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Everything posted by norwich1

  1. Colonesun Unfortunately we can't win them all, as some are not mis sold and sods law prevents us from reclaiming. Have you checked to see if they were regulated by another body if so complain to them. Or you can go to court. If you take your claim to court (A. you may win by default if they dont acknowledge you claim. (B. If they File an INTENTION to Defend you may win by Default if they dont carry it through. (C. If they do defend you will be sent an Alocation Questioner and you will be asked if you want to take it to Mediation instead of going to Court. Mediation is the same as going to the FOS. This process may cost you £60 or so. All is not lost. My last 4 remaining PPI claims are not going so well either but I will persue them to the bitter end,m remember there is more than one way to skin a Rabbit, or Rob a Bank. Olive Family That is GREAT news you should get all your charges refunded, Carbot are Angels in Disguise. Should we ask Carbot if they will help us claim back our mis-sold PPI? What do you think?
  2. Hi Jonnyk Bank Account charges have been Stayed but NOT Credit Cards if yours is a Credit Card apply to have the Stay lifted. I had 2 claims stayed one was Barclaycard the other was Littlewoods which is in fact also Barclaycard. I applied to have stays lifted and wrote to The Barclays informing them of the fact I was doing so and BEHOLD they both paid out in Full. Dont be to hasty ( I am afraid I am ) it pays not jump the gun be patient do your homework get the facts right then hit them. Today I had a letter from court saying Barclays were defending X x X x's you know what I mean.
  3. While you are waiting for the rest of you documents, now is the time the to check this Site for for reasons of mis selling PPI. Also check out "moneysavingexpert.com" PPI thats Martin Lewis of course. I am not experienced enough to to advise you what to or how to claim. Are you self employed? Have a look at my Thread " Not Ticked the Box" I will send you a Private Messege lol
  4. PS Just how visible or INVISIBLE is the little Tick?
  5. Hi Jonnyk I am very very interested in your little Tick. I believe the little Tick is definitely designed to be missed. I believe when a customer asks for credit the "sales person" asks the relevant questions and Types in BIG X's in the appropiate boxes AND minuscule x's in the INAPPROPIATE boxes. The application form is then sent/handed to the Prey/Victim/Customer to unwittingly sign for PPI which is hidden from their view. I have seen X's not even printed in the boxes but a line below the "Boxes" and a minuscule x so cleverly hidden on the second ( o ) of the word protecti(o)n under the Box that it requires a magnifying glass to verify that it is there at all. Clearly misleading; clearly miss selling and maybe theft or fraud but definitely a con. Keep in touch Jonnyk. What do you make of this Hellhasnofury?????
  6. Hi Jonnyk Do you have a copy of your origignal PPI policy? I am having trouble getting copies of my documents in a letter from Citi Cards in relation to CCA s.78 they told me they do not have to send the full details of Executed Agreements they can make ommissions form this. they should send all your statement under DPA request but will delay as long as possible. Like you on my application the Box is preticked with a Printed "X" obviously you or I did not put it there. I am TRYING to claim on this aspect but I dont think they will submit to this and it will probably end up with the FOS to decide or the Court. Here is the address Peter Townsend Manager Barclays Data Protection Privacy and Data Protection Radbroke Hall , Knutsford , Cheshire WA16 9EU
  7. Yes cancel ASP. No it wont affect the process of your SAR you may have cause to think it has because they are allways v e r y s l o w sending the Documents back to you at the best of times. The document without a signature can only go in your favour
  8. Hi doolally lady On my exemptoin Certificate it says I am exempt because my earnings are low I t makes no mention of hours
  9. Not aimed at you directly HHNF but I know you are up in these matters. I have pm'd Sequenci Any more suggestion to as who may be able to unravel this mystery. Thanks
  10. Hi Pompom No you havent mesed up. every thing is OK. you have sent off your SAR so just wait and see what that brings brings back. It may take a long time, they will try to delay things as long as possible and hope you go away. But just stick at it and you wiil succeed in the end. I have been trying to get a copy of my PPI Policy from Barclays for 3 months, still have'nt got it. They have just sent me a later version than the one that was applicable to my account. So I am on to them again tonight. Dont give up its very early days You should get a reply to your letter cancelling the insurance, so its just wait and see what they proppose. What I can not uderstand is how the Loan got from £15,000 up to £40,000
  11. Ineligible to be sold PPI note 4 admin I HAVE a QUESTION ??????????????? But first READ ON-------- National Insurace EXEMPT, Self-employed or others who are exempt. I was not Eligible to be Sold the PPI and/or to make a claim. Quote from one of my PPI T/Cs “(3) Significant Features & Benefits, Eligibility, To be eligible for cover you must be, first named on the agreement, over 18 and under 65 at the end of the agreement in employment or self employment and paying the correct class of National Insurance Contributions” unquote. I was self-employed and not paying any National Insurance Contributions as I was exempt from paying Nat Ins as I did not earn enough to do so. Therefore freinds if you were exempt from paying Nat Ins you were not eligible to be sold PPI and/or able to make a claim. Check your Policies if it says and paying the correct class of National Insurance Contributions (Clas 2 in the case of self-employed) Then CLAIM but you must have a copy of your exemption Form ( maybe a DPA request to to the Inland Revenue is appropiate here?) I have won 5 claims on this basis and I have got at least 2 if not more similar to follow up. Hope this helps the less well off. Now THE question: WHY ? I have letters from some of my creditors stateing "I would have been unable to make a claim because of this" and therefore they have refunded all premiums Plus Interest. But I do'nt know WHY, and I want to find out because I want to take the Banks to court. Anybody. Hellhasnofury??????????????
  12. Hi Pompom I dont know if there is a template letter. just put something like : Please terminate my Payment Protection Insurance relating to my account mumber XXXXXX with your company/ bank XXXXXX forthwith. I am on a DMP with XXXXXX and can only afford XXXXXXX per month (what you are paying on your DPM) I had a loan with Argos and sent them a brief letter like that. My insurance was divided into 12 equal payments But, to cancel my Insurancethey wanted to close my orignal loan and then wanted me to take to take out a NEW loan with repayments of £81.00 per month. I was on a DMP and have lots of Creditors to repay and could No Way pay them the £81.00 pm. So I did not cancel the Insurance. When I reclaimed PPI from them (successfully) during negotiations they informed me that if I had agreed to take out a NEW loan, that as I was a paying them through the DMP I would have only had to pay them the £6.41 pm that they had agreed to with the CCCS They did not tell me this at the time. So before you (your Husband) signs a New agreement, get confirmation that you will not have to pay more than what you are paying them through your DPM If they had told me this at the time I would have taken out a new loan to stop the insurance premiums. Rest assured Pompom there are a lot of very knowlegible people here to help people like you and I.
  13. Had a brief brouse though this thread, seems like you are having trouble with SARs. Have you tried: Reference: SECTION 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Some things SARs do not cover and SECTION 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 dose and vice-versa
  14. OK Simply Phone them up AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and say you want to cancel the insurance on the loan immediately , but your husband will have to phone them. If he does not want to talk to them he can give his permission for you talk to them over the phone. Then write to them and tell them you want to cancel the insurance immediately you can do this all your husband has to do is sign it. I write all my wifes letters she just signs them, she has'nt got a clue what she's signed for.
  15. Hi Pompom If Payplan are a free service stay with them if not: CCCS Wade House Merrion Centre Leeds LS2 8NG Tel 0845 272 5400 Fax 0113 297 0100 The CCCS sevice is a Free service I am claiming on behalf of my wife she had over 20 creditors and destroyed all the statements/application forms/ insurance details/T/cs everything, as she wanted to keep her debts hidden from me. When I started claiming Penalty Charges back for her I had a huge problem obtaining all the documents but in the end I got all we needed and have 100% success in claiming back all her penalty Charges. Now we are trying to get PPI on 10 accounts we are having the same problems Getting the Documents. We have been trying scince October and still have not all of them yet , but we will. Do NOT GIVE UP TRYING TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK because that is just what all the banks are trying to make you do. You must keep trying. My wife can not remember what she said/wrote/ signed for/ who or if she spoke to someone or not. Answers to your Questions: You have the terms and conditions of the loan. OK 1. What you need to get is a copy "The Original Application Form for the Loan" 2. The Payment Protection Insurance Policy Certificate Your PPI may be worded different Now you need to send away for a copy of your Application and a copy of your PPI Policy Certificate, Then wait. While you are waiting, look at how to reclaim PPI on this site, read other people Threads and learn as much as you can. If you need to know some thing just ask. I dont know much about what grounds to claim on I am just stumbling along myself.
  16. HI Pompom Me again may I suggest you get in contact with Credit Consumers Counciling Service if you are in debt they can help you Big Time also go to The Citizens Advice Beurue.
  17. HI Pompom For gods sake Pompom CANCEL the Insurance NOW!!! A standard S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) may not get what you want so send them this: Next Day Recorded Delivery cost you £4.30 and keep receipt. Please supply me with True a copy of the Original Terms and Conditions for the Payment Protection Insurance agreement which were applicable at the time I opened this account, for which I enclosed a £1.00 postal order as the statutory fee. Please supply me with a True copy of the Original Loan Agreement at the time I opened this account, for which I enclose a £1.00 Postal Order being the statutory fee for this request. These requests are within my rights under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreements under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.78 (1). I am also aware that you are obliged to supply these documents within 12 days, of receiving this letter & request under S189 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. This letter was sent via the Royal Mail's special delivery service & its delivery time & date has been recorded. Yours Sincerely
  18. Hi Pompom You have come to the right place. There are plenty of people here to help you. Anything your want to know just ask, somebody will answer your questions sooner or later. Claiming back money takes a long time so do not be in a hurry. It may take months, sometimes only weeks. 1st very important keep a log of EVERY thing you do, letters sent dates sent, letters received dates received etc what ever it is KEEP a record of it, especially if you suffer memory loss. KEEP a copy of EVERY letter you write on your PC you may need copies of these later. Also keep and Scan /Copy to your PC every letter you receive. Do you have a copy of your Application Form? Do you have a copy of the Payment Protection Insurance Policy Certificate? Askfor a copy of the Master Policy. Dont WORRY help is at hand. Best of Luck.
  19. To Olive Family If you have a debt with Cabot and if you are in a position to pay some of your debt, phone Carbot and ask them if they will accept a "reduced one off final payment to clear your debt". Because Cabot bought you debt for far less than what you owed your creditor. They knocked £800.00 off one of my debts THEN, you claim back from Littlewoods and hopefully you will win. and they then pay the money to you. You will save yourselfs ££££££££££s
  20. Going back weeks I put a claim into court against the Halifax because I had not "Ticked " the box requestig PPI They acknowleged the claim and their intention to Defend They did'nt and I won by default The amount they had charged me was small I dont really know how much only £50 or so at the most I claimed for £100.00 and WON Excuse me I have to go, I have a much bigger fish to Fry
  21. Hi Jonnyk Ask them to send you an ORIGINAL copy of your Apllication Form you may have to send them a Data Protection Act / Subject Access Request[/quot
  22. Hi Jnnyk Ask them to send you an ORIGINAL copy of your Apllication Form you may have to send them a DPA / Subject Access Request
  23. Hi Northenguy Here is another one LITTLEWOODS PERSONAL FINANCE AINTREE INNOVATION CENTRE PARK LANE NETHERTON BOOTLE L30 1SL Customer Services Tel 0845 300 0542
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