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  1. I,m with Souther Pacific and have been asked to trump up £10200 I would be interested to here if there is a way of avoiding these charges
  2. A liitle further info The FSO are doing a really good job but when I last spke they were talkin about a 3 - 4 month turnaround period because of the shear volume of people calling them. The crux of the matter though is the banks are still unprepared to disclose the costs of sending out admin letters. I am certain that if you stick with the FSO they will eventually get tou a satisfactory result. I have no experience of court action as I didn't go down that route in the end like you I was a bit apprehensive.
  3. I used the ombudsman service at the same time as keeping up my own pressure. I bottled going to court but accepted 50% from the Halifax as a full and final settlement. Forgot to tell FSO he however continued workin on my case and obtained the rest of the money for me
  4. Hello to you all. Just messaging to say hello to everybody. I have recentley received payment in full from the Halifax for outstanding bank charges from the Halifax, used the help of th FSO, however I now have a more serious problem with Southern Pacific Mortgages can anybody help are early redemption fees legal? Likewise I recently cleared of a secured loan with First Plus I think Carol had helped them with the maths, briefly because I had had repayment problems they extend the period of the loan from 20 to 20 years increased the rate by 3% and then declined to reduce it over the last 4 years of the loan, the word default rate was mentioned. Has any body had a similar problem with these two lenders. I no longer work as I am a full time carer for my mum so any monies I can get back would dramatically improve mine and her life.
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