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Everything posted by Nell2609

  1. OK, I may still be awiaitng the result of my current claim against RBS but, between submitting my claim and banking elsewhere, I have requested a further refund of charges subsequently applied to that account. I sent in the letter/schedule detailing charges/refund requested and received this back: The very next day, this letter arrived: So.... Do I still need to issue the LBA, reiterating my request for a refund/threatening to take to Court, as my next step? Or is this stage bypassed, owing to the fact the Banks have stated everything is now on hold? :-? Please advise ASAP. Thank you.
  2. I am in the same position as you, and countless others, I'm afraid. My case had been stayed until 31 March 2008, but I received a letter yesterday which can be viewed on the RBS page under my ongoing thread. If anybody can tell me whether I can appeal at this juncture, please let me know how, as I have 5 days remaining from the court deadline stipulated. Thanks.
  3. Can somebody advise what action I need to take iro latest letter received from courts? Can I appeal against the extension, if so what form do I use and is there a generic template I can refer to? Thank you.
  4. Thanks for getting back to me, Hedgey. I did place a call with the Courts this week, enquiring into the state of play, and was advised that I would receive a letter in writing in due course. Good enough, letter arrived today:
  5. Excerpt lifted from letter handed to me at court hearing whereby case was stayed (full text in previous thread). Can somebody tell me what I am expected to do now? Do I wait until the OFT case is decided (anybody have any news on this, all quiet on the media front?) or do I contact them by 31 March? In a nutshell, what does this mean for me now?
  6. Right, following last week's hearing this landed on my mat this morning: With reference to point 2, and in view of the Judge's comments last week, is it worth me submitting an appeal for the stay to be lifted using the updated OFT template? And what do I have to do with regard to point 3? As always, any help appreciated!
  7. Thanks for the offer, Hedgey, most kind. But it was held in Liverpool. The Judge only mentioned Manchester to highlight that Liverpool had given their claimants a better offer of March, as opposed to Manchester staying claims until September. Thanks for support, Atlantic.
  8. You're right about the credit cards, Atlantic. I was talking to a lawyer representing a TSB claimant this afternoon, and he said that credit card companies had reviewed their charges and agreed that £12 was a fair charge, hence why they are paying out. If anything, it was something I can put down to experience. Albeit a frustrating one. What I am not sure of is whether, come March, I will be expected to attend a further hearing or whether the Judge will just grant the claim, if the banks lose? And Vonnie, I would love to be fly on the wall when the smiling assassin has the grin wiped from his smarmy face and his wildly gesticulating arm bent up his back.
  9. Well, yes, dependant on the outcome it roughly equates to an additional £50 a month in interest. Still gutted though.
  10. Well, after an hour and twenty minutes of wringing my hands and dry retching I was ushered into Court Room 3. I had a fair idea what the outcome would be, owing to the fact that Barclay's smug representative kept coming out of the room and thrusting his fist into the air as a sign that things were going the Banks' way. The Judge was very pleasant - even congratulating me on my "very nicely prepared bundle" - but got straight to the point. No sooner had I introduced myself, she was explaining the recent OFT case and that this meant all cases would be stayed until 31 March 2008 or the outcome of the case. I told her that I had anticipated this being the case and stated that I had prepared an appeal and asked whether I could submit it at this juncture. She advised that I could apply for the stay to be lifted, and that the letter she was going to hand me would explain the correct process. Her cautionary words were that Manchester have agreed to stay all cases until September 2008 and that, even though I may appeal, only those cases with extenuating circumstances (i.e. home repossession) would have the stay lifted prior to March 2008. Contents of letter presented at hearing: So there you have it. Feel completely deflated and quite incensed that the cases weren't stayed prior to the hearing, when RBS requested it.
  11. Hedgey, Peter, Livelylad your support is much appreciated. Thanks for the links; hoping they do settle on the steps, as BF's detailed process has put the fear of God into me! Shall be swotting into the wee hours. It is to be held at Liverpool Civil & Family Court. Will let you know how I fare. Thank you, again.
  12. Cheers, Atlantic. Seriously quaking in my boots, and just want tomorrow to be over and done with now. Who knows how it will go?... You did what you felt best at the time, so no regrets. Will post again tomorrow.
  13. Quick update: - letter received from bank today, reiterating first offer made in April (£5387) which I did not accept the first time around - phoned courts to enquire into status of claim as Cobbetts applied for stay, told that Judge advised hearing carrying on as scheduled - hearing tomorrow
  14. Thanks, Peter, much appreciated. Have typed up a wee summary to refer to and have recalculated interest again...further £100 to be added! Has to be said, feel sick with the nerves....
  15. Liverpool Civil and Family Court seem to be taking a case by case basis. Hearing going ahead as scheduled, tomorrow.
  16. Know I should link this to my outstanding thread but, not being able to change the thread title, didn't want this to be overlooked. In short, Cobbetts applied for a stay last week, heard nothing from Courts, phoned Courts just now and advised that stay refused, hearing going ahead as scheduled tomorrow (with a block of about 30 other cases). Excellent news, but absolutely bricking it!! I have a copy of my bundle, but don't have the first clue about representing myself. What will I be expected to say/do? Any advice would be a Godsend!!
  17. Excellent news, FC! Do you think your case was strengthened by the fact that Cobbetts recently offered to settle, or do you think the rest of us still has a fighting chance if we challenge the stay?
  18. Bundle dropped off on Monday and received covering note from Cobblers today, with copy of letter to County Court: Expected, but crushing nonetheless. Long shot, but will it matter that Cobblers have stated an incorrect hearing date?
  19. Bundle complete! As haven't heard anything since FSA stay, am dropping this off with the Courts on Monday.
  20. I have just completed my bundle and have been advised to hand one into Court and keep one for yourself to take to your own hearing. I have been advised that it will suffice to send a copy of the bundle Index to the bank's Solicitors, as a matter of courtesy so they have an idea of your bundle contents.
  21. I haven't heard anything from mine either, FC. Bundle now completed (finally!) and shall be taking it in on Monday, and posting index to Cobbetts for info. I too am disappointed there are not many updates on the forum but, in all fairness, after watching last week's interview with Moneysaver's Martin it would seem that this came out of the blue and the three main consumer groups had no inkling this would happen. I know this needs to be decided, for the benefit of all, but after months of fighting and having the finishing line in sight (15 August) from an utterly selfish perspective I wish this could have waited... Found this on my travels. Have signed this and think it can only add pressure on FSA if this is hammered by as many folk as can be mustered. Make UK Banks Deal with Bank Charges - Online Petition
  22. OK, have managed to located letter templates. The letter specific to my stage (offer letter from bank, hearing date set) does not allow my to request partial payment. As such, I have plagiarised, and want to know if this is ok? XX July 2007 The Royal Bank of Scotland Customer Relations Unit Retail Support The Forthstone 56 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9LE Re: Account number XXXXXXXX Response to settlement offer Dear Mr Douthwaite Thank you for your letter dated XX XX 2007. I respectfully decline your offer of Full and Final settlement. However, I am prepared to temporarily accept the sum offered as partial settlement on the clear understanding that the remainder is paid in full. For the avoidance of doubt, I wish to stress that I do not accept your offer under the terms stated in your letter. You may not have been aware that I commenced legal action against you for the full amount plus interest and costs on 04 May 2007 and I would ask that you now refer this matter to your legal department for further instruction. My claim is for £7701.57 as outlined in my Particulars of Claim, plus court costs of £350.00, and this claim will continue until payment is made in full. I trust this clarifies my position. Yours faithfully Can I suggest this at this stage in the proceedings? If so, does this letter need tweaking?? Any help appreciated....
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