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  1. I see what your saying but... the problem I have with TTG is that they insist on diagnosing the problem over the phone with you taking the role as PC diagnosis technician, I just want the PC sorted. The problem is that the fault is intermittent and I think quite serious (I do know a bit about PC's). The last time I spoke to them they would not do anything until they had decided what fix was required (a fix that did not work!). I just want them to take it away or me drop off and return it sorted. Bottom line is I'm loathe to deal with them because I found the whole experience so annoying the last time I did so. Maybe I should bite the bullet, I think I'll hold on for a few more days to see what response I get from my e-mail. Thanks for your input. Richard
  2. Yes, I thought about that... but am I correct in the stance I've taken with regards to the tech guys; am I obliged to go through them or can I insist that Currys do the running ? I don't mind taking it into the store but on a previous occasion (different PC) the store manager tried to push me onto the manufacturer and I only got sense from him once I'd pre-arranged my visit via customer services. Am I within my rights to insist that my involvement is with Currys alone ? Thanks again, Richard
  3. Hi all, I purchased a refurb PC from Currys about 6 months ago, about a month ago the PC died... stone dead !! Anyway, i went through the prescribed process i.e. rang the so called Tech guys and after lengthy self diagnosis (under their direction) and expensive phonecalls they eventually came and replaced the hard drive but not before they insisted I purchase new recovery discs (I've since obtained a refund for these from Currys as they were not required). All good so I thought but a week later the PC stopped working correctly, locking up, BSOD's etc. The PC is in general use, fully updated and virus protected. As I was so dissatisfied with the hoops I had to jump through to satisfy the Tech guys (download this, run this, phone us back and we'll put you on hold!) I opted to contact Currys customer support (who had just reimbursed me for the recovery discs) and asked them to sort my PC out on the basis of the following: 1 - They as the vendor are responsible for this issue. 2 - They have no right to inconvenience me time wise and financially by insisting that I contact the Tech guys. 3 - I should not have to troubleshoot/diagnose this problem as I am not a PC repair man. 4 - Ultimately I have no contract with the Tech guys they are not the vendor (they told me so!).. so why should I have to deal with a third party in relation to this matter. I have told Currys that I am happy for them to arrange repair however they choose, but I believe the responsibility lies with them. I’ve not had a response for a few days now, is it reasonable to pursue this avenue or should I roll over and fall at the mercy of the Tech guys ? Sorry for such a long boring post and thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and offer advice. Cheers, Richard
  4. Hi all, Great site, i have 1 win so far against cap 1 using support and info from another fantastic site similar to this 1. I now intend to reclaim from Abbey and i am extremely tantalised by the compounded contractual interest angle, i have calc'd using the "through claim compounded contractual interest" google sheet (is this the appt sheet?) and my claim has more than doubled ! I have been trying to get my head around the interest issue for weeks and i feel that the unauth rate calc'd as per the banks do is appt, it is for them after all. I do, however, still find myself in a quandry as to how to proceed: 1 Restart claim including cci 2 Continue in what i know through experience works i.e. charges + 8% Any help/advice/opinions gratefully received Good luck to all
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