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Everything posted by garwil

  1. Hi all i have just received a reply to my Letter Before Action from Natwest Cc Services My original Claim was for £240.00. they replied stating that they would only refund the difference betwen the £20 charge and the current £12 charge i.e £8 for every £20 they charged me!! I accepted the part offer of £96 but informed them i would be going to court to claim the outstanding ammount. They say this offer is there final response but i can refer my case to the ombudsman. Has anyone got further than this with Natwest CCards and got there money? This is onlly a small ammount but i have just been succesful in claiming £4000.00 back from my bank and i now feel that i should be entitled to everything else ihave been charged for by other institutions!! Thanks
  2. SUCCESS!!!!! Well guys we have done it i went for the meting with the senior NB manager yesterday and i have to say it was very ammicable! after some discussion i discovered that i was claiming too much, i had over calculated interest and claimed for items i was not entitled to - they were very understanding. the newly calculated figure was approx £5000 and after some discussion and bartering we agreed an a repayment of.........£4000.00 what a result. We are over the moon. all it took was a letter asking for statements, the request for the money to be repaid, we received an acknowledgement saying they were looking into our concerns and next a ophone call asking for a meeting. Money lodged in account today!!!! I was nervous about this but after some consideration decided to go ahead. But like LTWFB new what my bottom line was before going into the meeting and this is what we got!!!!WHOOPEE No LBA, No Court No Hassle! They also changed our current account to a fee free one and extended our overdraft facility What a result!!!! So to all NB customers out there Go For It! it is a very straightforward process and you will get a result. The support from everyone else on this forumn is invaluable - thanks to everyone for there encouragement! now for the next ones natwest CC claimed £240 offerd 96 LBA for remainder today RBS CC claimed £180 refusal letter recived today saying fees are legal - LBA sent Mint CC as above Citi cards request for statements sent 40 days past and still waiting Capital One CC claim for £1000+ lodged clock ticking!! Can Some One Please move this to the success section or have i to do it myself??
  3. SUCCESS!!!!! :-D Well guys we have done it i went for the meting with the senior NB manager yesterday and i have to say it was very ammicable! after some discussion i discovered that i was claiming too much, i had over calculated interest and claimed for items i was not entitled to - they were very understanding. the newly calculated figure was approx £5000 and after some discussion and bartering we agreed an a repayment of.........£4000.00 what a result. We are over the moon. all it took was a letter asking for statements, the request for the money to be repaid, we received an acknowledgement saying they were looking into our concerns and next a ophone call asking for a meeting. Money lodged in account today!!!! I was nervous about this but after some consideration decided to go ahead. But like LTWFB new what my bottom line was before going into the meeting and this is what we got!!!!WHOOPEE:-D :-D No LBA, No Court No Hassle! They also changed our current account to a fee free one and extended our overdraft facility What a result!!!! So to all NB customers out there Go For It! it is a very straightforward process and you will get a result. The support from everyone else on this forumn is invaluable - thanks to everyone for there encouragement! now for the next ones natwest CC claimed £240 offerd 96 LBA for remainder today RBS CC claimed £180 refusal letter recived today saying fees are legal - LBA sent Mint CC as above Citi cards request for statements sent 40 days past and still waiting Capital One CC claim for £1000+ lodged clock ticking!! Can Some One Please move this to the success section or have i to do it myself??
  4. Hi Guys I have 3 seperate accounts that i am claiming on so maybe 3 seperate claims may go through the small claims courts system? I had re arranged a meeting with the senior area manager for Monday coming and they rang back to say he could not make it........ Surprise surprise!! They offered me another appointment later in the week but it did not suit me and i insisted Monday was the only day suited me, they rang back to say they had arranged for another senior manager to meet with me instead. So lets see what they come up with and take it from there I cant help but feel they are stalling on a face to face meeting, maybe i am wrong!! Garwil:!:
  5. hi there fellow claimers just received a letter from Natwest CC offering a settlement for my claim I claimed £240.00 + £37 interest and they have offered me £96.00!!!! This they claim is the difference of the fees of £20 i was charged and the legal fee of £12 they now charge! Can any one advise if they have succesfully reclaimed the full ammount or should i settle for the offer? Many Thanks Garwil
  6. hello out there just returned from my meeting with NB I met the branch manager and the business manager they said they had to apologise for the senior area manager who could not make it. After some discussion as to what i would accept ( they hinted at 50% of my claim) i said i would not accept anything less than what i am owed and i was prepared to go to ourt to get it. My problem is that the total charges from 3 accounts with NB stands at £7568.00(before interst), can i do 4 seperate small claims to the court? i have been asked to make an appointment to meet the area manager next week,i am happy to do this but need advice on the 4 small claims issue. PS I asked what a referral fee was and how they could justify charging £25 for it. The answer " I sometimes wonder what it means myself" looks like were getting closer to a result!!!!
  7. Hi averyone i am at the stage of having filed my claim with NB for charges toataling approx £6000 on 2 accounts(Incs Interest) I have been asked to attend a meeting with my branch manager and business manager this week. I am vey dubiious of attending this as i also dont want to get a grilling. Did LTWFB go to his meeting as requested or not? I would appreciate any advice or help!!!! Wish me luck
  8. Hi there just joined i have already sent my letters claiming approx £7500.00 in charges on 3 seperate accounts with the one bank!! Just today the acting manager in my local branch appraoched me and said she was dealing with one of the accounts. She stated that she felt the charges were unfair but felt that i might only get half my claim back!! She said i would have to come into an interview on monday!! Has any one experienced this approach? I am still awaiting a decesion on the other two claims. I have had an acknowledgement saying thay are looking into my compalint. I am also in process of claiming on my credit cards wish me luck!!
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