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An Angry Villager

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Everything posted by An Angry Villager

  1. When I was at University part of the paper work (which acted as a "Terms of Agreement" between myself and the insititution) said I was liable for all the terms fees unless I quit due to "exceptional" circumstances - this seems common practice. I would guess that it not being for you isn't strong enough for them to drop it. I knew someone who had a complete mental break down and that still wasn't enough - doctors proof and all. End of the day, you signed up for a course that they expected you to complete, and with that they expected funding throughout - though it may not make it right, they're only trying to recoup some of their money. The only thing I can think of at the moment is double check your Terms of Agreement and take it from there.
  2. Wicked, it looks like it's just a waiting game until they reply then.
  3. Have you escalated it to a formal written complaint? I've just had to do this and I've given them the choice of sorting out my problem or I'm refering it to the Energy Ombudsman. [**EDIT**] Basically - 2 advisors from Npower ignored my complaint and refused to deal with it. One even went as far as saying it "wasn't a good idea for me to make this a formal complaint". Like you, I do not appreciate bad customer service and such arrogance on their part. [**/END EDIT] Anyway - hit them with a sledgehammer - I'm on the verge of doing that to NPower myself.
  4. Update: Managed to squeeze a CAB appointment yesterday and was informed the following by Npower: They avoided the issue of the previous tenant having debt issues with them, and I'm wondering if this is where the bill has come from. AND - Even though I have never opened a gas account with them, and therefore they have no record me ever doing so - I am still responsibile for the bill. The CAB disagree with this and so do I. Cue my day being spent starting an offical complaint. (Funnily enough - NPower said there was no need for an offical comaplint to be made....) AAV.
  5. I'll look that up, cheers - I've got an appointment with the CAB in December as they're backed up with appointments. Fingers crossed they'll be able to help. I'll update when things happen.
  6. Right. Ive been at my flat for nearly 3 years, and I've never once used gas or asked for it to be piped to my flat. Imagine my surprise to get a £164 gas bill off Npower about a month ago, stating someone had been round and read my meter. Npower has said that according to their records, I've been a customer of theirs for nearly 3 years (only for electric as the gas fire in the lounge is the only appliance that would use our supply) and I am in arrears. The kicker is I contacted my landlady and she's provided evidence the meter was capped before I moved in and has been checked every 3 months to check the status. Npower have ignored this and are still demanding the money. As I have said, I have never asked for gas service - only electric or even been informed I had one until recently - has anyone else had this problem and how did they deal with it? An Angry Villager
  7. Cheers, I'll be sure to do that! Update: Just got a quote that I'm going to be purchasing later today that includes highrisk / laptop cover. Cheers again!
  8. Hello all Due to a few hits on my credit record, I unfortunately have to resort to Brighthouse for a couple of items. Does any one have any information on insurers that Brighthouse accept so I don't have to pay (or then go through the ball ache of cancelling) their excessive charges for damage, "insurance" and so on. I've had a bit of a look around and very few insurers seem to mention items on Hire Purchase being included. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. An Angry Villager
  9. I've just come back from the CAB today and that's what they told me, in fact the guy chuckled as he said it. So, the council said the will take back what I owe, as long as I stick to an agreement and Bristow and Sutor loose out on the £200 charges they've added for knocking on my door. (And they didn't even do that, one time I was in when they just put a note through my door and left)
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