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  1. You can go to the goodgarage website, where there is a complaints procedure,
  2. FPN


    ~Hi all, having just prepared the NI forms, my wife gets a letter this morning offering her £1058.25 in full and final settlement:). We are after £1320 including interest, but we have not had to endure the court procedure and i think she is happy with the offer, but i could not have done it with out the info and help on this site, do you think we should go for the rest or are we on a loser?
  3. FPN


    Thank you very much, i have spent ages photocopying court bundles, preparing files, so i guess im ready for that, if it comes. I have been a bit slow in doing this, but since the last letter from HSBC, saying it would take 8 weeks to investigate, i have not heard a thing, surprise!, i have sent relevant letters and so i feel it's ready for court time, thank you once again
  4. FPN


    Hi, i have just prepared the Claim Form for the Courts, i am going to deliver by hand, i have followed the steps with regards to filling the NI in, However, do i need to submit a bundle with the NI or just a copy of the charges? please help FPN, Confused!
  5. HI all, I have just filled in the Claim Form for the courts, i will deliver by hand, can some one please confirm, that all i need to submit is the form and a list of the charges, copied 3 times or do i submit a package folder including, statements, case law, early day motion, Dunlop, utccr 1999 etc, i have read all the threads and just get lost with what needs to be submitted at the first event, sorry to those who have heard this question before, im just stuck with the answer, please help
  6. FPN

    good garage

    I was not trying to plug any one, it just seems that some people have struggled to find a garage! if no ones can recomend a garage to a person in trouble, then at least it's a start. There are obviously small garages that are not on this scheme that are really good, but if you don't know who they are, how do you find them. any i used a garage from this site for my imported car and found them to be really good and now i recomend them. I did not mention them on here, just in case people thought i was advertising them!
  7. Hi Happy, thank you for that, i was going to use the template for requesting the list of transactions etc, at the same time should i ask for the copy of the agreement then? FPN
  8. Thanks for that Buzby. better go and see the bank then! good job i have no issues with them, well not yet!
  9. National Insurance & PAYE, hi im currently running 2 months behind on these payments, it stays a steady 2 months as the company has only been operating 1 year and the start up costs were horrendous (ithink that's spelt right) anyway, the revenue phoned demading that i got up to date or they would send in the bailiffs, can they do that? or is there something i can do, apart from pay up to date?
  10. Hi, i joined yesterday to try and sought my wifes finances, one thing that we have come accross on her statement is "payment break plan" she enquired with monument as to what this was? i'm sure you know it is a type of insurance, she says that at no point did she tick the box for this cover, but monument says she did! My question is, how do we go about proving that she did not and would we be able to claim this back along with her late payment charges?
  11. Hi, i see that people are looking to try and find a decent garage service, take a look at Good Garage Scheme - Car Service, MOT Test, Car Servicing and Repairs Directory type in your post code and you should be able to find one near to you, at least you know your not being ripped off! all the best
  12. Hi and thank you for the support
  13. Hi every one, have just signed up to try and help my wife with regards to the unjust penalties, also pleaseing to note that there is thread for Fax credits, another issue from which she is suffering from! so i guess this is gonna take some time and i must admit, it looks pretty daunting, but its a matter we must try. so here goes:)
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