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  1. Hi all, Thanks for the advice. Work seem to have done a u turn and allowed my request although I have to work in a different work area. Incidentally, I was requesting to go back to my old working hours and pattern. In addition to this I was asking for term time. Anyway, it all seems to have sorted itself out now, and I am just so grateful for that it feels as though a weight has been taken off my shoulders. Well must go now, baby crying!
  2. Hi all, Just wondered whether anybody could provide me with any guidance. I am currently on mat leave and due to go back in work in Jan when my baby is 6 months old. I also have another young child. Prior to mat leave, I worked 32.5 hours a week from 07:30 to 14:30 so I could collect my son from school. I have applied to go back with these hours and also term time. My request for both have been refused and I am having to go through the grievance process and tribunal. Have tried the work life balance and the fact that the law states that I should be able to return to work ubder my old terms and conditions but they will not budge. This has made me so stressed that I am now on medication and my doctor has even written a letter to state that this is all affecting my mental health. Has anybody been through this and able to help? Cheers guys
  3. Thanks for the info guys. It's much appreciated. I suppose an extra £130 is nothing compared to what I will hopefully receive from the bank. I'll have to speak to them tho as I want to include the £250 fee in my claim.
  4. Hi all, I just have a quick question which I thought that you may be able to help me with. I have submitted my N1 claim to the courts. My claim is for £4997 bank charges and £1018 interest bringing thr total to 6015. I sent my fee to the court which I thought was £120 as the amount less interest is less than £5000. However I have received a letter requesting a further £130 as the total amount is more than £5000. I thought that I had read somewhere that the interest is not taken into account when assessing the court fees. Does anybody know? If I do have to pay the extra £130, will I be able to amend my N1 claim to reflect this court charge as I purposely was not claiming the court fees back to keep the amount less than the £5000. Hope I have made sense and not waffled too much. Cheers
  5. Hi all, This is the first time I have posted anything and I hope I am doing it right. Please excuse any typos but my keyboard is playing up. Firstly I would like to say that I have read lots of threads n this site everybody seem so friendly and so willing to help others. I am in the process of completing a hard copy N1 claim to my County Court as I have had no response to my LBA from Lloyds. I have completed most of it but am struggling with the value section on the first page. I am fine with the first bit but am confused about the bit fron '£xx.xx per day to deems just' and also the daily rate of interest in part 4c of the particulars of claim. I am probably being really stupid here but I blame it on being pregnant and ready to have the baby any day now!!. Any guidance/ advice would be greatly appreciated.
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