet v101.xls or FosCISheet v101.xls I think it should be the second one here (from previous post) which is the one that will open but keeps giving me the #value thing.
  8. I can open the spreadsheet fine but when I enter any amounts the number of months and compound interest come up with #VALUE! and also above that the compound interest and total do the same! I have tried restarting my computer but it still happens any ideas please?
  9. Bump Re APR figure! At the bottom of the PPI customer questionaire it says send any documents do I need to send the statements back to santander? Or do I just send the form and a letter along with the spreadsheet which only contains amounts from the statements I have and not all of them.
  10. FosCISheet v101.xls is the spreadsheet I used. The account is being paid off to another company (Lewis) at £10 a month. From Feb 2008 I went on reduced payments to Lewis as I was unemployed at the time and couldn't keep up the payments.
  11. Sorry! also wonder which figure I use as the agreement says 2.14%(APR 28.9) not sure which figure goes in the interest rate.
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