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  1. Thanks it could take forever! we all know how the bank operates
  2. Hi I recieved a reply from the bank today, as i understand the bank/s have become involved in legal proceedings with the "OFT" (as stated here here.) and the bank have asked the Financial Services Authority "FSA" to SUSPEND THE NORMAL TIMETABLE FOR DEALING WITH BANK CHARGES COMPLAINTS. Once the legal proceedings between the OFT & banks finish, they will resolve my complaint asap. Should I continue as usual and wait until I get to the court stages? (seems to be the right option) or wait for the bank and the OFTs decision? hhmmm. Thanks
  3. The bank have not responded to my first letter ( Preliminary approach for repayment.) & the 14 days are up! I'll be sending the letter before action tomorrow first thing.
  4. okay... thanks Posting tomorrow one more question: should I post to my bank or head office?
  5. Anyone else here know what the monthly account charge is for a Gold account? (yes! I'am a fool ) The account charge seems to be changing from month to month; for instance june - July was £25! September is £40.00!! they seem to charge what they like from month to month. this Month: Maintence charge of: £28.00 Plus fee of: £12.00 so I can claim back the maintence charge of £28.00 right? almost there Thanks
  6. Hey guys, thanks for the advice another question: My total charges amount £6143. I can only claim up to £5000 in a small claims court right? so....should i try to claim the £5000 first, then the £1143 (is this possible?) or cut my loses. any help - would help. Thanks in advance R
  7. Hi I'm about to start proceedings against The Royal Bank of Scotland! I'm currently calculating my total; however, i'm confused about referal charges? 1.what are they? 2. can I claim them back? any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Richard
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