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10 Good
  1. yeah, i cant return it as ive already worn it! and they are the most expensive, but not when they actually discount your account with "valid" vouchers, that way it works out ok! additions are much cheaper, but i think is still owned by same company!
  2. this happened me before xmas, i had a samsung phone for sale, and it was bid for over 1,000gbp and i knew something was wrong, so i emailed ebay before i contacted the buyer, and turns out that someones account had been hijacked, and they were from nigeria! i never contacted the buyer and ebay dealt with it. i had to relist my item after it as well! so my advice to anyone who is unfortunate enough to have this happen to you, contact ebay straight away!
  3. ok, sounds great! ! ill probably get fed up trying to get blood out of a stone. they obviously arent interested in my complaint as they have it "noted!" its just frustrating to be treated in that ignorant manner by them! it sorta makes you not like them anymore and begrudge giving them any more custom! thanks for sharing your experience with me! wish i could have heard something positive but hey! theyre the big boys!! were just the customers!!!
  4. hi, i take it you never got the discount, so its a lost cause even pursuing it in any way?
  5. hi, i received a final reminder from littlewoods through the post, that i hadnt yet claimed my "exclusive" 15.00 award to spend with littlewoods. a couple of days later, i placed an order via telephone, for 2 items, the value of the order was 56.00. i quoted my award number to the lady taking my order, and assumed it had been discounted. i checked my account online, and noticed that the coupon had not been deducted from my account, i emailed them to ask why this had not been done. the next day i got a reply to say that the promotion can only be used for the 1st order only, and that i had already used a voucher on 31.10.06 and that they cant adjust my account. i replied to them asking why i was sent out a voucher in the 1st place, and why i was not informed of this when i placed the order. which they replied saying that they could not check my account at that time. i replied to this email again asking them to answer my initial question, as to why i was even sent out this voucher, and i explained that i did not want to be awkward, and intended to continue shopping with them, to which they replied to me saying that my feedback was welcomed, and it proved invaluable to them when they look to improve their service, and assured me that my comments have been noted! they apologised for any inconvenience or disappointment that i may have felt. i know its only 15.00 but i have felt like they have been ignoring me so that i will just go away and forget about it, and hence im looking for some advice, should i email them again, or just forget it? or can i use another coupon to the value of 20.00 which i received from them last week against this? any advice is appreciated, thank you
  6. hi there, im from northern ireland and am going to claim money back from the northern bank, has anyone had any experience with northern bank, and if so, how did you get on with them? i would love to hear some advice about claiming in northern ireland, as i have not seen any stories about anyone who has successfully claimed from here yet, and i have been searching the web for a while now. any advice is appreciated! thank you for your time
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