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Everything posted by cassie2006

  1. Thank You. I'm in such a bad place right now I really appreciate your understanding. Bless You. Liz xx
  2. Thank You. I really appreciate it when I know there is someone who can empathise with me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love to you and I feel your bereavement xx
  3. Unortunately, although Mark only left me 9 weeks ago I've been off work since the end of August looking after him on a Dr.s certificate. If I don't go back next Monday I will go onto half pay, which, as you can imagine, is not possible with bills etc.
  4. Thanks Caro. This is a bad week. I should have gone back to work over a week ago but I've had to take A/L. It's my birthday on Thursday (31st) and Mark's is on Saturday (2nd Feb). The year he was born my birthday was on a Thursday and he was born on the following Saturday. I feel like we've gone a full circle. I've gone through the first Christmas without him (though I didn't know much about it as he was only buried on 12th Dec). How do I get through this week. I'm brokenhearted
  5. Thinking of you Burlyb. I don't know how we can get through these special days when EVERY day is almost unbearable. Cassie xx
  6. Thanks All. Mark's Birthday on 2nd February. I'll raise a glass on that day for him and all our Angels who have left us. I always said Mark had the voice of an Angel. He used to sing in the church choir years ago and never lost his beautiful voice, so....... Sing loud now Mark with all the Angels. I am absolutely bereft. xxxxxxxxxxx
  7. I've not been on CAG fo a long time and have only just seen this beautiful thread. Can I raise a belated glass to my beautiful son, Mark, who passed away on 26th November. He only got sick in August and passed suddenly that Monday evening. I was in the hospital talking to him only an hour before he died. Keep singing with the Angels Mark!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Hi T Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will call you one day........ You've had your fair share of troubles :(since that lovely weekend we had - we must do it again! The race went well, although as the years go by it's getting a bit harder, but still it's for such a good cause. Thanks Again for your generosity. Cassie xx
  9. Thanks hightail. Excuse my ignorance: what does POM-V product mean?
  10. Hello hightail Thanks for your response. I don't quite know if they're prescription only - everytime I have a problem with my dog I take her to the vet, probably very niaive (or stupid:(. These were given to me at the surgery when I came out of the consultation. They are called "EASOTIC". Her ear is better now (she didn't have a tic) and they are only good for 10 days after opening, so I can't keep them for future use. Cassie x
  11. Hi Jack1966 I agree with you the prices are a lot. I took Hattie to the vet on Saturday morning - she suffers with really mucky ears and although I clean them regularly, sometimes I can tell she needs drops as she is constantly shaking her head. The consutation fee was £23.50 (it lasted 3 minutes) and the drops cost £15. She's fine now (until the next time!!) Although I work I don't get paid until next week so I paid by cheque as I had no money (which will now cost me double with bank charges). Cassie x
  12. Hi Angels (and Charley) Long time no "speak":) I've been looking and keeping up with the gossip from afar (or "lurking" as Charley once put it)!!:???: I've probably got a terrible cheek but for this cause I've got no shame: As a lot of you will remember my friend lost her son at the age of 24 to cancer. Well, that was 3 years ago last month (can you believe it??). At the time I felt there was nothing constructive I could do for her, so............. I took part in the "Race for Life" in memory of James that year. I'm running again this year (my 4th) on Sunday at Blackheath. Over the years I've magaged to raise over 2K. I know times are hard for the most of us........................I'll say no more. If you could sponsor me I would be very grateful but even if you can't your thoughts at 10.30 on Sunday morning will be very much appreciated. (I'm not getting any younger..........) http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/elizabethhaigh1 Cassie xx
  13. RIP Sparky and Tyler. Have a look at the poem in #25 - it's very sad but oh so true. Cassie xx
  14. Kia I've just read your posts. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Your Dad is now with your Mum. May they both Rest in Peace. Love and Hugs Cassie xxxxxxxxxxxx
  15. Sam, I'm so sorry. When I had to have Miss Molly put to sleep (first time I ever had to do this) someone sent me this poem. It made me weep but was very comforting too. I hope it gives you some comfort as it did me. If it should be I grow frail and weak And pain prevents my peaceful sleep. Then you must do what must be done When this last battle can't be won. You will be sad, I understand. Selfishness might stay your hand. But on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship take the test. We've had so many happy years That what's to come can hold no fears. You'd not want me to suffer. So, When the time comes, please let me go. Take me where my needs they'll tend. Only stay with me until the end. Hold me firm and speak to me. Until my eyes no longer see. I know, in time, you, too, will see It is a kindness that you do for me. Although my tail it's last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved. Do not grieve it should be you. Who must decide this thing to do. We've been so close, we two, these years...... Don't let your heart hold any tears. Lots of love and hugs. Cassie xx
  16. http://www.petloss.com/poems/maingrp/rainbowb.htm RIP Taz and Tulsa. Cassie
  17. Elsa I wondered about her teeth. They seem fine - she has no trouble with "pigs ears" which are really chewable so I don't think her eating "problems" are to do with them. Do you think that maybe she isn't used to being "fed" at certain times....?? She looks in fabulous condition..... but who knows.............. she's a stray!! Any suggestions are very welcome................. Since this mornings vet visit she has finished the whole bowl!!!!! Could she just be "picky"?? Cassie x
  18. I saw on a calender: "My Dog is a heartbeat at my feet" How true:)
  19. Hi Charley and All the Angels (old and new) Please have a look at the Pets & Vets Forum - I've got a new addition to my family:D Belated Happy New Year to You All Cassie x and Hattie xx
  20. Thanks K She's got 4 lovely white paws - and she's sooooo clean. always grooming herself. I absolutely adore her:grin: I really hope your baby is doing well:-) Cassie xx
  21. Here is another from the website. She is even more lovely in real life:grin:
  22. This is my baby Hattie (this is from the website I saw her on)
  23. She is soooooo GORGEOUS:D She has the colourings of a German Shepherd but the figure of a husky (and the tail:lol:) She is a teddy bear. But: She hasn't been eating very well for the past few days - less than 50% of the amount a dog her size should eat. She's just over 40kg. Took her to the vet this morning because I was worried. £33 poorer came home with a pot to collect urine:eek: and she ate nearly a whole bowl of food:confused: Me thinks she's got me wrapped round her little(huge) paw:lol: Love to all Cassie xx
  24. Hi Everybody. Just to let you know I've got a new dog.:grin: Her name is Hattie. She is a cross German Shepherd/Husky and is absolutely beautiful:D She was a stray and was rescued from a dog pound where her time was up:( I got her from a dog rescue in Kent as she was on the "Golden Oldies Dogs" website. They think she's approx. 9 years old but my vet doesn't think she's more than 6/7. I got her the Sunday before Christmas so we've had a great time in the snow - she absolutely loves it:lol: I'll post some pictures when I work out how to download them from my phone:confused: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL (2 AND 4 LEGGED:lol:) Cassie xx
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