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Everything posted by scentinel

  1. Success!!! I claimed £6100 from RBOS, sent off the SAR, had the statements back, sent off the prelim letter, fully expecting to fight the whole way to the court steps. Had the standard letter telling me they were looking into it. Then my sister was taken ill, and I pushed it to the back of my mind. Imagine my surprise when a letter arrived telling me that they did not accept that their charges were unreasonable, they did not agree that they were unlawful, however, as a "gesture of goodwill" they offered me £5554.61. I was utterly flabbered....but curious as to why they offered such a peculiar sum. I went back to my original figures, and discovered that I had mis-calculated! So, cheque in bank, dancing in street and public holiday declared. just a quickie though....I have had immediate settlements form three companies now, and I would like to say that I have not added any interest. I wrote that I would add interest should it go to court, plus the 8% allowed by the court. Maybe that makes a difference?
  2. Hi, Have been enthralled by this thread...better than John le Carre!! I too have letters from Bryan Carter & Co Solicitors, dated after they supposedly ceased trading. I am not too sure of my ground here, but I think that when one ceases to trade, or relinquishes a trading name, there is some protocol at Companies House that prevents one from using a similar name for a similar type of business. Perhaps someone smarter than me could dig around?:idea: BC issued proceedings against me in(guess where), and got a judgement against me. I sent off my cheque to clear the debt (under protest), but they have failed so far to present the cheque. This is more than three weeks ago, so I will find myself time expired and with a CCJ lodged against me. I have written to the court and pointed out that this firm ceased to trade on 28th February 2007 and they have failed to present my cheque, and I feel that both the court and I have been misled. The cheque was made payable to BC & Co, as instructed. Keep up the good work!
  3. Hi, Thanks to the information I was able to access on this site, I received a cheque from RBS for £5554.00 in respect of my charges. I had claimed £6100.00 however, upon receiving the offer, I re-checked my files and found that I had actually mis-calculated. So, they were right and I am five grand better off! Just a note, I also had an offer from Morgan Stanley, and on both accounts I did not include interest, but indicated that I would add 8% interest and compound it should we need to put these matters before the Courts. My next point is that I would like to contribute to this site, but am unsure as to how to go about it. I do not have on online payment accounts, such as paypal, but am happy to pay electronically or by cheque. Would someone kindly let me know the form? Thanks......... Scentinel
  4. What relevance does this report have on the performance of British Banks? Surely there is no connection? Can anyone tell me? I'm filing against RBOS on Wednesday, and if this is likely to be important perhaps I should be reading/including it.....really would like some input....Ta
  5. yesterday I received a letter from Barclaycard containing some of my statements, not all, and stating that they keep the rest on microfilm and whilst they "do not consider that the microfilm statments fall within the scope of the Data Potection Act 1998" they will forward the rest in about six weeks. They claim that the Information Comissioner is aware of their position. So, do I now stick to my given timetable and report them for non-compliance on 4th June (when the 40 days are up) or do I wait and see what happens in six weeks. I am minded to say that 40 days are long enough to comply and given the massive profits that the banks declare you would think they could take on staff to deal with these requests. So, should I stick to my original timetable? Or wait the six weeks...any ideas?
  6. WOW!! Talk about cojones! Go Hydra...you are an inspiration. So, drinks on you, eh?
  7. Ok...new problem....I was just putting my case together to go to court (will be submitting my N1 on 6th June if cold hard cash does not drop through my letterbox) and I came the bit about the 8% interest. No worries, I thought, I'll just look it up. So, I did...ermmmm I used the online calculator available on the site map. However, it asks me to input when the sum claimed became due. That's the puzzler. The sum claimed accrued over 6 years, so should I put the total sum in there with the date of the start of the claim (2001). That doesn't seem right as in 2001 I hadn't yet had removed from my account the sum I am now claiming. I don't want any more than I am owed. Can anyone help with this as I need this info by next week and I cannot understand it..Please!! And where do I find a credit card spreadsheet? I've used the Bank one, but it's different for credit cards and the ones shown on the site won't open with firefox for some reason.
  8. Good for you, hydra. On the other hand....Amex sent me all of my statements, going back over 9 years, returned my cheque and encouraged me to contact them should I need any further help, at any time......do you think they know what's going on? I have been following the goings-on over on the Cabot forum, as I am dealing with them too, and as I don't want to hijack anyone else's thread, could someone advise me as to the following: I sent ove my CCA letter to Cabot ref two credit cards, and they responded by simply giving me the outstanding balance on the two accounts (as though I am not blindingly aware of them), but should I have sent the CCAs to the original card issuers? Or both? Or neither? I think I might be losing the will to live....
  9. Just an update......received my statements on the 39th day. Sent in my initial claim for return of my money. On the 14th day, I received a letter from Drummonds (RBOS) advising me that they were too busy to deal with the likes of me and they would get around to replying at some point after the 12th of Never. I have paraphrased a bit.....Sent off LBA and am now waiting......and waiting......and waiting...
  10. Thanks Phil.....very useful advice. I must confess to feeling a bit nervous as it's such a large amount, over £6,000, and I am concerned about the ruling made last week against a claimant. Still, I have no choice but to carry on as I am committed to having my money returned to me. Just to go off point for a moment, I have received two letters from GE Money (formerly GE Capital), vis a vie two store cards I have. Both letters, which came separately, claim I did not enclose the account number in my SAR letter. Hmmm... fortunately I kept copies and there, just underneath the"Dear Sirs" bit, are the account numbers. Another delaying tactic, methinks.
  11. Where does this leave us all? Is it worth carrying on?
  12. Hi everyone, Just thought I'd catalogue my battle with RBOS to refund my charges. I have today sent off my LBA as my preliminary refund request was ignored until the 14th day, when I received a letter informing me that the Bank were very busy and they would look into it in the next four weeks or so. Yeah, right, like they ever gave me any more time when I was busy and they were sucking their charges from my account. So, LBA off today and I am going to research court action. As I am claiming more than £5000, I can't go the small claims route, but believe I need to go on the fast track route. Has anybody else done this and have any hints? I would dearly appreciate any clues, info, help...etc Ta muchly Scentinel
  13. Sounds like a great idea! I'm up for it....Cardiff is ok for me, although I live in Westest Wales! It would be interesting to meet other claimants face to face...although I haven't yet got any money back from RBOS, it would be good to think they funded the trip!
  14. Many thanks for the advice.....will get on to it first thing Monday morning. Will keep you all posted. Power to the people!!
  15. Hi, Six years ago I bought a propertythat had six letting properties attached. The tenants were a load of "bankers" and gradually I managed to get rid of them all. The problem which has been ongoing and has now gone nuclear is that when these people moved out..all of them owing money to swalec, swalec just transferred the outstanding balance to my account. Despite a thousand ( well, several) letters to them, they are incapable of understanding that although I own these properties, I did not use the electricity there. They have now increased my direct debit to £700 per month to clear this debt. When I told them I would not be paying this, they simply threatened to disconnect my supply. To further compound matters, two of the cottages have now been sold, and I am still receiving bills in my name, even though, I, the new owners and my solicitor have all written to them. Any ideas? I am at the end of my tether...I cannot get any sense out of them at all. When I telephone they cannot access my letters, when I write I get no reply.
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