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Everything posted by cocococo

  1. yeah right thanks for replys I was just asking if anyone else had received same letter ! I have rang them and they said there was no reason and if I had a grievance about the decision to fax a letter through , how can they say there was no reason specified and close account anyway , thats what I dont understand
  2. Hi , I was just wondering if anyone else banks with natwest and recenly received a letter like the one below , i have 2 step accounts with them and had no problems with accounts but this is the letter i have received dear ..... We National Westminster Bank plc , have recently undertaken a review of the banking arrangements that you have with us , we have, withregret , reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities for you. Consequently , we now require you to make alternative banking arrangements outside of National westminster bank plc , which includes the royal bank of scotland group within 30 days of the date of this letter. Any body received anything similar , i have banked with them several years with no problems , why the hell would they do this
  3. Just an update , I did what you advised ellen thank you , I contacted my banks fraud department and they investigated this and gave me a full refund of £480.00 and advised me that it was fraud as i never authorised them to use this card and it only took my bank 3 days to investigate and refund which i was very impressed with . so thank you once again
  4. I Will Do Thanks Odc , I Am Actually In The First Stages Of Sorting My Debts Out With Payplan ,so Just Waiting To See What They Come Back With Aswell.
  5. thank you very much for your help and advice , will email that to them now.
  6. HI , i have just received an email advising me to expect a doorstep visit at my place of work next week , is this legal ? is there any letter i can send them to stop them from visiting ? please need advice asap. thank you
  7. I took out a payday loan last year and got into debt and moved ect forgot to tell this company and to cut a long story short they have today took nearly all my wages and took £380 from my debit card , I did not authorise this is there any thing I can do , now i cant pay my rent
  8. i am just about to send this letter to this bloke from welcome finance , if there is anything anyone thinks i should change or add please advise me. thanks for reading. Dear ,,,,,, further to your visit to my home yesterday , we have today sought advice from an independant financial advisor regarding our discussion yesterday , r.e new credit agreements ect. We would ask that you keep everything in writing and by post , unless we specifically ask you to visit us at home . Therefore any new agreements or paperwork you require us to look over could you please post this to us in order foe us to review and proceed if necessary with our financial advisor. yours ,,,,,,,,, they are also ringing me all the time they have just tried ringing 3 times in the space of 10 mins , can i say anthing about this thanks for reading
  9. So Is It Not True That Being In Arrears With One Agreement That It Could Jeopodise Our Hp Agreement Even Though Hp Agreement Is Up To Date.
  10. Thank you for your reply , I do think they are just trying to make more money out of us , and this bloke was from welcome he wasnt from a dca or anything if thats what you meant ?
  11. This is a long story but will try and keep short so you can try and get the idea of the situation and hopefully offer any advice. We were homeowners and took out a secured loan with welcome finance in 2005 , we have recently been repossessed from that property in dec 2007 and moved in to private rented accom , I had honestly forgot to advise welcome of this and the change of address and because we are in financial difficulties we had missed 3 payments with welcome on secured loan . Well today I come in from the school run and someone from welcome knocked on the door , how he knew our new address I do not know but thats not the issue , he said that he was here to sort an arrangement out for the payments , he sounded a nice enough bloke and said he understands the difficulties we are in and that he could get our payment down to £40 - £50 per month and that he would call back when my husband gets paid to collect a payment and sign new agreements ect ?this is the bit i dont understand is he going to try and rip us off or is he genuinely trying to help , he also says if we dont sort this out we are risking our hp agreement which we have had for 6 months and never missed a payment , how can i be risking the car if its a completely different agreement , sorry if this is all over the place and makes no sense but just need some advice please.
  12. hi , sorry to hear about your situation , the same happened to us , we were with scottish power and we just rang them and they came out and put emergency credit on until card comes through post they put £25 on to last , ring them back and be firm tell them you have 2 kids under 5 and you need heating esp in this weather , its not your fault there are no cards left to top up ect good luck to you
  13. Hi , My husband received a phone call from yes loans the other day as we were looking for an unsecured loan we done an application with them and they told us that we had been accepted and what the monthly repayments would be , the advisor asked my husband for his debit card details which my husband gave as he thought it was just part of the application process for verification purposes , Now i have checked my bank account and they have debited £49.50 from our account there was no mention on the telephone conversation of any fees or anything and my husband did not give any permission to debit any money from our account. I am really angry and I have sent them one hell of an email as i feel they have commited fraud , i have again emailed them today and had no response from either email . Has anyone dealt with these how do i get my money back anyone have any contact details for them pref email addresses. Thanks for reading.
  14. Thank you for your replies , i did attend cab and because of my situation they advised I went bankrupt as I have approx £20,000 unsecured debt and we have mortgage shortfall also of £17,000 there is no other way of paying this. I was just asking if i could tell creditors that i was petitioning for bankruptcy they might get off my case for a bit but I gather not . I just dont know what else to do am at my wits end now.
  15. Hi all , I have loads of people chasing me for payments that i just cant pay , they are phoning and writing everyday and I cant cope with it anymore. I am going to declare myself bankrupt but want christmas out of the way first . If a creditor phones can I say to them that I am struggling financially and that I am petitioning for bankruptcy even if I havent started getting the ball rolling yet. Please advise.
  16. i got the same letter from GDR and yes I did have an account with lloyds approx 8-9 years ago , i simply wrote them a letter stating I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT YO YOUR COMPANY and I received a letter back stating that lloyds had advised them to close there file . I havent heard anything since , so just goes to show not to give into them.
  17. good morning , well this morning we have received a letter from mortgage companys solicitor basically saying that they are to enforce the order for possession and that they have applied to the county court for the issue of a warrent of possession and that we will shortly receive notification of eviction date from the baliff . What a bloody mess wasnt expecting this ,this soon what do i do , still try and sell before they possess or what ?
  18. thank you so much for all your advice its really appreciated to be honest jansus I think it us and kensington to blame my husband was off sick from work for 5 months and we didnt realise we didnt have payment protection on mortgage so payments got out of hand and also i think they are to blame as there surveyor overpriced house so we were lent more money. Thanks again to both of you. will keep you updated.
  19. i dont have a recent statement but i def know there are loads of charges on £50 per month arrears fee solicitors fees ect ect , payment was due end of october but havent been able to pay it so payment is missing from account.
  20. hi bona and thanks , we do have a suspended possession order thats why we want confirmation from them that we can sell asap instead of them taking it , we have had valuations done which is £110,000 so do you think i should just instruct estate agents to put on market or wait for confirmation from kensington that we can sell ? i am sure i have read somewhere that they have to give you the opportunity of selling it first or somewhere along those lines. the payments we have been making on repayment mortgage is £851.15 that is with £50 extra off arrears per month .
  21. thank you jansas , i just feel like i have no where to turn to ask questions and advice , especially regarding all of this like legal stuff ect like when i sell will new buyers have any problems with sale ect and kensington havent gave us any advice or help the only thing they said was when we phoned to say we cant afford property anymore they said ok in that case we will raise an eviction order which will take 4 - 6 weeks to receive that was it. I really dont know what to do. its so humiliating and cant risk my family finding out.
  22. Thank you both for your replys , kensington are not willing to change to interest only and even if i did rent out my house the payments from that would not cover mortgage payments , I am trying to sell my house as I have had enough cant do this anymore I a stressed , depressed and had another baby so need 3 bedroom house which we have found to rent. Kensington are the most unhelpful people I have ever dealt with I am just awaiting a confirmation letter from them stating that they will allow us to sell property ourselves , so dont want to instruct estate agents yet in case they decide to say no we are just repossessing , either way there is still going to be a shortfall but less of a one if we sell as we would get more for property.
  23. Thank you for your reply Bona , in answer to your questions we have 22 years remaining on mortgage it is repayment , we tried negotiating payments with them but they were not interested thats how we are in this mess . tHE SHORTFALL IS APPROX £7,000 on mortgage then there would be £5,000 for secured loan , obviously we dont want house to be repossessed but we no longer want to own it so would rather sell it ourselves , the only thing i dont understand is what happens about shortfall and would new buyers have any problems with sale going through. I have also wrote to welcome on the advice of my solicitor asking them to remove second charge in order to reduce some of the neg equity and turn loan to unsecured , but awaiting a reply from them , I have also asked mortgage company for a confirmation letter advising that it is ok for us to sell prop for the best price we can get.
  24. Hello , ok I will try and explain this the best I can as I am really desperate for advise. We phoned our mortgage company and told them we can no longer afford mortgage , they said ok in that case we will issue you with an eviction notice which can take between 4 - 6 weeks to receive . Thats fine and we do have somewhere else to live so thats not the problem--. The problem is with redemtion we owe £117000 , £7,000 of this is redemption charge now our property is only valued at £110000 but when we remortgaged with mortgage company who by the way is kensington there surveyor valued at £120000 . We also have a secured loan with welcome for approx £5000 so we have negative equity . We asked mortgage company if we could sell house ourselves and they said yes but can anyone explain what will happen with shortfall on mortgage and the amount we owe welcome will that charge automatically fall off when someone buys , also would the new buyer have any problems with the sale ect .I have so many questions and no where to turn to . Any advice or anything appreciated and sorry its so long winded.
  25. Well I sent the letter Curlyben advised me to send and this is the response I got back this morning. Dear ..... Our client has completed a review of the above and instructed us to close our file . If you have any further enquiries you should send your correspondance direct to FV-1 . Now do I take it that they agree I dont owe the debt or do you think they have transferred the debt ?
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