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Everything posted by sickntired

  1. hello I'm sorry to say that I am no expert, and there are lots of people on this forum that can give you reliable advice. I have just settled a claim with the Halifax myself for over £4000 and it has taken about 7 weeks, I did receive the 8 week letter, I think everyone does, but just follow the steps and set you own time line, and if you are unsure about anything look for a member who has lots of experience with claims, and they will guide you through. They did for me and countless others I've no doubt. So good luck and I hope it all works out for you too.
  2. I sent just one LBA for both accounts on 5th April, I called on 16th April to make sure they had got it , and was offered a full refund there and then, so that might be worth a try as well. good luck
  3. thanks for your concern and your congratulations. I don't honestly know what we would have done if we hadn't got this money back, so I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. There is not a person in our house without a smile on their face! I hope your claim works out very soon. very best wishes to you too.
  4. Hi dpick I can imagine that they wouldn't want to admit anything, they letter basically says that, its just they last paragraph that makes me smile, 'If any of your concerns remain unsolved please let me know what you would like me to do to put matters right. We are keen to resolve your concerns .......' I bet they are !! My brain is on overtime now, how I would love to find something else! bye for now.
  5. My offer letter has arrived this morning, so I'll update this thread when the money arrives ( not too long I hope!) .
  6. i rang the customer relations number 08457 253 519. I only called to check that they had received my LBA!. The lady that I spoke to said that I had been offered a full refund and read through the conditions (full and final settlement.......). Its got to be worth a try phoning. Good luck
  7. just thought I would let you know that we have WON!. I phoned the Halifax this afternoon to check that they had received my letter this time, and I was offered the full amount over the phone £4780. I cannot begin to tell you how relieved I feel, and how nice it will be to able to repay all the people that have bailed us out over the last few months. So to everyone else in the same boat, have some faith it what the people here tell you, and it will all work out in the end! Thank you, donation when money arrives, as I'm still skint till then!
  8. sent another LBA on 5th April as they say that they still hadn't received my first one. Do I give them extra time because of the Easter bank holidays or do I include these within the 14 days. If I include the bank holidays I make the final day 24th April.
  9. just thought I would let you know that they may have included both accounts under one claim reference. I called them because I only received one letter even though I had sent two letters- one for each account, but they have assured me that this covers both accounts, so it may be worth checking.
  10. Congratulations, I'm so pleased you have got your money back. You have been a good person to talk to, with good advice. Enjoy!
  11. hello just thought i would let you know that i have just phoned the Halifax to check they have received my letter, which they say they haven't. The man on the phone said that it would make no difference whether i had set a time limit or not, it was the same for everyone 8 weeks, as every case is being dealt with in strict date order. I know from reading other posts that this cant be so, as some people seem to have been paid much quicker. So I was wandering should I carry on regardless, and once my time limit is up, proceed to the next stage. We really are at the desperation stage as far as money is concerned and we (like so many others i guess) really need a resolution to this, so I tried not to sound too desperate on the phone! I'm sure he was glad to speak with me , as I had three of my children crying at the time, you would have thought they would have settled just to get rid of me! wish full thinking perhaps.Sorry for moaning! Any advice gratefully received!
  12. thanks very much, i'll do that tomorrow. I wasnt sure, because i hadnt stipulated any timescale in the preliminary letter, whether I could now do that, so thanks for clearing that up.
  13. hello I was wandering is anyone could offer any advice?. Unfortunately I didn't discover this site until I had already sent off a letter requesting the charges back at the end of Feb. I have since received an acknowledgement, and then yesterday another letter saying they would reply no later than 26th April. I was wandering if it would be OK to send another letter giving them a week to reply with an offer, or do I now have to wait it out now.
  14. I am in the process of reclaiming £4780 in bank charges back from the Halifax. I have never felt as frustrated with anything as i do with bank charges. The last straw came when I was charged £39 for using my debit card which took me 13p over my overdraft, which they then charged me another £28 for going over. They also wouldn't renew our overdraft because of the amount of bank charges we had incurred, which is now costing us £70 per month to repay, we are at rock-bottom. I hope this will all work out.
  15. hi, this is my fist visit to the forum. I'm in the process of trying to claim charges from the Halifax. They have caused myself and my family so much financial stress, we are at rock-bottom. I am worried, the whole process is quite daunting, but we have to try something. I've read such a lot of really useful info , and it's nice to know that it's not just us. Thanks.
  16. Hi,this is my first post also. I'm waiting for a response from the Halifax. I'm worried about the whole situation, but i don't have any option but to try, they are crippling our finances.I wish you luck, and hope it all works out for you.
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