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Everything posted by lol114

  1. Hi By the way, how many of us have a wee dram in our hands at this moment in time. LOL:)
  2. Hi Bigmac oh really! but if it is unlawful we could claim for every charge that has been inflicted upon us. just to add, I would have felt reasonable happy with this decision by the OFT to take this matter to the high court for clarification, but it unsettles me that we have been told less that 24hrs before it actually goes ahead, it makes me feel that something underhand is afoot, whether that is this case or not i do not know, and the fact that you guys did not know of it is a bit unsettling (as I know you guys are on your game). Just thinking out load. Cheers Bigmac
  3. Hi everyone Just thinking over today's announcement. Do you think it is likely that they will decide that, like credit cards they will set a charge of £12. If this is this case then surely, we could claim back charges for the life of our banks accounts instead of 5/6 years period, and they would have to give us it voluntarily instead of us having to go to court, FOS etc. Just wondering.
  4. Hi Eileen Yes I did receive an offer from bank through FOS but without the interest, and I requested the interest. I did feel a little bit of regret, but i have to believe everything will work out alright in the end, I feel we have right on our side. I thought that money was gone, and I have not yet lost hope. lets keep fighting. Linda
  5. Hi all Have you seen the news, and the above post. Well, this is a bolt out of the blue, there has been no hint of this happening and I find it highly suspicious. Linda
  6. Hi all This is a bolt out of the blue, this has not been hinted at all, and I find it all highly suspicious. I guess we wait. Linda
  7. Hi All I have received a reply from the FOS, it says this matter is now being passed to an adjudicator. Anyone out there able to shed some light on this, what is exactly is the script now. Linda
  8. Hi I'm not sure I'll get the interest, but I have to try as it is a lot of money, and it may make us on this site understand what the FOS can do and what they can't. To be honest, I was thinking of taking just the charges refund as there is something important I wish to do with it and could do with the money now for that purpose, but in the end I thought it was important to hold them accountable for the interest on this money, so I'll have to employ more patience in awaiting their response, if I didn't ask I would always wonder whether I would have got it. Linda
  9. Hi Everyone I have today recieved a letter from the FOS stating that the bank will settle my claim BUT minus the interest, at £1000 odd, well I'm not having that, have winged at letter back to the FOS asking for the interest and not accepting their final offer. Anything else I could do, please advise. Linda
  10. Hi Bigmac Ohhhhh.. I hate it when your right! LOL! Just venting some frustration, I can see the winning post. Your right, so far the FOS have been really good, and the girl did say the minute they get anything from the bank, they don't sit on it, they send us details immediately. So I guess it's just a waiting game.... not very good at waiting! Linda
  11. Hi all I have today phoned the FOS regarding my claim to find out whether Lloyds have replied to their last letter, they haven't. I then asked if the FOS put a limit on when the should reply by, and was told no, not really. So now I'm fuming, still dragging their heels. I am considering phoning the bank and complaining, but unsure which number to phone - Andover? or whether to phone at all. Any advice welcome. Linda
  12. Hi BigMac Thanks for your words of encouragement. My philosophy in life is treat people the way you want to be treated, and if they dont reciprocate - stuff them..... No more Miss Nice Girl! Linda
  13. Hi Kenny I think I understand where you are coming from, this would be great in an ideal world, where institutions have morals and values, but this is not the case. Don't you think at some point while accruing these charges people have not tried to appeal to their banks to be reasonable through these difficult times, it more often than not did not work, I find it funny that we now have to try to be reasonable to the bank in the one case where we get to hold them accountable for their actions. We have afforded them the chance to be reasonable, with prelim letter and LBA's but they still refuse to relent and fight all the way. I have let the FOS know, that the bank did not listen to my appeals for help and infact offered me a loan to pay off my bank charges (some of which were accrued because I could not work due to a debilitating illness), these approaches from me and their offers of loans should be on my files that the bank have and should be forwarded to the FOS, if in an ideal world the bank would let them have them, but that would mean that they could be fully investigated, so they wont be reasonable! With no disrepect intended your post seems a bit naive. Linda
  14. Hi Everyone, Just to keep you informed, received a letter from FOS yesterday telling me that they had written to my bank asking several questions, one of them being, how were these charges calculated. They said they would let me know if they received any correspondence from Lloyds. I telephoned the FOS the other day and they guy there said to expect and offer. So hopefully it wont be to long now, I know Lloyds drag everything out regarding court matters, but I'm not sure how they are when dealing with the FOS, just have to wait and see. Linda
  15. Hi William A funny thing, the post just came and I received a letter from the Ombudsman, the one you received on the 19th May, so hopefully I will be in the same position as you in a couple of weeks, WEALTHY! Linda
  16. Hi Willaim Thats great news! I am so pleased for you. Well done. Linda
  17. Hi Knox Just thought i'd let you know I received the same letter about 2-3 weeks ago, but yesterday i phoned the FOS regarding a letter i got from the bank, the guy told me that I should expect an offer from the bank in about three weeks as this seems to be the norm once the FOS have sent them their letter requesting any files. I said, really! and he said quite confidently 'Oh! you'll get an offer" Just thought I'd let you know. Linda
  18. Hi Bigmac Yes, they offered £750 and paid it into my account nearly 5 weeks ago, wrote to them refusing it and telling them that I would now be going to FOS. I think your right, this letter upon reading it seemed like a creepy suck-up letter for someones benefit, definitely not mine! Should I let the FOS have this letter now as part of my file? Linda
  19. Hi Just thought I'd let you know that I recieved this letter from Lloyds today, a month after I refused their goodwill gesture and told them I would be persuing a claim through FOS: Dear Miss Lol114 Thankyou for your letter dated 18th April 2007. I am sorry that you've not been happy with our response so far. I am unable to add to our letter dated 29th March. This is because we have already outlined our position on the points you raised. I know that you do not wish to accept our offer, but this is a gesture of goodwill and does not affect your right to take further action. I also want to let you know that the amount we've offered you is the maximum we are able to award. If you do decide to take further action, and are successful in your claim, this figure will be deducted from any award that may be made. Other than this, we will not be making any attempt to reclaim this money. Thankyou once again for taking time to raise your conscerns with us. Customer Service Centre Andover Well! whats that all about? Anybody else had a letter like this. Linda
  20. Hi New computer, sorry again! There isn't any actual template on this site as yet. The form is pretty straightforward. Use the wording that you used in your prelim letter to the bank. Be careful when asking for the interest, I requested the interest in the box regarding any other information. I am not sure this is 100% correct but they have had my form for 4 weeks now and there hasn't been any issues come up regarding this. They have told me my claim has gone to an investigations team. If you are worried or have any problems just ask, and I will do my best to help and I'm sure others will too. Linda
  21. Hi ...... sorry! lol... accidentally pressed send but in mid sentence.... to continue.. queries or problem you have. I would say that 12 weeks is a realistic time period. I feel confident that they will do the business. Linda
  22. Hi cosmo I have a claim in with the FOS for £6000, I have found them very helpful and informative, in my experience they keep you up to date with what is happening with your case and give you a ref number, so as you can contact them with any
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